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Everything posted by Sumdumgai
not really a fair example....why? because none of us knew then, that the ligthsaber could block a force lighting attack. we were only privy to this info in AOTC when obiwan absorbed dooku's. that was the first time it was seen on screen. as far as his statement, i think it was more of luke manipulating Vader to attack the emperor. the statement also lets Vader know that luke truly loves his father and will not kill him under any circumstance, that he would not fall into the same peril as his father. if anything, i'd say thats honorable, before i called it arrogance. I didn't bring it up because of the lightsaber being able to block force lightning, but because it was his only weapon. To toss your only weapon away in front of a powerful enemy is freaking retarded. I think Luke is a bit too simple to think of manipulating Vader into attacking the emperor. I guess we just see things differently on this topic, but I do see where you're coming from.
I've got a bad feeling about this... How long before you think a mod is gonna drop a nuke on this thread and seal it?
You don't know Leroy? Shame on you! http://flame.tiefighter.org/WoW/1115793473.wmv or here http://warcraftmovies.com/download.php?mir...roy.wmv&id=1666 Thanks for posting that, I got a good laugh from that! I haven't played WoW, but that looked like one big cluster-f*ck!
Damn, you beat me to the quote Max! I guess the way Luke acts differs depending from your point of view.
Haterist and Hurin are the same person with split personalities, like Jack and Tyler Durden. j/k I see where Zentran and Exo are both coming from. But we inhabit the Macrossworld forum under the rule of Shawn's moderators, for a safer and more secure forum. Works for me.
Anakin's own disturbing, narcissistic behavior doesn't end with adolesence... it actually continues and becomes magnified well into his 20's in Sith. Here, he no longer has the pat teenage excuse for his behavior... but yet, his whininess continues somewhat, and his neurosis actually grows worse. I can't think of a remotely reasonable pardon for cold bloodly killing a literally unarmed Dooku after he'd thought about the implications of the act. Anakin went far beyond having any legitimate excuse for his attitude or behavior, at least two and a half times throughout the movies--when he killed Dooku in cold contemplative blood, when he killed kids, and to a lesser extent, when he killed an entire village of sand people in anger. And in his final confrontation with Obiwan, with his petulant teenage "I hate you!", which is really, really unbecoming in the 20-something year old he was supposed to be by then, he was whiny to the last. If Luke was "whiny", then Anakin is many times that-- and an unstable, obsessed, ungrateful, gullible, narcissistic, pedicidal psychopath to boot. -Al Okay by the time Luke confronts Vader and the Emperor, he's not really whiny. Instead he's arrogant beyond belief thinking that he'll be able to take on two Sith Lords and turn one of them away from the dark side of the force. As someone mentioned earlier either in this thread, or the ROTS thread, I see it less that Vader kills the Emperor out of the goodness of his heart, and more as "you're f*cking with my son, family ties are stronger than sith!" Yelping is one thing. Being all "You failed your highness. I'm a Jedi like my father before me," and saying it arrogantly after tossing away your only source of protection is another. What gets me isn't that he yelps and screams, it's that he cries for help from his Dad. Ah but for teenage Anakin that's where we see the problems of why he shouldn't have been trained in the first place. Not only does he have the teenage angst and horniness, he's got that sense of invincibility that teenagers get. Even worse for a Jedi. It just goes to show why he should never have begun his training. He's too emotional without enough self-control. Wiping out the sand people, I can understand. Knowing my Mom was tortured to death and only being able to come to her at her final moments, I don't know what I would do, but seriously considering wiping out the tribe would be at the top of my list. I can empathize with his decision on Tatooine, and the teenage angst because I've been there (like a lot of us here on Macrossworld. good luck to those who are still in this stage! ). Yes he whines in ROTS, I've never argued against that. Neurotic would be a good way to describe Anakin descriptively, paranoid and narcissistic. But for a real psychological analysis, neurosis no longer exists as a category for diagnosis in the US. I think it got phased out in the DSMIII. Once Anakin starts down the Dark Side though, it seems more like he goes out of neurosis and into psychosis. He breaks off with reality, turns into a psychopath (meaning he does criminal things), and completely twists reality around. If we're going on the neurosis (they got folded into the Personality Disorder categories) diagnosis, then Anakin's annoying behavior comes from that. A problem in being raised: Obi-wan's fault, he just didn't do enough, or do it right. If when he turns to the dark side he's having a psychotic break, then it's not really that Anakin is evil. It's more so that he's lost touch with reality because it's too harsh, and replaces it with a twisted reality that suits him better. 'I'm not a mass murderer, I'm the saviour of my new empire' 'I killed them all for you' 'I strangled her because it's your fault, you turned her against me' 'From my view the Jedi are evil' No matter what "facts" from reality get thrown at Anakin, by the time he's Darth Vader, everything gets twisted around and distorted. After having spent a semester studying psychosis, I really feel sorry for Anakin, even when he's turned into Darth Vader. Anakin's been shafted throughout the prequal trilogy. If he really is hacing a psychotic break, like it looks like he is to me; then I can't really consider him as evil as many people claim him to be. Psychosis sucks. I think I need to eat, all my trains of thought have derailed at various locatoins, and I'm not sure what my point is anymore. Uhm. I like lightsabers.
