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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Great news! I had pretty much given up hope on a VF-0 and other new Macross stuff from Yamato (other than the GBP and cannon fodder). There wouldn't happen to have been anything about the YF-19FP in that magazine would there? edit: If they're doing a 1/60 VF-0, now there is no way anyone can argue against a 1/60 YF-19 or YF-21!
  2. I know what you mean. So far due to various things that have popped up, I've had to ask him to change the address four or five times. It's sucked like hell, because I'm probably going to be in Japan at the time it arrives (so my new brother-in-law is going to have to take care of picking it up from the post-office, since the delivery people won't be able to deliver it as usual). Honeymoon during the time of comiket. Plus the wife loves anime, manga, and doujinshi. I'm going to look for lightsaber stuff in Japan, as well as that little remote-controlled R2-D2, and go looking at Macross stuff. Life is good. Also going to try to go to one of Sakai Hiroyuki's restaurants (Iron Chef French).
  3. I'll finally be getting my Anakin FX! Woohoo! I ordered before the 22nd. That sucks, I feel for you Hikuro. From what my best friend told me about seeing these FX sabers in person at Comic Con, it sounds like they're worth waiting for. I myself don't know personally, because I've only seen them not-activated. I was tempted to go pick up a Vader ESB FX, but the place I checked only had Vader ANH FXs... Saved me from getting another saber. It was the same day I almost had a gold Sidious mini, but got the normal Sidious mini (which is so freaking awesome!!! ). Happy Birthday in advance!
  4. It depends on the armor. Aries Mu for example, the metal pieces are: Torso armor (the front plate is plastic though) Hip armor for the sides are metal Upper arm guards Fore-arm guards Upper leg guards Knee+lower-leg guards Feet Capricorn Shura has basically all his armor in metal except at his belly, and his mask/helmet (if you prefer manga style it's the mask, if it's the TV style it's the helmet): Torso armor Shoulder guards (yes those big shoulder guards are metal) Waist/hip armor Upper arm guards Fore-arm guards Upper leg guards Knee+lower-leg guards Feet Their hands are all plastic though. Wyvern Radamanthys is an impressive piece in my opinion. Dark threatening looking armor. If you put the helmet on him you don't see the uni-brow.
  5. My wife (yes I just got married! Woohoo!) just got me for a surprise the mini Darth Sidious lightsaber. Then I found out that she almost managed to get me a one of those rare 18k gold plated versions that come at random. But she didn't realise that it was that and said to the cashier girl "the color is weird", then the girl went to check if it was normal, and in the mean time my wife realised "OH GOD!!! IT'S ONE OF THE GOLDS!!!!" But the cashier girl came back and raised the price of it to €85. I wound up with a normal, which is what I really wanted, but knowing that she had the luck to hold in her hands a gold... It was "wow"! Later we laughed about it (she felt bad, but she couldn't have known) and compared it to Charlie finding a golden ticket and exchanging it for a normal chocolate bar. "Hey Mister, there's something wrong with my chocolate, it's gold!" It kind of hurts because it would have been cool to have, but on the other hand, I don't think I would have sold it to make extra money to buy more crap. Besides I already have a Best Buy Exclusive Sidious (normal), and now a normal Sidious. So I'm cool.
  6. Oh man, I got to handle a limited edition Count Dooku lightsaber today from Master Replicas. From handling the minis I expected it to be heavy, but WOW! It was really heavy! I was so tempted to buy it, because it was a reasonable price. BUT. When I saw it up close I realised: 1) One of the black rubber grips had fallen off 2) It had been handled so much that the finger prints would be imppossible to get off, because it had never been wiped after being handled, and the oils had already taken effect on the metal. 3) I think it had been dropped by idiots multiple times because there were some things that seemed off about it. 4) It was obvious that one of the other grips had been glued back on half-assed. It was great to actually see and handle one in person, but I felt so bad for the poor thing. Limited run of them, and this one got the shaft. I also saw a Yoda LE priced at €500 or so. Disgusting. Plus the shop I saw them at were selling a As First Built By Obi-wan Kenobi mini, for €75, obviously broken. The emitter was crooked, practically falling off. Soooo, don't go searching for anything at the FNAC on the champs elysee in Paris. They are teh suck.
  7. Just got Aries Mu the other day. Absolutely fantastic! He looks great with the helmet or without. I had a hard time choosing what way to display him. The ankles are a little loose, and his right arm isn't as tight as his left. But otherwise he's tip-top. Only little things I don't like are the back part where the ram's face goes, and the alternate pair of horns that go over Mu's shoulders. The ram face attaches really loosely to the back and keeps falling off. The ridged horns should have been made in one piece, instead there's a couple parts that swivel and makes it hard to adjust to looking correct. Uh he has big hands when they're open, but oh well. The armor itself is fantastic! The way his ponytail attaches is great. It has a metal piece that plugs deep into his hair, right where it's tied off. Ergh, I did read that Shaina got switched to a later date, so no Shaina this year. Instead we get Unicorn Jabu, I believe. There's also going to be a Hydra Ichi. I don't care for them. I want Shaina damnit! I can't wait to see what Taurus Aldebaran will look like. I'm dying to see how they pull off Gemini Saga and Pisces Aphrodite!
