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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Sorry for bumping this old topic. I bought the game recently and have been playing it like crazy. I already unlocked all the paint schemes including Roy. Now, I just went through all the missions that you can play the VF-4 with and got all S grades. Nothing happened, so I'm going to try going through all the missions with Roy's VF-1S. I'll bump the thread again when I'm done with that.
  2. This is why I avoid HLJ. They're total bastards now. They probably accepted way more orders than they actually would get stock for. Saint Seiya is really big in Europe, in particular France. And a loooot of the French Saint Seiya fans order through HLJ (although they get it in the a** when they order multiples). Avoid YesAsia. They accept orders for things when they don't have the stuff in stock, then if they can't get anymore they give you the runaround and finish with "we'll give you store credit" and refuse to give you a real refund. Hobbysearch sucks too. They don't even answer emails anymore.
  3. 0 VF-0S for me. I'm waiting for the VF-0A. By that time QC issues should probably be solved and revisions put into place for the CF model.
  4. Ah make sense for the control-room switch, and the Palpatine having Anakin's lightsaber. Make due with what you have after edits, hope no one notices the lightsaber switches. Don't feel dirty, phone numbers are hard to remember. Besides this is important stuff. Remembering a cell-phone number is what having notes in your wallet is for. I notice all the lightsaber stuff because I'm really into lightsabers right now. Damned wonderful mini lightsaber collection!
  5. OLIOLIOLIOOOOOOOO!!! Heheh, made my best friend watch it when he was over for the wedding. I love it!
  6. Sorry to bump this thread but there's some stuff I noticed while rewatching Episode III recently. When Anakin and Obi-wan are being held captive in front of General Grievous and they get their lightsabers back. If you watch carefully, you'll spot Obi-wan's episode I/II lightsaber in Grievous' possession when Anakin force pulls his lightsaber from the cloak. I never watched through the Clones Wars cartoon, so did Grievous take it then? (I already know Grievous fights Obi-wan on Utapau with an Obi-wan ROTS style lightsaber and an Anakin ROTS style lightsaber). When Mace Windu goes with his "team of ultimate badasses" to arrest Palpatine and they fight. Okay, we do see the Darth Sidious lightsaber pop from Palpatine's sleeve. But if you watch carefully, although it has a red blade, Palpatine is using Anakin's lightsaber hilt. You can make out many features of it. The "rabbit ears" at the top of the hilt, the metal band at the center, and the black grips at the bottom. Plus the saber hilt Palpatine fights with is too long to be his own lightsaber.
  7. Holy crap, Metal Gear Online. If you can really use the flamethrower, that'll be awesome! ARGH! Why are so many cool things that cost money coming out soon?! I have to win the loto!!
  8. Magnets? Damn, so much for being able to put this thing by electronics... Interesting stuff. I want it now, but I don't have the money now. Must wait for 0A model, wait for improvements like the progression from 1A Hikaru to 1A Max.
  9. It's a rumor that went around in the 90's, but I don't know if there's any truth to it. The ending I read was like this: SPOILER for end of manga and the events of the Tenkai Hen/Heaven Chapter We're left wondering if Seiya is alive or dead. We don't know what's going to happen to everyone now that Hades has been killed and the world/dimension they were in started to come apart. We're left wondering. In an artbook, Kurumada drew a short thing that was supposed to give a few answers as to what happened, and the basis for the Tenkai Hen/Heaven Chapter. We see Seika pushing around a lifeless looking Seiya in a wheelchair in a field of flowers. Showing that Seiya and everyone did survive, but Seiya was left injured badly by Hades' sword. Personally the way the Tenkai Hen was handled, sucked. The new armors of the new characters sucked, didn't go with the rest of the Saint Seiya armors that have constalletions or whatever. The new characters sucked. All the Divine Bronze armors reverted back to their Version 3 form, and were super easy to break into nothing. And the gold saints got their souls locked away by the gods. Then we're left wondering again what the f*** happened after Seiya managed to put a little cut on Apollo's face. Another mystery ending. Oh yeah and one last thing: Seiya has no dick. If you've watched the movie, you'll know what I mean. On the subject of Saint Cloth Myths. I wonder how they're going to do Gemini Saga's face and hair... They could go evil Saga route and give him red eyes and gray hair. They could go good Saga route and give him normal eyes and blue hair. I wonder if they'll include two different Saga heads... I hope they include a head for Kanon.