Little did we all know Haterist, but the sand people are all really a bunch of hot amazon chicks that cover themselves up with stuff and go wild doing all sorts of crazy things. They do it in a fit of craziness for yaoi. They were going to do things to Luke in ANH, but Obi-wan came to Luke's rescue. Luke lost his chance at getting laid (although they probably would have stuck things up his butt if they were a bunch of yaoi crazed amazons ). And no, I'm not whining: I'm bitching. That is an artform! j/k
I think the Rebel High Command would disagree, what with his destroying the Death Star and all. . . And that was when he was untrained. Now that's just silly. I'm sure you realize that he was disgusted with Luke's refusal to turn to the Dark Side. If anything, the Emperor was impressed with Luke at that point, since he'd just kicked the crap out of Vader. H But we already know he's a damned good pilot that liked to shoot little animals while piloting his sky speeder or whatever. Yeah he used the force a bit to shoot in those torpedoes. I do realise the emperor was disgusted with Luke's refusal to turn to the dark side. I'm a silly person! Although Luke kicked the crap out of Vader, it goes to show how poorly trained he was as a Jedi. Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected: the Jedi way. Luke goes all overemotional because of his attachments and numerous times starts trodding down towards the dark side, swinging his lightsaber like a baseball bat. I wouldn't be opposed to a remake as long as the original trilogy was left permanently available. I would much rather see some new material instead though. Unfortunately I have a bad feeling that Star Wars is going to trod down the path of Trek, and turn into a steaming turd burger. Hopefully that bad feeling is nothing!
well if he wasn't all those things, what should have he been? stern, wise, calm, smart, what? are you saying the OT movies would've been better if he just started off as a jedi master? cause that would've ruined the entire story plus there would be no ANH, or ESB. he acts(yes hes acting) like a little bitch because thats how the character was written. he doesn't know the ways of the force, he doesn't know anything about his father, he don't know much of anything other than life as a moister farmer and shooting womprats in his T-16. as time goes on, he "acts" like less of a bitch and more like a jedi but in certain scenes(like the final duel w/vader in both ESB and ROTJ) he had to be all "Lukeish" as its a part of his character development which is key when making any movie.....and especially ones with sequels. i agree that whiney luke is annoying but he supposed to be, if he wasn't whiney, he wouldn't be luke. I'm not saying what he should have been. I'm pointing out that he was arrogant and whiny from beginning to end because some people were saying he wasn't thaaat whiny. I just decided to do a quick dirty summary of what makes him annoying. At least Anakin had an excuse in AOTC. He was an angsty teenager with raging hormones, wanting to jump Padmé's pants and rattle her bones. Luke's what 20-something? The teenager excuse doesn't work on him. Luke's too sure of himself while he doesn't have the skill to back up his words. Even the emperor got dissapointed with him. I would have been disgusted too. "So be it. Jedi."
New Robotech Transformable Toy Coming...
Sumdumgai replied to VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I love it! It's so appropriate in relation to Toynami. -
Wuss. That game was fun. Especially once you got the minigun. I loved that friggin thing. Made me feel like I was Jesse Ventura. Now one of those would be fun to kill a dino with. Especially from a helicopter. It's not that the game in itself was bad. It's just that it's the only first-person shooter to make me motion sick. I've played through Wolfenstein 3D, every Doom game before 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Half-life, Counterstrike, Counterstrike Source, Duke Nukem 3D, Corridor 7, some first-person Star Wars games, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, and Turok 2. None of these other ones made me sick. Just the first Turok. The ironic thing is that I never got sick on Turok 2. Go figure. And when I mean sick, I mean I felt I was going to heave my guts out. Like when you drink something reaaaaaally gross, or eat some bad food and you puke your guts out everywhere. Or when you're sick with a bad fever and your mouth starts filling with saliva in prepation to blow chunks all over the place. I'd rather use the force from a remote location out of reach of all Dinosaurs. Force lift a T-rex, watch him squirm a bit, then drop him from a fatal height. Rip up trees and shoot them through the forest. Zap a whole pack of raptors with force lightning... All without needing to get in lightsaber range or having to use a gun.
