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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Ohhhh, your helmet is so BIG! Yer dirty! And the Lilith-Mao... Woah, what gashapon set is that from?
  2. Sumdumgai


    I wouldn't mind adding a well sculpted VF-17 to my collection, in fact I'd want to! I don't really like the bandai M7 valkyries, they seem overly chunky to me, and I hate the sculpt of the 19. But, for those of you who missed out on the VF-17D I can suggest that you check the Yahoo Japan auctions and use a deputy shopper. You can get some nice deals on stuff... But then again it helps if you can at least read a little bit of Japanese... For example, there's a VF-17 and VF-19kai re-release going currently for $14: http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b55712748 If Yamato began to do more with the VFX license, it would be so cool. Like the VF-17 *hint-hint* The VF-4 *hint-hint* The VF-5000 *hint-hint* (VF-5000 was in the special edition VFX-2 I believe). Otherwise I'll have to invest in Graham's company if he wins the lottery... In fact if I win the lottery before Graham, then I'll start a company for getting these valks made!
  3. It's nice to see more people in favor of a 1/48 scale YF-19. I remember there were some pretty intense debates on the subject of M+ valkyries in 1/48 scale. I think shrinking the YF-19 to 1/100 scale would suck hard, since it would probably be a lot more fragile (unless they beef up the design so it's a chunky-monkey like the bandai 1/65 M7 19 valks). As it is I doubt there will even be a pilot figure for the VF-0. If they made one, you might accidentally inhale it and get Roy Fokker caught in your left nostril. Plus the more you downsize the valkyrie, the more detail you lose. I can live with changeable landing gear on a 1/72 (1/48 is where you don't interchange parts in my mind), but not swapping major amounts of parts. If they made it so you have to swap the chest-piece like with the Bandai M7 VF-19 "transforming" model kits, I think I'd burst a blood vessel. It's all about the quality!
  4. Uh actually the original dialogue was the English dub you heard. I read something like they "dubbed" it in Japanese later for Japan. But the normal release of it was in English. I think Yamadera Kouichi did the voice of Meyer Link, but I'm not certain. Can anyone else confirm?
  5. Yer dirty! So by implication you mean she isn't wearing panties at all?
  6. One thing I'd like to correct you people on is there are not one, but two different FMP mangas. One is the usual one with the mecha and follows a storyline (which the 1s anime was supposed to follow) and the other one is Fummofu? which like the 2nd anime is standalone comedy stuff. So saying its truer to the manga is not entirely right. True. The comedy manga Ikinari Full Metal Panic is pretty insane. I had forgotten about it. Although I prefer the original character designer/illustrator who did the illustrations for the novels, Shikidouji. Touché wolfx! Uhm, there's Orguss 02 if you want something short but nice.
  7. If you don't like low quality animation, avoid Soul Hunters like the plague. I couldn't get through the first episode it was so bad (which is a shame since the manga is supposed to be pretty good). Dirty Pair Flash I saw the first two episodes. Meh. I liked Full Metal Panic, but if all you've seen are the ADV trailers, it's not at all like they portray it (ADV sucks). I only saw part of a Fumufu episode, and what I saw was hilarious! Much more like the manga (and probably original novels). GitSAC is great, although I've only seen the first commercially released DVD. Heh, go tachikomas! If you want something rather different but funny, try Azumanga Daioh. It's not for everyone, but it always brings a big smile to my face. X is nice, although the end left me saying "that's it?". But then again, with all the build up to the end, it probably was rather difficult to come up with a end that would be able to handle all that build up. Great series though (much better than that craptastic movie). I don't think it's out yet, but you could always try to find Flame of Rekka. A sort of a Yuu Yuu Hakusho rip-off, but I loved it. Although the animation has its ups and downs through the series. I think Pioneer licensed this title, Scrapped Princess was great. I'm halfway through the series, but I like it a lot. Now if only I could find out what company is releasing those figures and when (not the special come with DVD only release in Japan). Fantasy with a bit of a twist. Suppi-kun!
  8. Yeah, for once I think that the new music is better. When I sat there listening through the cd, going track by track, my horror kept mounting. It wasn't till I got through the whole cd that I started screaming. Yeah, I was looking for the opening and ending songs, but I also wanted the "new" music from the series period. I know what you mean about them probably never releasing a soundtrack. *sigh* Guess that's life. Got the info I needed. Mods you can lock/close/delete this thread. Thanks for the info guys!