  10. If memory serves me correctly, on the back of the old M+ boxes they wrote something like it's the Japanese equivalent of Top Gun. Maybe it's an unconscious thing. My dad used to watch Top Gun all the time, hence I watched it too. I dunno, M+ and Top Gun... Maveric and Isamu are reckless dicks, but that's about all the similarities I see.
  11. Uh first off, you want to buy it in original Japanese or a particular country release? The 15 book version is smaller and thicker, so it has less volumes (if you're talking about the Japanese ones. For any other country's release, your guess is as good as mine). As far as I know, nothing was really changed. Personally I don't like the smaller format pages, I prefer the normal size mangas. Otherwise there is Saint Seiya G currently being released. The story is by Kurumada, and the artwork is by Megumu Okada, the mangaka for Shadow Skill. It's a prequel, taking place after Aioros' death, but before the timeline of the original series. So it focuses on the young gold saints. As far as toys go. If they make Saint Seiya G style toys, I probably won't buy them. I don't like Okada's style, nor the way the armors got interpretted by Okada. Plus Mu and Shion with eyebrows is just ew. Release Shaina!!!
  12. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I almost peed myself this thing looks so good! I'm sold if they do an A-model! Make us the YF-19! I stopped caring for fast packs for the 19 a long time ago, just do a new YF-19 in 1/60! ... And a 1/48 VF-11!
  13. I know jack about Halo, I've only heard of the name. As far as videogames ported to the big screen goes. My vote for best ever would be the minute or two from City Hunter with Jackie Chan, where he becomes a bunch of Street Fighter 2 characters and battles this other guy that became Ken. Okay, Jackie Chan as Chun Li ranks high on the disturb-o-meter, but it was way more faithful to the Capcom fighting game than the official versioin with van Damme. The videogames turned movie I'm looking forward to see trailers for to see how they might turn out: Silent Hill. Videogames turned movie that I fear to be a crapfest: Dead or Alive, Tekken, and Doom. If Halo is a movie based on a kill-fest game, I'm interested.
  14. At first I thought that maybe it was the plasma rifle. But if it was the plasma rifle, that thing should be pissing balls of plasma like a trucker emptying a full bladder! I liked the first-person. The chainsaw put a big grin on my face, even though I thought the movie still looked pretty bad. Agent One, you should write, direct, and star in Wolfenstein 3D, basing it off the original game! A non-stop kill fest in a brick maze. With lots of blood and non-stop action! I miss the days of rated R action movies that actually had blood.
  15. This is real. I didn't dare eat it either! I hope it wasn't in the luggage we had to send to ourselves by mail... edit: learning to post pics and not just thumbnails (I can't figure out how to post a full sized image anymore. I give up.)