ARGH! Turok! The only first-person shooter that made me motion sick. Actually when I played it, I made myself get violently motion sick for over 12 hours (including feeling sick in my sleep and dreams during part of that twelve hours). I also made my two other friends get motion sick. I hated that game. Damned motion sickness-inducing pile of steaming crap.
Arrogant is Luke. A trait more and more common amongst Jedi. Even the older more experienced ones. He is whiny too. I mean really, Luke in ESB is all like: 'Yeah I can become a Jedi! I'm all ready!' at first on Dagobah. 'I'm not afraid! I will finish my training, really I promise!' Then he becomes bitchy and whiny: 'you ask the impossible' [goes to sulk in a marsh pool after dropping his x-wing deeper in the swamp] 'I have to go! I can save them and stuff! I don't need to finish my training yet! I can take on the empire single-handed! Don't worry old ben, I don't need your help!' (uh no pun intended, it just popped out) [hand gets cut off, jumps in the hole, almost falls to his death] 'BEN HELP ME!!! OH GOD MY STUMP IT HURTS!!!!! BEN!!!! BEN!? Uh................ LEIA!!!!!!!!!' Then in ROTJ: 'Jabba don't give me no crap man, I'm a Jedi now. Take this: JEDI MIND TRICK... Uh it didn't work, you're immune? Crap. Uh. I can kill you and everything in this room, unarmed and completely by surprise!' [gets dumped in the rancor pit and runs around like a rabbit on fire] 'Yoda, what do you mean I'm not a Jedi Knight yet? I gotta kill my daddy? But, uhm... like wtf he dissappeared!' 'I'll turn myself into the empire so I can get close to daddy. Daddy! I can feel the good in you! Crap that didn't work.' 'No I'll never join the dark side! I'll never be your bitch emperor. You're simple tricks to get me angry won't work!' [tries to hack down the emperor, ends up getting angry and hacking off daddy's hand] [Throws lightsaber away like a total dumbass] 'I'm a Jedi, like my daddy before me. WTF HE'S ELECTROCUTING ME!! I'M UNARMED!!!! HELP DADDY HELP!!!!!' Luke was whiny, arrogant, annoying, and plain old stupid often times.
ZERG RUSH KEKEKE! OMG WTF HAX!!!!! ZERG RUUUUSH!!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!11111 Ah Starcraft, good times, good times. Realistically I wouldn't want to go anywhere near a place like Jurassic Park. With my luck, just when I arrive you get everything set up for a big disaster like in some kind of cheesy movie...
Well, his latest ban happened in this thread a long time ago. Ignore my part in it. I was naive back then. . . Yeesh, I remember reading through that thread and staying the hell out. Wow, I've been a member of Macross World for almost 2 years now. How time flies.
Look what I found on the site of one of the Japanese MR Authorized retailers, from the list of retailers. http://www.event.co.jp/shop/sale216obiep3fx.htm The Obi-wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber from ROTS. It's supposed to come out in July according to the site. Interesting news, but it's not a Sidious FX lightsaber so I personally don't really care. I thought some of you fans of the Obi-wan lightsaber might care though! edit: I found on another Japanese site, linked to this one, the ROTS Darth Vader FX Lightsaber. But when I tried to get the link so I could show you guys the site stopped working. edit2: here's a pic for the lazy
Send in Naked Snake and the Cobras. Seriously I would not want to use a flamethrower against a dinosaur. I think I'd just piss the thing off and have a flaming dinosaur trying to kill me, instead of just a dinosaur. I saw on IMDB that there's a Jurassic Park IV in the works. Wtf-mate!
