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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. He's looking good! They should start shipping in November I believe.
  2. New pics of Pope Shion.
  3. I concur with all of the above. Especially it being hard on the bladder because I didn't want to miss anything...
  4. I never manage to spell it right! *lol* Lawry's Lawry's Lawry's! Hey I gotta try some of these places when I come back to California. Boof-off in Torrance is a used-bookstore though, which is why everything is dirt cheap. But you can find some great stuff there as long as you don't mind them being used. You can find some rare cds and stuff there sometimes. (If you're ever in Paris, France avoid going to the Book-off there. It's the same chain of stores, but they're overpriced and they sell used bootleg cds at the price of new cds ) If Mandarake were still around I'd suggest going there, they were great. They went out of business though... *sigh*
  5. I thought of more crap to do in LA: The La Brea tar pits are interesting with a museum, and if you walk around in the grassy areas you can step in puddles of natural tar. That was a fun place for field-trips as a kid. The LA zoo smells like animals, and there tends to be lots of bugs in the summer. You can kill time there if you have nothing better to do. But I think the Gene Autrey museum is right across from it. I think they have stuff about the old west, but I could be wrong. I haven't been there since elementary school... At the Museum of Tolerance you can sit in a replica of a WWII Nazi gas chamber for gassing jews (we thought the teachers were gonna gas us when we went there on a field trip). They have the whole place dedicated to WWII and the Jews being put in concentration camps and stuff. Not exactly a "fun" place, but it's interesting. There's Anime Gamers, I think it's on Pico blvd. They have little figures, and some anime goods. I've never found Macross stuff there though. If I remember correctly, somewhere in LA Jay and Silent Bob's Hidden Stash opened up. I remember receiving a flier last year at San Diego Comic Con, but I was only back in the States on vacation for a little bit so I didn't go check it out. Maybe someone else can suggest better things to do? The only things I went for in LA was stuff in Japan town...
  6. I dunno for shops that carry Macross stuff, or for car rentals. Visit Japan Town, there's a Kinokuniya bookstore if you're interested in manga or artbooks. In that same plaza, almost next-door there is a restaurant called Curry House, best damned curry I've ever had! Japanese curry, and it's damned good! Not far away there is an anime shop called Jungle Collector, they have cells, videos, dvds, and small toys. There's also a bunch of small Japanese shops in the area, and one or two other small anime/manga shops. One sells used Japanese school uniforms, those were fun to look at and try on the guy's jackets. If you don't mind spending a buttload of money for a meal, get reservations for the New Otani Hotel restaurant:The Garden Grill. You can have Kobe Beef there, but it's like over $100 per person. A chef will cook your food on a teppanyaki, and it's not like Benihana's, it's much higher quality. Kobe Beef rocks. Also in LA, but not in J-town area there is Laury's Restaurant. Like the salt, but it's a restaurant and they serve some really good meat. It's in something like the $30 range, per-person. Really good creamed corn. Almost across the street from them there is a restaurant called The Stinking Rose, which is a garlic themed restaurant. Similar price to Laury's I think. Everything is garlic there, and if you love garlic then this place is awesome. I hurt myself when I went there because I had too much of this raw garlic spread.... Burned my guts out, but I was happy that night! Hope that was some good info for you! Enjoy your stay!
  7. How are the Master Replica scale lightsabers? I can't bring myself to shell out $360 or so for a handle. The scale ones may be small but at least I won't feel bad if I waste some money on a couple. If I went out and bought a couple of the Limited Editions, I think I'd have a fit later at how much I spent considering all the other things I could have bought with that money...
  8. Oh yeah, in the movie edition version after Guld severs the limbs he starts firing at the Ghost with lasers. BUT... it's not possible because the laser weapons were housed in the arms of the YF-21 that had already been ejected from the body...
  9. Wow, deathmask's cancer cloth is so shiny you can see the reflection of the guy taking the picture in the armor! I'm eagerly awaiting Aries Mu. Especially after having played the new fighting game a lot.
  10. HLJ shipped mine a few days ago, I'm still waiting for it. I went through HLJ because of a price reduction for early pre-order. I lucked out it seems. On the whitezeta forums some of the guys there said they got shafted. They had done wholesale orders of Cancer Deathmask, but then they recieved a letter from HLJ saying that ALL wholesale orders were cancelled because of the small amount of stock they recieved. Plus only about 10% of the retail orders would be able to be fulfilled because of how little they got... Sucks to be the guys that got shafted by HLJ, HLJ sucks in anycase...
