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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Cool! Are you going to use a pre-existing doll? (like the Obitsu/Deleter dolls) Or will the doll be a brand new sculpt and design?
  2. Listen to Megumi Hayashibara's older roles and then listen to her newer roles. There's a slow change, but it's hardly noticable since we're used to hearing her voice in everything. Mari Iijima hasn't done a role in anime since Macross (correct me if I'm wrong), so the change in her voice is more striking since we haven't heard her as much. This is my take on it in any case
  3. I just got into Saint Seiya thanks to my fiancee already having been a fan, and from being shown the Hades arc. I really love these figures, and just started to get them. I just got a Shiryu and am pretty satisfied (except the damned leg armour that keeps falling ). And, now I've got a Leo Aioria on the way, with a Virgo Shakka for my fiancee in time for Christmas! For those of you who speak French and love Saint Seiya, you could try to find the French Saint Seiya doujinshis "Zero Absolu"; They're hilarious! They were sold at Cartoonist, by Studio Takehoshi. Attention je monte la garde "Des roses qui montent la garde?? C'est qwa cette blague!"
  4. I'm Spiderman and Jack Torrence... I guess I shouldn't work so hard!
  5. I'm not selling any of my stuff if I can help it. I've still got all my toys from when I was a kid, from the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys, to The Real Ghostbusters (not the one with the gorilla). I'm not gonna get rid of my Macross toys!
  6. They should stick to the original unedited book... Pffff, oompa-loompas how lame.
  7. I dunno about MGS2, since I haven't played it, only read some faqs on it to find out what happens. Wierd is all I gotta say. As for MGS3, if this Snake weren't so expensive, I'd get it! A Medicom limited release from what I understand. Edit:Well Zeo-mare it looks like Medicom is just doing the MGS3 Snake. I want it; but not for that big price it's got right now. There were some MGS figues made by Yamato for Konami some years ago. There was Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Meryl, and Sniper Wolf. I got the old Yamato Solid Snake a couple years ago... But one of his legs broke off while I was trying to pose him to put on a shelf. Oddly enough mine didn't come with the FAMAS rifle that I saw most other Solid Snakes had (there wasn't even space for it in the plastic thingy he was in). So I stripped Solid Snake of all his cool stuff and stuck it on my Deleter doll I had a semi-naked one-legged Solid Snake sitting on the back of my couch for the past year or so
  8. Except the poor cat, because HG is that evil evil evil car! You know what I'm talking about! I read those McKinney books when I couldn't get ahold of Robotech tapes way back when. I'm so happy I have Macross on DVD, I can get the pure original story and not that crap I read when that's all I had . HG has a pretty bad track record, I'm not gonna touch this new series with a ten foot pole. I'm gonna avoid it like a cat who saw what happened to the victim of the evil evil evil car!!! No animals were harmed in this post, although psychological damage may have been brought back to the surface for some individuals who have watched a particular commercial (like me).
  9. That explains how unpopular GI Joe and He-Man figures are... And then there's those queer X-men and JLA figures. I swear, is it possible to go postal on the internet? Cuz, if it gets anymore retarded on this site, I'm climbing the bell tower... Use an AWM if you do, I'll back you up with a G3SG1 since both those guns are "gay". "Oh you bought a valkyrie piloted by a guy character! You're gay" If a set of Max figures look good, I'd buy them for not too expensive.
  10. Yeah, Disney smells like butt. Ihave my own reasons for disliking them, but it doesn't have much to do with this thread. Although if teeny-bopper crap is because of Disney in any way, then they suck more.
  11. Just finished laughing my ass off right now! Oh man my sides hurt! Imagine what would happen if something like in Maximum Overdrive happened! (Yes that cheesy Steven King movie wih Emilio Estivez or however you spell his name). It needs skull squadron colors.
  12. I think they had an earlier sculpt of Cloud at the San Diego Comic Con. I forgot whether it way Kaiyodo or Kotobukiya... That Bahamut looks like ass!
  13. Edgar's Shin's doormat! I can't believe no one else sees Shin as the f*cktard that he is. He is a f*cktard! With the angsty hero thing going on. At least he isn't chanting "I musn't run away!" while wanking-off over a psychotic girl in a hospital room! Shin got pwned! This keeps up with the hero traditionally getting his ass kicked by everyone before he gets stronger. (one of the most extreme examples being Seiya) Shin displayed the standard counterstrike reaction: "bullshit! He hacks!" Of course when he continued to fight against Roy, who's at a completely different skill level than Shin, he got pwned again! He's been hit over and over with paintballs, been thrown on the ground, grabbed by a big claw on the cockpit (dirty), and crashed it. Shin loves wood. I'll bet deadgar is gonna make a comeback only to be "tragically/comically" killed... or get a sex change and become Claudia!