  16. 322996[/snapback] SPOILER highlight to read (go until the second paragraph just for basic info about the Hades Arc part 1 and the Heaven Chapter, the rest is just if you're bored or really like Saint Seiya and don't know much about the difference between the anime and manga version of the Hades Arc) Ended nicely? Athena was dead, all the gold saints but Kanon and Dohko were dead (except Shaka sort of), the Bronze Saints just got the living crap beat out of them and were falling into the realm of Hades. The Heaven Chapter (I assume you're talking about the Tenkai Hen) is what happens after the end of the manga when the Hades arc finished. And then again, Kurumada gave vague ideas about what it would be about for some years, then they made the first part of the Hades Arc into an anime recently. With that sucess they got the green light to do a movie, which they did of the Heaven Chapter, which was not written by Kurumada, it was a giant filler based on some stuff Kurumada said would be in the Heaven Chapter, and some sketches he did for an artbook. In the Hades Arc part they did make, they left out a little bit of information. When Radamanthys is beating the crap out of Mu, Milo, and Aioria, in the manga Radamanthys tells them that the reason they can't hurt him is because they're on the border of the underworld, and it's limiting the amount of power they can use. That's the reason none of their attacks were having effect on Radamanthys. If they were able to fight at full power, they'd be able to do a lot of damage. This is also the reason why the bronze saints can do stuff that has some effect. Their armors have divine blood on them, which prevents the bronze saints from being effected by the underworld power limitation on mortals. The next part if it's made would be the Hades Arc: Underworld Chapter. Since the stuff we did see was part of the Hades Arc: Sanctuary Chapter. The problem about the second part of the Hades Arc was that Kurumada was pissed at the director that did the Heaven Chapter movie. Unfortunately that director was also the director for the first part Hades Chapter. Kurumada used Saint Seiya as a bargaining chip to make one of his other series into an anime. He made a deal with the animation company that did Saint Seiya. They would only be able to do the first part of the Hades Arc if they did an anime series of his pet series Ring ni Kakero. They agreed and we got part 1 of the Hades Arc, and Ring ni Kakero became an anime as well. I'm really hoping that the rest of the Hades Arc is properly animated. If they cut any of Kanon's scenes it would be a real pisser. It's bad enough that they made Seiya and the bronze saints so prominent already. Seiya and the others only showed up after Athena died, in the manga. The only bronze saint to make it to the sanctuary before her death was Shiryu. The silver saints were never shown revived in the manga. Mu was supposed to feature more prominently. He was supposed to have a longer fight with Papillon, but they tossed Seiya into the mixture in the anime and cut the psychokinesis battle that was in the manga. Also it was supposed to be Mu who warned Milo to watch out when Saga was about to nail him with Galaxian Explosion, but they made Seiya say it. One of the additions I thought was really good though, was the emotional scene when Shura, Camus, and Saga die because their revival time ran out. It was longer and they got some good dialogue, instead of a quick disintigration scene like in the manga.
  17. I'm a cheap cell fan. I won't go out of my way to get those expensive cels, even if they're my favorite characters or favorite scenes. I'll (probably) never pay more than $40 for a cel. I'm not a serious cel collector, I just get the stuff I like that looks nice enough to me, or stuff I can get a deal on. I buried my face in my hands when Mandarake Torrance dissappeared, to leap with joy when I found they only moved, only to again bury my face in my hands when I found out that they went out of business and shut-down the store they had moved to. I loved their cel bargain bin. Heh, I bored the hell out of my wife when we were at the Mandarake shops that had cel bargain bins. I took like half an hour per shop just rooting through box after box of cheap cels. Among the series I saw cels from were: Master of Mosquiton TV series, Super Atragon (oh yeah I could find cels, but not the damned soundtrack ), Galaxy Angel, Ranma 1/2 OVA with Hinako, Ranma 1/2 TV series, some ancient lesbian hentai anime, a couple cels from some tentacle anime, a bunch of ancient kids stuff, City Hunter cels, some mecha animes (maybe gundam stuff, I don't watch gundam so I wouldn't recognize one), and I think some transformers stuff. Oh wait, I also found a bunch of Macross 7 cels in a small shop in the shopping complex that Mandarake Nakano is. They had a really nice cel of Minmay from DYRL, but it costed something like $500+. The rest of the cels were crap cels of Basara's VF-19, or of Basara with his big trap open. There were a couple of M7 Miria as mayor, but they looked like butt. For the nicer cels at Mandarake shops, I saw stuff from X the movie, some cels from Escaflowne the movie, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Tenchi Muyo stuff, Digi Charat, and I think a couple of really expensive Macross cels. Great find Noriko! That's a beautiful cel!
