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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. That kid is creepy. Keep him the hell away from me. He looks like he's gonna crawl out of my tv at night while I'm asleep, then come and gouge my eyes out with those creepy fingers of his... Creepy kid... Creepy kid...
  2. That's kind of chilling. Why can't you just re-educate them? You mean like how our prison system works? Heh... Waste of time and money. I would kill for free. Nice point. Re-education doesn't work unless it is IMMEDIATE. That's why the prison system doesn't work. The punishment comes months or years after the crime. Reinforcement arrives too late. Re-education is difficult and time consuming. That's why Anakin failed as a Jedi. He learned too much other crap without having learned self control and other essentials. They were never able to re-educate Anakin to be a Jedi. He was too old to begin the training. Kill the enemy's young before they grow up and kill you or before they are used as suicide attackers. Cold, but highly effective and efficient. Puppies don't do much for me anyways.
  3. If that were the case I think he'd be doing more of a Dark Helmet. "Yes. That!" Force crush their testicles. Now that would hurt! Plus it's not fatal.
  4. We're guys, we're not supposed to be 100% mature. Better to stay a bit immature and have fun, than become totally mature and never screw around and have fun. You will never understand. It's a guy thing!
  5. I'm startin' to feel that way about Valkyries... But at least the valkyries transform! edit: By the way does anyone have the Anakin AOTC FC, Luke ESB FX, and the new Anakin ROTS FX? If you do and you have a digital camera, could you take a pic of all three by each other to have a comparison of the three? I've already scene the comparison of the Luke ESB and Anakin ROTS FXs on the replica prop forums. But I haven't been able to find any picture comparing all three... It's for curiosity's sake.
  6. Anakin Vs Obi-wan is the vote I chose. It was fast paced, emotionally charged, and looked really cool (I'm not talking about real-life life-like swordwork). Although if I were Obi-wan I would have force pushed Anakin into the lava. I wouldn't dare get close to him. If I got close to him the armless, legless bastard might try to bite my legs off! edit: forgot to add that the end of the fight between Qui-gon/Obi-wan vs Darth Maul looked odd considering how great Maul moved. The whole thing of blocking Qui-gon's saber by Maul holding his saber like he's preparing to smash something in front of him, it looked really odd, clumsy almost. Otherwise I loved their fight!
  7. I disagree, murdering your subordinates for being incompetent, retarded, and screw ups is perfectly understandable. Haven't you ever wanted to strangle that retarded delivery boy who couldn't deliver a package to you, despite having your address, door codes to the building, and having written which apartment you live in? Or the smartass little upstart that gets all in your face because you like anime (or you practice the force and can strangle the dumbass). I see it less as murder and more as... [Palpatine-ish pause and intonations] Humane euthenasia. Euthenase incompetent people, for a safer and more secure society!
  8. What's wrong with 17 if it's consentual? It all depends on the country and culture. US = under 18 = pedophilia Japan= under 13 = pedophilia (I read that the laws are a bit weird in Japan. Like it's okay if you're under 17 to have sex with anyone under 17 but older than 13. But adults can't have sex with anyone under than 17). I can totally see where the Trekdom and pedophilia is linked. It's the uniforms. Wait Canada isn't Japan. edit: I meant for US, that generally people tend to consider under 18 to be pedophilia. So if you see a 17 year old girl's boobs, then you're all evil and ewwy. But it's nice to know that it's state by state for age of consent.
  9. Correlation is not causation. In summer the amount of ice cream eaten increases and the number of drownings increase. Eating ice cream does not cause drowning (unless you cramp up after wolfing down a whole carton like a fat pig). It's the heat that causes more people to swim, and increases the amount of people that drown. Besides like some of you are saying, they can't generalize these correlational factors to other populations. Europe isn't that squeamish about nudity, where as in the US (depending on the location) it's considered pornography to see some boobies or exposed skin (uptight puratinism). I guess I'm in trouble if I go to Canada. I grew up watching Star Trek and Star Wars. And I collect lots of toys. And it sure as hell isn't to lure kids over! I hate people touching my stuff!!! It's MINE!!! My own... My preciouses...