  9. Alright, I've spent the past eight or nine years looking for the CD soundtrack for Orguss 02, ever since I saw the American release by Manga Video back in 95. Alright, here's my question. Is the music in the original Orguss 02 different from the Manga Video release? Because I've never seen the original, and the music on the soundtrack I finally got, is NOT at all the same music as what I heard when watching the Manga release... I've got a bad feeling that Manga really deserves the title of Mangle Video afterall... *sigh* Man, this is one of the biggest let downs I've had. Nine years and I find out that the thing I was searching for for so long, isn't really what I thought it was.
  10. Old-school 80's character design and style. I saw a bit of 2040, it didn't do much for me. Give me the original BGC, Sonoda character design, 80's music, cheese and all! Sonoda designs worked better than that El-Hazard-ish look the 2040 cast had. Dubs suck. But then again that's just my opinion. No wait, they suck!
  11. If they did that, then they could do rocket boosters for the VF-11. Re-create the YF-21 testing scene with Isamu chasing after Guld with a Rocket booster equiped VF-11... Meh, I probably wouldn't spend the money on it anyway... I was gonna say something about that Prototype arm weapon the 19 used to destroy that Monster in episode 2 of M+, but I honestly don't care if they make that into toy form... It would be thing that would delay the 19FP that's not necessary (to me). A fold booster would be nice though...
  12. All the justification I need: It's a YF-19!!!!!!! If it's not fragile, and if it's perfect transformation, I'd be willing to pay for the extra size. It would be so cool to have!
  13. A removable heatshield would be VERY welcome on the VF-11. But then again, I really think that it needs a total re-sculpt. It could be so much sleeker, better proportioned, and without shoulder bars. Although I say it would be nice if they could come up with an internal heat shield that comes out, I really can't think of a way of doing it that wouldn't require some sacrifice or another... The VF-11 so needs a re-sculpt in 1/48 scale... Since Yamato is making the YF-19FP, I hope they but in a little bit more effort and do the necessary sculpting for an improved VF-19A... HINT HINT YAMATO I'd buy it!
  14. GO GASHAPON!!!! I see you managed to get a hold of one of the azumanga daioh setse of gashapon! Very nice collection of stuff!
  15. Limited edition VF-1A Roy as "appearing in Macross Zero Episode 5" (this is a joke, don't be fooled!). Limited Edition Kakizaki color scheme. I hate debt, they can keep the credit card!
  16. I strongly second the idea for a 1/48 scale YF-19! But then again, everyone already knew that! I want the YF-19FP to be PERFECT. And then have them do a 1/60 or 1/48. Although if I really had to choose to sacrifice something, it would be the landing gears, I could live with plug-ins. I just refuse to have a pos like the bandai M7 VF-19 models. Yamato should seriously re-sculpt the whole M+ line in a larger scale. The VF-11 is easily turned to 1/48 without being overly big (like how some people argue against the 19 and 21). Plus that way they might be able to get around those shoulder bars on the 1/60 VF-11.
  17. If you want a post-Karekano project, look for something called Ebichu Minds The House. I've seen it. Believe me, I've seen it. I will never, ever look at hamsters in quite the same way again... Now I dont want to know.. I've seen Man-faye in person, a hamster can't be worse than that!
  18. Is this a Hasegawa? Just in case, since we haven't seen any Yamato YF-19FP images...
  19. NOOOOOOO!!!! Only two heads!? Now I'm gonna have to look when I get my Miria to see if they're the same color as your Miria... Just to be SURE of course!
  20. Okay these technically aren't Macross, but then again you've been talking about the garland and escaflowne (alright still transformable). Anyone get pictures of the Rurouni Kenshin Series 3 figures in color? I saw a small pic on Yamato's website already, but I want to see close-up pics. Besides waiting for the 19FP, I wanna see the MONSTER!
  21. You think Yamato USA will be able to release it? I mean, since ADV holds the rights to Megazone 23 (the anime at least). And since ADV is basically HG...
  22. Alright I've got my hopes rekindled, now it's just a waiting game for the YF-19. I'll be willing to wait another year as long as it's good!
  23. Does gashapon count as a toyline? Because that's all that I collect outside of Macross for toys.
  24. I just got an email from Hobbysearch Japan, saying they just got the Mirias in stock. So maybe you other people that pre-ordered will be getting yours soon!
  25. There should be some scrapped princess figures coming out, but I don't know when. I saw an add for them on the back of a replicant magazine. I don't have the magazine on me right now, so I can't tell you which issue...
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