  14. Yeah I agree with Haterist, stay away from HobbySearch. In the past they were really nice, shipped everything fine, and had great customer service. Lately though, they've gone to poo. They don't reply to your emails, and don't follow any instructions that you give them (like not sending the package to the payment address, sending it to another address). I stopped using Hobby Link. I can't remember why; but I have a bad impression of them.
  15. I second that. Meh.
  16. Final Fantasy IV Macross VFX2 KOF '96 KOF '97 KOF '98 KOF '02 Samurai Spirits IV Goldeneye Biohazard (1, 2, 3, code Veronica) Starsiege Tribes Counterstrike
  17. Reminds me of the VA-3 invader... Ugly, but nice for kids.
  18. SVC Chaos kicks CVS' ass. At least the Capcom characters still handle well and didn't get shafted (in CVS Kyo had no auto-guard in his moves, Iori was slow, King played off). One of the only characters that didn't get screwed over too badly was Rugal. Plus that ratio system sucked ass. CVS2 made a lot of improvements, which made it into a playable game. However all the SNK characters still played "off", with slightly slowed reaction time from command inputs. SVC Chaos while not having the most spectacular line-up of characters did have the traditional favorites. It included an evil ken (although lame, was refreshing from the same old evil ryu), Demitri's Midnight Bliss was sometimes amusing, sometimes DISTURBING. Plus Dan got upgrades, and the SNK side handled just like in the normal SNK games. Those are my reasons for preferring SVC or CVS
  19. Plastic's nice.
  20. Manga rights and animation rights are completely seperate things. Viz owns the rights to publish the Dragon Ball (Z) manga in the US. Funimation owns the rights for the animation, which they probably bought off of the animation company in Japan that made the anime. Viz probably couldn't do jack about the anime in the US since they don't have the rights. I could be wrong, anyone more knowledgable can confirm or blow me out of the water! ADV smells like butt and sleeps with HG, so I'm a bit skeptical about how this venture's gonna turn out. Funimation sucks. I dunno about Geneon, because they don't have many anime titles that interest me... Maybe it'll be good, but I guess only time will tell.
  21. haha... i dunno if being "Guld's Anger Consultant" is something to be proud of. You could have some Macross 7 related title. Thats always funny. "Basara's Song Writer" We should have more character based titles. "Hikaru's Repair Man" Macross Zero title: "Shin's Wrench Monkey" Or in the case of my avatar: "Shin's Proctologist" Well at least AlphaHX wasn't "Branded for life", although I thought that was pretty cool!
  22. "WTF is the internet?" "That's what the internet is for, slandering others anonymously."
  23. The phone number is for the "Yamato Customer Service Center"...
  24. Solution to the size discussion: Make a cheap little 1/100 scale YF-19. Have fun taking it apart and putting it back together to transform it like the VF-0. It'll smell bad at first, but so did the Miria pvc figures (mine are still airing out). If the line sells well, they'll probably release a 1/100 scale dinky VF-1 that would be very much like a banpresto. They might even release other valkyries like the VF-17 and the VF-4, and other VFX related valkyries. Then you could buy cheap little valkyries and not have to worry as much about the high cost of toys and where to put them... Re-release the 1/72 YF-19 (no re-sculpt) and toss on some fast packs so it doesn't outshine the existing YF-21FP and VF-11BFP. Then three months later, release as a surprise a re-sculpted YF-19FP, just to piss off everyone who bought the re-release with fast packs. And to make money. (Oh we'd love Yamato for that wouldn't we! ) Make a 1/60 scale with fast packs. The Yamato staff fights it out about deciding whether it be perfect transformation, have removable parts, and whether to make the landing gear internal or plug in. It's bigger, but not TOO big and will be in scale with the existing VF-1 valkyries, and with the upcoming MONSTER (yay! ). Then make a 1/48 scale YF-19 for those of us who want it and are willing to pay for it, have room for it, and will keep it as our prrrrrrrecious~ This way would hurt collectors' wallets, but at least you can choose between what you want... 1/48 is a nice size.
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