  8. I just got a Obi-wan AOTC mini lightsaber, the last from the Saber Vault. It is niiiiice. I also got a ROTS Anakin mini and Best Buy Sidious mini. They're so cool! They're sooo heavy and detailed. I can't wait for my Anakin ROTS FX to arrive!
  9. Oh HELL YEAH! Minmay Guard Minmay! The version of her in the sailor uniform! That would be so cool! Chinese dress Minmay would be nice if she wasn't a bun-head... They could do a number of figures based off of the different holo-clothes she and Hikau tried on in DYRL. But seriously none of them really held my attention. They could do her in a bride outfit, but then again this isn't Evangelion popularity. She's too old for people today, she's what 16? Gotta get them younger like Rei and Asuka, in order to hold anyone's attention. (So no one kicks me in the balls later I'm not serious, I'm just joking based on an observation but don't forget the three characters in Macross says everything about the creators "warera rori konda" )
  10. Alright boys, mash 'em! *squish-squich-squish-squish*
  11. Any suggestions what the chase figure should have been? Young Myun [Teenage Myung during the opening of the OVA] (M+)* Sharon Apple Mermaid Form/Cat Girl Form (M+) One of the other Bridge Bunnies (TV or DYRL) Shower-scene Minmay (DYRL) Suzy Newtlet (Macross VFX2) Myung with H&K Sub-machine Gun (M+) Max Pilot (DYRL) Diorama of Kakizaki's exploding cockpit (DYRL) Shoji Kawamori (cameo DYRL) *I would really want to get the young myung figure if they made it. Shower-scene Minmay would be funny, but won't happen. If they decide to do another cockpit, then Kakizaki's as he gets shot down would be a fun departure. Having another cockpit just sucks. I don't give a rat's @ss about Hikaru, I want a Max DYRL Valkyrie Pilot figure. I need someone besides Roy to hit on all the girls in my gashapon collections.
  12. Isamu looks like he wants to fly so badly because he's so fricken short. It looks like someone cut him off at the knees and glues his shoes onto his stumps. Then again, maybe it's just the angle.
  13. But Dooku got to force lightning Anakin and force throw him into a wall! The only amount of force stuff Maul did was throw a box at a door control so they could go into the giant bridge place filled with glowy pillars. Although Darth Maul's death was reaaaaally lame. I've hated it since I first saw it. It would have been better if Obi-wan cut him in half vertically on his jump up.
  14. To like Alien 3 you gotta be funny. I loved the lightsaber duels in ROTS.
  15. Loved the movie and found the script hilarious.
  16. I like both the OT sabers and PT sabers. I don't like the generic Jedi lightsaber though... This about sums up my facial expression at the moment about the technical aspects of the blades.
  17. The way I remember it they got put on indefinite hold. My memory might be wrong, but it's not like it would be that big of a thing, it was a piece of crap that you had to take apart and reassemble, instead of transforming it.
  18. For the more serious collector and all, the fact that the handles are different will cause them not to switch to FXs. Take for example the Windu FX. It's distorted, but also it would normally have a flat surface to the emitter. If you take out the blade you've got a big gaping hole. Same with Sidious. Besides I want to swing my FX around without the fear of having it fly out because it's removable.
  19. Nah, Lucas would never even hint to the slaughtering of children, he doesn't have the nuts anymore. Nice.
  20. Very nice Milo! I can't wait for Aries Mu to start shipping!
  21. Ahhhh, okay. Damn that sucks for all the Obi-wan lightsaber fans. I thought that Master Replicas might have been able to scale down the neck from the ROTJ Luke. Sorry if I got any hope up with the image I had found. I didn't know. Damn the neck on that thing is fat! Hopefully the neck will be at least somewhat thinner on the final version!
  22. Here's a comparison of the vader sabers, and the Anakin vs Luke saber. The picture is from a review on rpf. Actually just go read the review, it's better than me summarizing it: http://www.rpf.invisionzone.com/index.php?...topic=85190&hl= Top is the Episode V ESB Vader saber. The black grips go all the way up to the black band. Below it is the Episode IV ANH Vader saber. The black grips don't go up to the black band. The top blue saber has the gold circuit looking thing on the box, it's ROTS Anakin's. The bottom saber is Episode V ESB Luke, with that stripey thingy on the box. I'm waiting for my Anakin to be sent off from The Saber Vault. The guy there is really nice, JD. Since the Obi-wan FX was slated for a July release, considering that the Anakin and Vader saber got pushed to July, I'm guessing it's going to be released in August/September.
  23. If any of you are in the Paris area, I saw some of the revell kits at the Bon Marché, in the underground toy section. I don't remember how much they cost. I know it's not much use for anyone outside of France, but hey if you wind up in the area they might have some left...
  24. F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Darth Vader voice] "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!" The dates coincide with a time I might be out of the country!!! And I just ordered the Anakin FX from JD!!! *sigh*
  25. Except the younglings and their trainee lightsabers/painsticks. That is if I read stuff correctly...
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