  10. What's your point? They're not real.
  11. Guess what I found while looking through the Rebelscum prop forums: This was a post by one of the Master Replicas representatives, you can find the thread here: http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/index.php?...ightsaber&st=20 An 8-foot long Darth Maul lightsaber sounds scary expensive. Good thing I don't give a damn about Maul stuff. I'm waiting for a Darth Sidious FX lightsaber... edit: just found this too http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/index.php?...master+replicas A green bladed one... Could it possibly be a Qui-gon FX? Although it could be a rerelease of ROTJ Luke, or a Yoda FX.
  12. What?! I think this somethingawful pic explains it all...
  13. Fake plot for Episode VII: So in episode VII Leia gets fed up of not having a lightsaber and asks Luke to train her, so he dumbly does it and includes her in training with other jedi trainees (because he's been training a new jedi order). Leia fools everyone because she's a politician too, and she's been harvesting some sick stuff inside her, especially since Jabba did stuff to her... Luke senses a dark disturbance in the force and decides to go meditate alone somewhere. Luke gives his lightsaber to one of his students and leaves. Leia "seduces" one of the students to join her and go to the dark side as her apprentice. Leia and apprentice try to wipe out the jedi trainees but run when the tables start to be turned because there's too many opponents. Limbs get chopped off. Someone turns into a parapalegic and loses an eye, but it's all good because he gets prosthetics. Han Solo is not in the movie because he mysteriously died before the movie (and probably because Harrison Ford would ask for too much money ). Episode VIII: Luke trains under Obi-wan, Yoda, and Qui-gon to master himself better and learn that nifty become one with the force and become poofy-ghost-like. Luke's students go after Leia and her apprentice. Leia turns the new Republic against the young jedi and pulls an Episode II Palpatine. The young Jedi are hunted. The apprentice of Leia gets killed at the end by new series main character. Episode IX: Luke confronts Leia and beckons her to come away from the dark side. Tries to pull an Obi-wan to go poof when Leia tries to kill him. He screws up and has a look of "crap-balls" on his face when she zaps him with force lightning and he explodes instead of going poof. The young jedi groups (yeah they self-promoted themselves to jedi) do a daring stealth mission, sneak deep into the bowels of the new republic homeworld. They fight Leia. The REAL SITH LORD, who pulled the strings behind the whole series; comes forth. R2-D2 owns them all, flying around chopping heads off with lightsabers coming out of each of those blue things on his dome. Also zapping everyone with his more-powerful-than-Palpatine force lightning. It was R2-D2 pulling Palpatine's strings. R2-D2 was originally Darth Plagius, but when Palpatine supposedly killed him, he went poof like Obi-wan and Yoda (and how Qui-gon learned to do after he died and burned). Darth Plagius pulled a Chucky and went into an astromech droid and played innocent throughout the whole Star Wars series, setting up everything. So at the end, R2-D2 morphs into Kenny Baker as Darth Plagius, dressed in black robes. He posseses Leia's body and creates the second Galactic Empire, for a safer and even more secure society (since everyone else who had force powers is dead). He pulls a Kaiser Soze when he comes out, shaking his hands and putting his gold lightsabers in his cloak ... ... ... I'm bored and it's late at night. I just wrote whatever came into my head. I'm going to sleep. If you read through this crap because you're as bored as me, I suggest you get some sleep.
  14. It was all just a big intergalactic plot to make the Skywalker family miserable.
  15. I'm not sure that Jango realized his jet-pack was screwed until just before Mace owned him. If you watch the scene (i just noticed it recently), he stands there and shoots, then just before he gets his head lopped off the jets on his pack attempts to fire then sparks and he doesn't take off. Maybe I'm just slow on noticing details, but that sucked for Jango. He should have bent over and fired that rocket at Mace.
  16. Misato looks like she got hit in the face by a brick... Repeatedly. Rei looks alright to me. Asuka needs to be stabbed in the face just because I don't like the character. I'm terrified by the idea of seeing Shinji in a plug suit...
  17. It's a shame that there's no Darth Sidious FX Lightsaber. I'd buy that in an instant. *sigh*
  18. How about how long the person has been a Macross World member? As well as having received a certain number of nominations from different people (besides people known to be friends of the person, since that would make it too easy to get a title). Or maybe set-up some secret council of Macross World Members that will take public nominations and behind closed doors decide the fate of members with their custom titles... The Council of Sith Lords. If this were a rpg, I'd say make them go on a quest to go throw a ring into a volcano, or have a lightsaber duel in a cruiser that's gonna crash and burn. If making intelligent contributions to Macross World is a requirement, I'm screwed.
