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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. If I remember correctly, the original Orbit store in San Gabriel before it opened the walnut branch had a YF-19 for the same price (or maybe these are the same toys I had been seeing at the store before I left for university ). The YF-21 used to be up there too, although I think it was a slight bit cheaper. I think it used to cost something like $699.99. It's a shame. Some of the guys that worked at the San Gabriel store, before I stopped going there, were really nice. Some of them were kind of dumb, but at least they never tried to bullshit me and rip me off. It's sad when things change for the worse... If they're still open and didn't get butt-raped by Bandai for selling bootlegs at AX, Kawaii Anime on Colorado Blvd, across from Pasadena City College, still had a VF-19A Excalibur for something like $399.99 I think.
  2. Congradulations on enlargening your collection Yeah gloves are a good idea when putting these figures together and handling them! I had put finger-prints all over mine, and be glad you hadn't touched Radamanthys yet! His armor is really shiny, and when you get finger-prints all over his armor and wings.... *sigh* that was quite the clean-up job for wiping him down later... Radamanthys is really back heavy due to his wings! Even heavier than Sagittarius Aioros. Thankfully though, his wings are so long they can help prop him up! Between my fiancée and myself, we are almost up to date with the Saint Cloth Myths. All we need for the moment is to pick up Andromeda Shun and Libra Doko. Although, we're waiting for them to be released here in France, since the Saint Cloth Myths are being released here! We'll have to wait a month or two, but at least they'mm be released at a more affordable price! (and not having to deal with HLJ's bull, or the fear of using Chronopost ).
  3. if you look behind the letters on the top, you will notice four shadowed figures... I don't know if those are the prototype sculpts for Taurus Aldebaran, Scorpio Milo, Pisces Aphrodite, and Gemini Saga; or if the guys at Bandai just grabbed some other saint cloth myths and put them up then shadowed them for the pic.
  4. It looks like they will be doing the bronze saints with newer version armors, at least Dragon Shiryu has been announced if I remember correctly, although we haven't seen any pictures yet. I'm picking up the first release bronze saints anyway. Although I think they're lower quality than the Gold saints. I got a Hyoga that has a number of problems (chest hinge on his armor gets stuck when you open it so it has a really small opening, and feet don't go completely flat due to some molding problems). I've only had one problem with a Gold saint, and that was Sagittarius Aioros. That little piece that attaches to his back to keep his whest armor shut wouldn't fit because the peg holes on the armor were too far apart. I don't know anything about the pandora boxes... Except that you can get one from bandai if you live in Japan and pre-order the new Saint Seiya game. On whitezeta forums it was reported by cellsenshi (this freelance journalist that works in the toy industry or something, and h's given consistently accurate reports before) that Pisces Aphrodite and Gemini Saga will be released by the end of the year!
  5. with helmet, Aries Shion. Damn I hope they release a Surplice Aries Shion! They have the head sculpt for one now! I NEED IT!!!!
  6. armor doesn't come with the figure of Pope Shion.
  7. this is not a fake, it's not a custom. http://www.tamashii.jp/sss_campaign.html And it's not available outside of Japan.
  8. Oooooh new pic of Seiya! Nice new shoulder joints, hip joints, and body sculpt. I like the comparison pic of the old Seiya with this new one. Cancer Deathmask is looking good too! Pic taken off the Whitezeta forums.
  9. I'll continue to collect the new Saint Seiya: Saint Cloth Myth figures. At least us Saint Seiya fans have had really good news. Bandai is continuing with the line after the Gold Saints With no YF-19FP or any other valks I like in sight, it's a dark dry period for Macross for me. I'm glad I have another great series to fall back on, that's still got lots of water coming from the well!
  10. RUN ITS SHINSENGUMI DOMO-KUN!!! KILL IT!!! BRING IT DOWN!!! It's my fiancée's Camus, my Shura and Radamanthys. Our Domo-kun. And valentines flowers in that glass pot,vase, thing. Radamanthys is back heavy due to the wings. His armor is so shiny I left a bunch of finger prints after putting his armor on. Be careful when taking off his hair, unlike Shura, his hair is stuck together and I think it's not supposed to seperate. Instead peel his hair off like a wig for putting on the helmet. His ankles are a bit weak after putting the wings on his back, he's really back heavy... But it's not really something that Bandai could have worked around very easily.