  18. Aldebaran's cool. In the PS2 game, I kept using his Great Horn counter-move on my friend when we went in versus mode. Fun stuff. I'm glad he's in scale with the others, meaning that everyone else is a dwarf. Fact: Aldebaran is Brasilian. In the manga he was blond! Fact 2: There wasn't really much colored hair characters in the manga. Saga, Kanon, Mu, Aldebaran, Milo, Aioria, and Aphrodite are blond. Camus is a red head. Shun has brown hair, as well as Athena/Saori. That Gemini prototype looks awesome. My wife is crawling up the walls in anticipation, since Saga and Kanon are her two favorite characters. I wan't wait to see what Pisces Aphrodite will look like. I'm still a bit bummed that Shaina got the shaft and got kicked back to who knows when. Instead it's Jabu and Ichi. Ergh, they're Shaina's b****s. At least she'll probably get a really good sculpt. I can't wait for Pope Shion to be released since I've got him pre-ordered. I also can't wait for Surplice Aries Shion around April (if the schedule holds true). And after that... Who knows? Marinas I'm hoping, since I want a nicely done Siren Sorento. Oh great news! At comicket a BUNCH of Saint Seiya doujinshi circles had announced in their doujinshis that the Hades arc will be continued! If it was only one or two circles that had announced it, I'd be suspicious. But an entire row of tables that announce it is another story! I'm still not 100% trusting the info, but things look up! I'll wait until official word is released to celebrate! Until then, I thought you guys might be interested.
  19. Confirming what you've deducted: http://www.yamatotoysusa.com/ It's there on the front page, Atelier Sai sculpts. But the price... Blergh. I'm glad I picked up Linna with original Japanese packaging in Japan... $74 hurts more than what I paid.
  20. Here's a mini-review of the Linna Yamazaki figure. The figure comes with: 1) A stand with "Knight Sabers" written on the top surface in green, and "bagorugamu kuraishisu" written on the front side in red katakana (it also comes with numerous claws and stuff to hold her in pose). 2) two types of head ribbons. One type curves more than the other. 3) Closed gloved fist for the left hand (or was it the open hand? I fiddled with it a bit before putting everything away...). 4) Alternate hand for the right arm. The fingers are sticking out so that it's not in "punch mode". 5) Alternate head, it's Linna without the helmet! Appearance: It's overall very good. The paint job is great on mine. The green is almost a car finish dark green. The orange on the visor of her helmet is shiny (not as much as an orange car, a bit more subdued, more dull). The red on her shoulders, hips, and the bands on her legs are a nice deep red. The black parts are glossy, and the gray parts are only slightly shiny. The white has a little bit of shine and sparkle to it. The figure just plain old looks great. The helmet head sculpt is nice. It looks just like I remember it looking from when I watched the anime years ago (I haven't splurged and bought the DVDs). And the helmet-less head is an excelent sculpt. Unlike the Priss sculpt I was unsatisfied with, the Linna head sculpt looks like one of Sonoda's characters. The nose is just right, the eyes are the correct shape and style, her eyebrows aren't too thick, and the hairstyle is correct. It is Linna. To switch heads rip off helmeted head with the neck. Ram Linna's fixed head and neck into the slot occupied by the helmeted head and neck. To switch hands, pull off hand, replace with new hand. The right hand, the knuckle bomber hand, wouldn't come off because it was put on while the green paint in the arm was still wet, so I had to use a lot of force to pull it off. Poseability: Holy crap this figure is articulated! There are double articulations where the legs meet at the hips. The knees are ratcheted, but there is a swivel joint just before the knee so you can twist the lower leg and foot to pose. The waist has what I'm guessing is a ball joint, with a limited movement joint for the upper torso. The neck and head has limited movement. The elbows have very tight ratchet joints as well. As you've seen from the pics of Priss, these figures are really poseable. My Linna can't stand well on her own because of the feet (jesus, high heel combat suits!!!). She can hold a pose with straight legs. The only problems I've found with poseability is that her shoulders don't permit for much arm movement. Because of the type of joint it has you can't have her swivel her arms so that she makes a T shape. I know I'm not being all that clear, but let's just say that the 1/48 and 1/60 VF-1 valks have better arm poseability. The other problem is that her left arm keeps falling off at a swivel joint just above the elbow. It's too loose. Her right arm is nice and tight though (may just be a QC issue on mine). Overall: It's a great figure. From a rank of F to A+, I give it a B+. It's all plastic. For its price it could have had some metal parts to it to make it merit that $60-ish range. I picked mine up for 6825 yen at Kotobukiya, and the Priss figures sold out within a few days, with only one Linna figure left when I last went back before taking my flight back home. However, ever since I watched BGC, I've waited for a good hardsuit figure to be made. Even with the left arm that falls off, and it needing a stand to keep it upright, it's still a great figure. If I could go back in time, knowing what I know, would I buy it still? Yes. Do I recommend it to everyone? No. Get a BGC figure only if you really like that particular character and her hardsuit, and you don't mind paying a high price for glorified plastic.