  11. I've got a Hajime Saito and Okita Souji. They're nice enough for what they are. Don't try poking yourself in the eye with Okita's sword, because I'm sure it'll hurt. They could have looked better, but considering the OVA character design I'd say the problem lies in the character design rather than the sculpt.
  12. The horns that are ridged "for your pleasure" are the manga version horns. The smooth horns are the anime version. Here's a slightly better quality picture of Scorpio Milo. I must have Aries Mu!
  13. More pics of Aries Mu. Looks like he comes with two types of horns, plus he comes with the armor repairing tools. Plus as we've seen with pics before, you can put Shion's head on this body once Pope Shion is released! Young Aries Shion. edit: in case you didn't see, at the end of the previous page there's a pic of the new Scorpio Milo. Also, I forgot to mention that as usual I got this pic off of the white zeta forums
  14. someone posted this pic on the whitezeta forums... Wow! edit: removed the pic since there's a higher quality one on the next page
  15. I nominate "the rabbit" from Monty Python and the Holy Grail! "That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodernt you ever set your eyes on!" "Look that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide!" "He's got huge sharp... er... He can leap about... Look at the bones!" "I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh no, you knew it all didn't you. Oh, it's just a harmless little bunny isn't it. Well it's always the same!"
  16. Bad news on the information front, not unlike what happened here on Macross World. Information Blackout. Word got back to Bandai Japan that news on the release schedules had made it out, and they were not amused. Bandai Japan made it clear to Bandai France that no more information was to be leaked. Cell senshi who had been receiving info from a contact in Bandai France has more info, but because the contact is a friend, he is unwilling to divulge the rest of the news he has, because he does not want to compromise his friend's position. Soooo, we won't be having any new news for a while. Thankfully we know already that the line will continue on till 2008, with God Warriors, Marinas, Aries Shion, and Ophicus Shaina.
  17. I'm getting the news from the french whitezeta forums on saint seiya: http://www.whitezeta.net/ The guy that's been supplying the news is a guy named cell senshi who is a freelance journalist that writes for hobby magazines and has contacts in bandai. So far all the info he's given in the past has been accurate up to date. Saint Seiya is really big in France, bandai france is even releasing the saint cloth myths in France. Which is great news for me Unfortunately I didn't bookmark the places that I saw customs on, but I saved some pics. Such as this Myth Cloth Athena custom... she does a lot of weight lifting. edit: and really small boobs
  18. The purple Hades version of the Gold armors, yes. Official news: so far just Surplice version Aries Shion. Speculation: If they're making Surplice Version Aries Shion, and they are including with Scorpio Milo extra hands for Aries Mu and Leo Aioria to do Athena Exclamation, then they will probably make surplice versions Cancer Deathmask, Pisces Aphrodite, Aquarius Camus, Capricorne Shura, and Gemini Saga. At least I hope they do! I hope they make Bronze Saint Chameleon June. Dunno if they'll ever make her, I don't know how popular she is. I'm crossing my fingers that the sculpt for Ophicus Shaina will be good! After having seen some Myth Cloth customs and the horrible bodies... She may have a deep voice, but she doesn't have a manly body! I wonder if they'll supply two different tiaras: manga version and anime version. Considering that Deathmask is coming with a chestplate to add on and a crotch piece to make his armor look like the manga version if you want...