  11. Natural sunlight no flash.
  12. Pics of Radamanthys, Shura, and Camus. This one with flash.
  13. Some news in from the Whitezeta forum: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Les "grands pontes" asiatiques de Bandai Japon spécialisés dans les jouets pour les plus de 13 ans (comme les Myth Cloth par exemple...) étaient chez Bandai France aujourd'hui et d'excellentes nouvelles ont été annoncés : 1) Tout d'abord, la gamme ne s'arrêtera pas en 2006 comme certains l'ont dit sur ce forum (le message de Bandai France dans Dixième Planète a été mal interprété), mais continuera bel et bien car elle a un très grand succès en Asie et ailleurs dans le monde (ah bon ?? ). 2) Après les Chevaliers d'Or et les Bronzes 3ème armure, Bandai s'attaquera aux autres Spectres (en espérant que la production des OAVs viennent leur donner du grain à moudre...). 3) Et enfin, et c'est là que les infos sont croustillantes, les chevaliers d'ASGARD et les MARINAS sont aussi planifiés par la suite !!!!!! Ne me demandez pas si les chevaliers d'Acier, Marine et Shina, les autres 5 chevaliers de bronzes loosers ou n'importe quelle autre figurine est prévue, je n'en sais rien... Force est de constater que Bandai n'a pas l'intention de s'arrêter fin 2005 ! Je vous laisse mijoter avec ces quelques infos (à mon avis les meilleures depuis longtemps...), mais il semble que Bandai Japon ne lachera pas de si tôt la poule aux oeufs d'or et c'est tant mieux pour nous collectionneurs ! Cellsenshi. -------------------------------------------------------- translation: The asian "grand popes" of Bandai Japan specialised in toys for those over 13 (like the Myth Cloths for example...) were at Bandai France today and excellent news has been announced: 1) First off, the line won't stop in 2006 like certain people said on the forum ( the message from Bandai France in Dixièm Planète was wrongly interpreted), but will continue happily and well because it has had great success in Asia and other places in the world (oh really??). 2) After the Cold Saints and the 3rd Armor Bronzes, Bandai will continue onto the other specters (in hoping that the production of the OAVs comme to give them some grain to grind...). 3) And finally, and it's here that the info is mouthwatering, the Knights of Asgard and the Marinas are also planned to be continued onto!!!! Don't ask me if the Steel Saints, Marine and Shina, the other 5 loser Bronze Saints or whatever other figure is forseen, I don't know anything about that... It's obviously clear to us now that Bandai doesn't have the intention to stop at the end of 2005. I leave you to simmer with these bits of info (my opinion being that these have been the best in a long time), but it appears that Bandai Japan won't give up the chicken that lays golden eggs and that's even better for us collectors! Cellsenshi. ------------------- Sooooo, this is a guy that has always given out correct info in the past on the Saint Cloth Myths. It seems he's a freelance writer for magazines and stuff, and stays in contact with Bandai. All I can say is YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!! Now I'm waiting for my Radamanthys to arrive. Of course Chronopost is acting wierd again, and this time they can't even follow the package out of Japan... It's supposedly left Japan Monday morning and hasn't arrived in France yet, which is damned odd since every other time it's only taken a day for the damned plane to land in France. *sigh* I think they have a grudge against me. *sniff* edit: for size and crap
  14. I scanned the dvd itself for the image of Camus and Shion (not that there's a Mu out to customize YET. Wait till May or June ). I really hope that Bandai Japan makes Surplice versions of the Gold Saints, and also does a Surplice Aries Shion. And I really hope that Bandai gets back to finishing off the Hades arc!
  15. Here's a scan I did from my box set of the Hades arc... The plastic thing that normally holds the dvd came off so I could scan it. You're in luck. Here's surplice Capricorn Shura. Differences you may not. Each shoulder piece has two smaller horns sticking out by the large one. Different markings on his chest, helmet, and waist armor. And like all the surplice armor, his is much more pointy and jagged. edit: If you have the saint cloth myth versions of Shura and Camus you can compare the anime images of them in the instruction books to the pics I just supplied. Good luck! Let us know how the customs turn out!
  16. Mao: SURPRISE! (about 15 minutes or so in paint, I think. Yes I looked at a picture, but no tracing)
  17. Erg, I know what you mean. My theory is that someone at Bandai didn't like Shura and screwed the eyes for the production version. I mean, the prototype pics looked great, eyes and everything! I don't want to expect a lot, but I will.
  18. I forgot to add. One thing you can bag on the French for is terrible customer service, and always going on strike! Seriously what Montarvillois brings up is so true. Despite all the pc, Americans in general are pretty culturally narrow minded. The world has to change for them, and screw adapting to the world. Screw pissing on the French embassy, go piss on the French post office or Chronopost. They both suck.
  19. Actually it would be more "French" for the guy to have peed on a wall somewhere. Well low-class French. You'd be surprised how often I see someone just whip it out and start pissing on a building wall... Don't forget where the statue of liberty comes from, the architecture of the white house is taken from (front façade of the Louvre), and tennis comes from. (meh tennis sucks anyway ). Us Americans have a great sense of maturity with"freedom fries", and sending foreign countries magazines saying the foreign county's president is a worm. I forgot, did they change the name to "freedom kissing"?
  20. Because if they make it now, sales will drop for the others, since everyone's buying up the gold saints in anticipation of Gemini. It's like you're hungry and you're waiting for your favorite dish, but there's a bunch of snacks laying around so you start munching. Little do you know, those snacks you're munching put money in the pocket of the cook. No wait, I'm the one that's really hungry and thinking of food... Forget the example! Plus think of it this way. They've made a lot of improvements as they go along with the line. The New Seiya has an updated body. They've been gaining experience and are getting better at their work. You compare the old Shiryu head with the one that comes with Doko, big improvements. Myth Cloth Seiya vs Myth Cloth Seiya armor 3, worlds of difference in the sculpts of the face and stuff. Saga's going to be the culmination of all the experience the sculptors have had up until then. Saga's going to be really NIIIIiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeee~ I want Surplice versions of the Saints. especially Surplice Shura and Surplice Shion. KEEP AWAY STEEL SAINTS!!!! NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!
  21. OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! This was posted on the Whitezeta forums today!!!! WOOHOO!! MU LOOKS AWESOME!!! And Deathmask looks pretty good too!
  22. Looks like Karl Urban (Eomer in LOTR) is in the Doom movie according to IMDB. It's sounding "meh"-ish.
  23. You've got sharp eyes! I didn't notice that! That's cool, but jeez it's gonna be hard to get the hands changed on Seiya with one more joint to worry about turning when you're putting new hands on him!
  24. New pics of Libra Doko that were posted on the white zeta forums. He looks nice, it's too bad I don't like that character or the armor that much, because I think it looks great! edit: doh forgot to post the pic
  25. Newer pic of the Seiya resculpt with his final armor edit: okay not newer, but higher quality
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