  21. I used to live in southern California. I live in Paris, France right now. USPS: My family had the same mailman for years and years and years. We knew him by name, he knew us. He was nice to me and my sister while we grew up, saying "hi" when he saw us and stuff. Mail and packages would be delivered with no problem by him. For when we weren't home he would hide the packages at the side of the house and leave us a note with our mail. Then he retired and the successive mailpeople that replaced him sucked. Mail got delivered mostly without problems, but packages get tossed on the front porch with no knock on the door. UPS: The delivery guy that used to deliver all the time was a really great guy. He would always knock, and for things that didn't have to be signed off for, he would go to the side of the house and hide the packages really well and leave us a note in our mailbox letting us know where the package was. He was a great guy, and my family used to get packages often from him. Then he got replaced and service went to crap with the package being tossed on the front door-step, or being placed under the doormat in front of the door... No knock, they just toss and run. French Post Office: The clerks are usually bastards. There is a reason why b****y people are called "women postal workers" in French. The mail gets delivered most of the time, but packages NEVER make it to our apartment. When I first moved here, one of the boxes of my stuff which I had packed really well (tape all over the place outside and inside, trying to make sure that the box wouldn't tear apart) got massacred and had a big gaping hole in it. Nothing went missing, I think... Oh wait, I forgot. My last name is on the mail box with my wife's maiden name. Back before we got married, our last names were on the mail box. The morons can't read past one name. Letters and packeges addressed to me took extra time to arrive, or wouldn't arrive at all. A copy of my birth certificate got lost in the mail for a bit. I'm not sure whether it's the USPS's fault, or if it's French Postal disservice. In any case it got lost while I was trying to finish off paper work to get married. It wasn't fun. It arrived a month late, when it should have arrived within 5 days or so. I had a nightmare with my parents having to send another copy by fed-ex, and with me having to worry about Identity Theft (not fun). I just blame the French Post Office. It's probably their fault. Chronopost: This crap company handles EMS from other countries. Just don't send EMS to France, please don't. Does anyone remember the thread from last year about the crushed Q-rau in the toys section? That was mine, and that was done by Chronopost, who refused to refund me any money, and refused to sign off a paper saying they destroyed my package, when it was marked on the status delivry page online that it had been destroyed. Thankfully the deputy shopper who sent me the Q-rau managed to get a refund from EMS Japan, after months of them refusing because they needed a paper from Chronopost admitting to destruction of the package. When the deputy shopper showed them pictures of the destroyed contents, and pictures of the chronopost delivery status page, they eventually refunded... Besides that, recently they stopped delivering packages all together. Before they would swing by and drop a notice saying that the package is awaiting pick-up at the post office. Now, they don't even leave a notice, they just drop it off at the post office. And for apartments that have an intercom so you can ring a particular person's apartment, they don't ring, they don't even come by. Now the package is dropped off at the post office, and if you didn't know a package was coming it gets sent back after a couple weeks of no-pick-up. You have to use the tracking system to monitor where your package is. Chronopost is on the blacklist in the "for sales" section. yeah, I nominated the bastards. Fed-Ex: The delivery people are kind of dumb, but stuff does get delivered from what I know. They're business is booming because lots of people stopped using Chronopost and started having their packages sent to them by Fed-ex. I've heard horror stories from various star wars prop forums about Fed-ex ground. I've heard that Fed-ex ground operates under different regulations than the main branch, so they ignore the fact that they're really supposed to get a signature when they deliver something that requires a signature... Like a guy that ordered an Elite Edition Luke Skywalker ANH Lightsaber had his box delivered and dumped on a trashcan on the sidewalk. The same day as trash pick-up. Thankfully the trash had already been taken that day, and he came home and found it, but still... Another story