  19. Rome had running water and stuff, that's pretty civilised to me. The massive orgies where venerial diseases were traded like pogs or magic cards (choose your generation) is another story. Same with the lead poisoning from lead pipes to transport said running water. Which America are you talking about? United States? North? South? Central (Montazuma's revenge anyone? Don't drink the water, don't breathe the air)? edit: insertion of something Star Wars Episode III: I was half-expecting Obi-wan to force throw Anakin off that floating thingy over the lava river. I guess neither of them did it to avoid the thing that happened when they tried to force toss each other.
  20. No guys you got it all wrong! Anakin was a systemic anomaly inherent in the programming of the force (meaning those midichlorian thingies). Seriously what I would like to know is who came up with this prophecy in the first place. Was it some Jedi Master? Was it a Sith Lord? Was it a wookie who ate bad mushrooms?...
  21. I think Macross toys are going the way of the Sith. Supposedly will be gone, but we'll maybe hear back from them in another 10 years...
  22. Maybe Darth Plagius did achieve immortality and be able to go *poof* like Obi-wan and Yoda and turn into spirits. Plus it would make sense that he not appear to his apprentice or any other Sith pupils. "I became all powerful and learned how to do this, and my dick apprentice sabered me in my sleep. I'm not teaching you how to become immortal! Learn it on your own!" If this is the case, I'm sure Darth Plagius was laughing his ass off the entire time watching Palpatine's schemes, and watching the Jedi get eliminated. If I were a spirit sith lord, I'd be having non-stop fits of mad laughter! "The jedi council doesn't realize a Sith Lord is sitting right in front of them and has control of the senate!" "I love Democracy. I swear when this war has abated, I will lay down my powers."
  23. Mace Windu and the other Jedi Council members were right, Anakin was too old to begin training to become a jedi. He lacked discipline and self-control, which it looked like was taught to the younglings from a very young age (those younglings in Episode II were very self-controlled and polite). They all sensed a danger in Anakin and especially in him being trained. It was a big mistake for them to give in to Qui-gon and Obi-wan. I didn't see Mace Windu or the others as really being jerks from what we see in the movies. It looked like some of the requirements for being a Master on the Jedi council were to have self-control and strongly disciplined. Anakin throws a angsty piss-fit about not being a Master when they let him on the council at an unprecedented young age. To me it seemed like the Jedi council just made a lot of bad decisions after the worst one: permitting Anakin to be trained as a Jedi. Like someone said earlier, it looks like Anakin would have turned to the dark side of the force anyway, even without Palpatine whispering in his ear. Obi-wan did fail Anakin though, he's right in that he didn't raise him right. I guess he didn't teach Anakin well enough. It could be that he taught him with the wrong methods, or it could be that he began to teach him when he was too old. I felt that strategy-wise, Yoda and Obi-wan should have stuck together and trained Luke from childhood to adulthood somewhere far beyond the reach of the Empire. At least one of them should have. Giving Luke to Owen and Beru seems kind of like "the closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm!" What if Vader ever wanted to go visit mom's grave?... Vader: "Hey a kid named Luke Skywalker that's old enough to be my son and feels like he's related to me. WTF!!!!" I know it had to be done to keep with continuity, but it still seems like a bad move...
  24. I wonder if Palpatine had that lightsaber hidden in his sleeve since TPM... Since he's been a Sith Lord for Lucas knows how long, I'll bet that he's made a butt-load of spare lightsabers when he wasn't plotting. I mean he got a replacement lightsaber after Windu's death pretty damned fast. I'll bet if you dismantel his office and stuff you'll find lightsabers all over the place! I want one, I liked the style of his lightsaber. It looked wierd, yet I liked it. Maybe I should get a Master Replica's one... No! NO NO NO NO NOOOOOO! It's too expensive for a handle!!!!
  25. Yes, Shion is the pope that Saga killed and impersonated in the manga. In the anime they did some BS that ended up not coinciding with the manga because of how they adapted the manga and how the manga was still being done by Kurumada while the anime was being made. I don't exactly remember for the anime. Besides they happily worked out filler characters that sucked, like Crystal Saint, and the steel saints. (Why did they bring the steal saints back for the fighting game? They could have put in Persius Argol, or some other silver saints...) As for dead shion on star hill looking like Shion. Well, Kurumada might not have had a design worked out for him at the time. We don't even really see his face, we just see him opening his mout and crying out in pain when he gets killed.
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