Does anyone else remember hearing on the news some years ago, a find where some people dug up a velociraptor skeleton that was T-rex size? For anti raptor and other smaller dinosaurs: -shotgun: Benelli M3 Super 90 or that new Benelli M4 auto-shotgun that's been developped for the US Marines. Some Beneli shotgun. -rifle: H&K G3SAS. The power of a G3 rifle in a gun about the size of a H&K MP5K. Probably has really mean recoil, but considering you need something that can maneuver in close ranges... -pistol: some kind of big caliber revolver. I don't know my revolvers that well, so I'd go with some kind og magnum revolver. As big of a round as Desert Eagles may fire, I wouldn't trust a big caliber automatic. I've had plenty of guns jam on me at the shooting range, and to have your backup gun jam on you...
yeah but the raptors that escaped on the boat and made it to the mainland started eating animals and things that had that specidic amino acid. It's been years since I read the first book, but I remember wondering why the author didn't continue along this storyline, rather than go with the lame stuff for the Lost World.
rifles and pistole use bullets, they penetrate better, shotgun is a spray of pellets, as i understand it, shotguns are to a rhino what a BB is to a human, yes it can kill if its a wellplaced shot but the chances are ti would just sting and piss it off, and a t-rex is a hell of alot bigger than an elephant, its only logical to think that sometihng liek a T-rex or triceratops would have extremely thick skin, the teeth that the T-rex had to eat other dinosaurs are proof of that, and raptors needed a 6 inch long claw to hunt, no predators these days have weapons that extreme, they were needed back then Actually depending on the range, a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun is like taking a shower of 9mm-short/.38cal bullets. That's with buckshot. If it's a slug round, you've got a big-ass bullet shooting out of your gun that'll probably knock a velociraptor on it's ass. But it's only effective at closer ranges. There's also flechete rounds for the shotgun, but they're highly illegal in the US. They're shotgun shells that are filled with little barbed darts. Mean as hell. They might as well have stocked Desert Eagle .50AE pistols since you can hunt bear and deer with them. That might put down the smaller dinosaurs, and good as a back-up. Although you can't use them constantly because they wear out fast (according to the owners of The Gunshop in Las Vegas, they rent guns for their shooting range, but they stopped the Desert Eagle because it can't handle constant use. Too powerful for it's own good or something). For the slightly bigger ones, a Barret Light 50 ought to do the trick (I forgot what model name it really is. The .50cal sniper rifle.). M16s with steel-core bullets would probably be effective on dinosaur hide. Although personally in the case of an emergency at Jurassic Park, I'd rather the place be equipped with something that has a bit more punch than 5.56mm/.223cal. Something more like a H&K G3A4 or G3 SAS with 7.62mm ammo. The shotgun that the Aussie guy was using is the Franchi SPAS12, it's a pump/auto shotgun. As for going up against something big like a T-rex. Why even bother? You should get out and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
For a creepy or weird Han Solo: Jonny Depp (Imagines weird hand movements and Han stumbling around like he's drunk and drugged out). For a "hit me as hard as you can" Han Solo: Brad Pitt I dunno. I can't really see anyone playing Han Solo except Harrison Ford. You can go with one of Lucas' old ideas and make Han Solo black: Wesley Snipes. As for Luke, get someone that resembles at least slightly Hayden Christensen or Nataly Portman/Kira Knightley.
Yeah I meant the ROTS Darth Vader lightsaber, as in the one that has a red blade, which we never see in the movie. The one that he would end up using in ANH. Yeah it looks different from the ANH, ESB, and ROTJ lightsabers. I like lightsabers, and how they look is important to how much I like them. The generic Jedi lightsaber looks like crap to me. The ones that most of the Jedi use in ROTS and AOTC, that's the generic thing I don't like. I liked Anakin's in ROTS. I liked Sidious' lightsaber a lot. Even if people in other forums said it looked like a dildo. Never Palpatine's dildo. It's smaller, concealable, and doesn't have a whole buttload of knobs and other things that would get in the way of handling a blade. I've been looking up crap on lightsabers recently. The lightsaber that Luke receives in ANH is different from the lightsaber he uses in ESB. That activation box (I don't have the vocab down) in ANH has these little bubbles on it. In ESB it's this metal stuff. Anakin's in AOTC has a box like ANH. In ROTS it has the circuit board looking stuff. Good info on the lightsabers stamen! Wouldn't it be funny to force shove your opponent's lightsaber back into their own face so they kill themselves?
Okay. What do you all think of Vader's non-existant on screen lightsaber? I mean the one that we see in all the promo shots and ads, but never see onscreen. The one that Master Replicas made a replica out of.
nope , THIS is creepy : Believe it or not, I find this one from trainspotting less creepy...
Yeah, but then you get tossed down a shaft when you fail. Killing younglings is more effective. Unless you're a reaaaaally crafty sith lord. But in the end you lose power and get screwed over, be it by the youngling that you turned, or by the offspring of said youngling.