I heard, was from another guy that ordered the same thing, but when his was delivered the Fed-ex guy gave the package to a guy on a motorcycle who was stopped by the house, and the motorcycle guy said "yeah I'm the neighbor". He found out when he contacted Fed-ex ground and they told him the package had been delivered to his neighbor. A guy on a motorcycle. But his neighbors didn't own motorcycles... And when he checked with them to make sure, they didn't have his package obviously. DHL: US branch delivered the mini lightsaber I ordered from The Saber Vault fine with no problems. I don't know about the French branch. Moral of all of this: People suck. Especially French customer service, because it doesn't exist in France. Grrr, now I'm all annoyed from remembering all that crap. ARGH! Our large suitcase is going to be handled by French Postal Service, because we had to send it home by mail because it was overweight (British Airways only allows 23kg of luggage per person, we didn't know. American companies and Air France allow for something like 30kg or so, so we got it in the butt HARD and had to ship one of our luggages). *sigh* I hope the luggage makes it to us fine. I have a bad feeling about it...*sigh*
  22. No real difficulty to cut the wires. Heh, attribute it to jet-lag, but the image I just had in my head: Guld: "Control, I'm having too many problems, I will now eject." [pulls the eject lever and the canopy blows off. His seat blasts off with him in it, but the wires plugged into his helmet keep him attached to the aircraft. He starts screaming like a little girl while he his repeatedly slammed into the body of his plane] The VF-11 for looks is my all-time favorite. I love the canard wings in fighter mode. It looks sleek and thin in each mode. I like the cyclops-eye head and single laser. I'm a sucker for grunt valks (except the TV series 1A). The addition of a shield blew me away when I originally saw M+. It has a reloadable gunpod that looks cool. Said gunpod has a bayonnet! Plus it looks like it is a descendent of the classic VF-1. If I were offered a valk to own in real life, based purely on looks and not on capabilities or features, I would choose the VF-11. If it came to choosing by capabilities, it would be the 21 (or 22 based on the good stuff I've heard).
  23. Maybe it's white gold!
  24. Actually, the 21 did have a rear-ward facing AA laser, it was that yellow, antenna-like thing sticking out of its head in battroid mode, and behind the cockpit in fighter/GERWALK mode. Not to mention that its other two lasers can be fired backwards in fighter mode too. Another thing, the 21 didn't need FAST packs to carry its gun pods, they were fixed onto hard points on the leg covers. But yeah I agree with you that the 21 is a great valk, but my vote has to go with the 22. All the pluses, well not ALL, but a lot of the pluses and great looks of the 21 with a few extras... 322328[/snapback] Whoops, forgot that the yellow thing was an AA laser. But it's fixed, so that's a bit of a minus... I thought the arm lasers could be fired rearwards, but I thought it was just my bad memory playing tricks on me. As for the gun pods, yeah, Guld was shooting targets and stuff in episode 2 without fast packs. Where the hell did I pull that wrong info from? I haven't seen far enough into Macross 7 to see what the 22 is capable of. I've just heard that Max and Miria fly them. Then again, with Max and Miria, you could give them a VF-0 during the M7 time period, and have them destroy an entire fleet before they run out of fuel! I do like the 19 style cockpit though, since you can see so much. I don't know how the 22 cockpit is, but the 19 is nice.
  25. YF-21FP It's dark blue, it's got stealth, maneuverability, internal weapons bay for micro-missiles, BDI and BCS, manual back-up in case the BDI and BCS fails, lasers that can be used effectively in any mode (unlike the 19 series where the lasers are mounted on the hips in battroid), and it is capable of flight when the arms AND LEGS missing. It has almost everything the 19 series has, except the rearward facing anti-aircraft laser. Downside is that you need fast-packs to hold a gunpod. Bonus, you get two gunpods when you have fast-packs! Second downside is letting your mind wander... Like: "Oh wouldn't it be funny if I launched a nuke towards that annoying idol singers concert?" [FWOOOM, nuke gets launched because the valkyrie picked up on the stray thought] Plus it looks like a Q-rau in battroid mode. And it's nice and sleek in fighter. I admit it's kind of fugly in gerwalk though... following the 21 are: VF-19A VF-11B VF-0A VF-4 VF-1A DYRL style (I hate the TV series style A-heads)
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