  19. more news from cell senshi: Allez, quelques news pour compléter les infos Myth Cloth : - Le Scorpion a été décalé à fin août au lieu de juillet... Il faudra donc attendre 1 mois de plus pour découvrir le ténébreux Milo et sa terrible Scarlet Needle. Autre info concernant ce jouet, des mains supplémentaires pour le Bélier et le Lion seront disponibles dans la boîte pour permettre de recréer chez vous l'Athena Exclamation ! Shocked C'est pas cool ça ??? Wink Donc pour ceux qui sont long à la détente, en juillet 2005, ben y'a pas de Myth Cloth (congés apparement...). - Le planning se poursuit avec fin septembre 2005, le Dragon 3ème armure !! (c'est pas trop tôt ! il fait comme les chiens, il cherche sa place...) Wouaf ! Laughing - Ensuite, Taureau fin octobre, Shaina fin novembre et Gémeaux fin décembre. Janvier rien (fêtes de fin d'année oblige...), Poissons fin février, Cygne V3 fin mars et Shion fin avril 2006. (comme vous l'aurez tous compris, le planning des sorties est succeptible de changer selon les problèmes rencontrés par Bandai ou Tamashii). - Pour conclure, je suis en mesure de vous annoncer que le planning prévisionnel des sorties Myth Cloth a été prolongé jusqu'en mars 2008... (eh ben, faudra pousser les murs de la maison !! ) -------------------------------------------------- translation: -Scorpio has been postponed to the end of August instead of July. We'll have to wait one month more for seeing Milo's shadow and his terrible Scarlet Needle. Other info concerning this toy is that there will be extra hands for Leo and Aries available in the box so that you will be able to recreate Athena Exclamation at your place. Isn't that cool!? So those that have been waiting a while, there won't be any Myth Cloths in July. (vacations apparently) -the planning will continue in September 2005 with the Dragon version 3 armor. (it's not too early! he's doing like the dogs, searching his place... woof!) -then Taurus in the end of October, Ophicus Shaina in November and Gemini Saga at the end of December. NOthing in January(obligatory holiday for the new years), Pisces Aphrodite at the end of February, Cygnus Hyoga version 3 armor in March, and Surplice Version Aries Shion in April 2006 (as you already understood the planning of releases is susceptible to change according to the problems encountered by bandai or tamashii) -to conclude, I can tell you now that the provisional planning of releases of Myth Cloths has been prolonged until March 2008.. (and well, we'll have to expand our houses!!) -------------------------------- Info taken off of Whitezeta forums as usual. This is great news! And Aries Shion in 2006!!!
  20. Anime isn't real, so this puritanistic bs is really annoyingly stupid. I'm American and I'm living in Europe right now. It makes me laugh a lot, but whenever I see American tourists come here and gasp in shock at posters of ads with nudity in it, I can't help but get annoyed as well. It's a boob, women have them. Considering a lot of stuff they put on tv with women almost popping out of ridiculous costumes for some retarded show, they sure seem shocked at seeing nipples. If that law is federal it is a potential problem to the anime industry because of the possibilities of how much that law can be generalised by politicians. Suddenly we might lose some legitimate titles that have no sex with underaged girls, but implies rape: Fushigi Yuugi as an example. I believe the anime version of Tenjo Tenge would count to (haven't seen it and I don't plan to ). Just because there's nudity in an anime with underaged people could mean trouble. Playboy is considered to be pornography and it's just nudity with no sex; just breasts, legs, and butts. If nudity is considered porn then we lose Ranma 1/2, Tenchi Muyo, My Neighbor Totoro (bath scene), and Akira because there is nudity with underaged people. I don't watch that many new series anymore, but I get my dvds mainly from the US. It'd really get annoying to have my selection limited because some puratinistic jerk-offs thought that for the betterment of mankind this law should be generlised to encompass all that is "immoral" and with puratinistics that's everything...
  21. The new pegasus seiya. Looking good! This and the last picture taken from whitezeta forums again. I can't wait for the new game!
  22. Cancer Deathmask, and you can add a chest-plate and crotch-piece to make him look more like the manga-style armor. (couldn't upload that picture)
  23. Ah man! Mandarake was so cool! But the one I went to was in Torrance before they moved to Santa Monica... Bad move on their part, when I got to speak to a mandarake representative at a convention after the Santa Monica store closed down, I was told it was because they set up in a bad location and didn't get enough business. They were so cool! I got some pretty cool cells for cheap! *sigh* good old times...
  24. MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! MUST GET!!!!! picture taken off the whitezeta forums as usual. edit: I just picked up the banpresto chibi figure pack of Aries Mu and Shion. Advice, don't buy it unless you're a hardcore collector or die-hard saint seiya fan. It is "teh suck", the armor parts don't stay on, the objects don't hold together, and well... It's banpresto. Plus it only comes with one body... Now I have a Surplice Aries Shion standing around with Mu's severed head sticking out of a shot-glass.
  25. I don't know where Shinohara got his, but you could try looking on Yahoo Japan if you have a deputy shopper than can bid for you. I've seen some of those statues going there. Other than that, I don't know any places.
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