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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. M7 Trash takes place inside the Macross 7 and has almost nothing to do with valkyries or piloting. Macross universe sports involving futuristic inline skate hover things and a love triangle, and a girl that sings, and a girl that used to be a pilot. Oh Max is in it too. Still don't like the MII valkyrie designs, even more so after this memory refresh.
  2. Unification wars, check out EpI of M0 to see some of it.
  3. Unfortunately the site I got some pics from is reworking their custom figure section so instead I'll post some pics here. Black Dragon Saint custom Gold Dragon custom Black Andromeda custom edit: took out a pic because it was too large, it was a badly done custum Surplice Capricorn Shura. And I found these on a French site, Whitezeta.net.
  4. Directed by Uwe Bolle and produced by Anderson?
  5. I personally find the gold bronze cloths lame. But that's just me and my wife. lol I'd go for the black saint look, or if I had the right paints (and wasn't all thumbs) I'd do surplice colored bronze cloths. I've seen some custom black cloths that looked pretty good. The customizer even changed the hair color and stuff of the figures. The Shiryu looked pretty cool.
  6. Hey take that back man the Metal Siren was something here ! 378309[/snapback] Nevaaaaaah! Just my opinioin. If you like it, go you! But then again I can't stand any form of Gundam either. Especially Gundam Wing.
  7. The only problem I've had was with Sagittarius Aioros' back piece that keeps his armor closed. It wouldn't fit and I stripped some paint and plastic in order to get it to fit (yeah I know, don't force it, but I did!). Other than that I think Aioria has some paint that chipped off of one of his hands. None of the other saint cloth myth figures are having any paint problems yet. My guess would be humidity but I know nothing about paints and plastic, so your guess is as good or better than mine. You don't leave them out in direct sunlight do you?
  8. You want modernization? VF-1 not-so-low-visibility version 2 lol
  9. No, I just think they're ugly period. All of the valkyries in MII. Packs or no packs. There was no heart or soul in MII.
  10. I'd choose the low vis v1, even though it's not canon or anything. It looks cool, it won't yellow, it has that cool looking M0 pilot. It's a 1A type, which I really like.
  11. I just want to be rich so that I don't get all the headaches of being the owner of a company with all sorts of legal things, workers comp, etc etc...
  12. Can't stand Macross II. Only liked the music and Ishtar's character design. The valkyries hurt my eyes they were so ugly. I regret ever spending money to watch it.
  13. My wife lets me get whatever I want really and I let her get whatever she wants. Funny isn't it? lol We both collect toys, so it's cool.
  14. sumdumgai some dumb guy add a fake asian twist to it and *boom* I'm sumdumgai. Made it up just because and I've been using it for quite a while now.
  15. WOOHOO!! Flying lawnmower! Thanks for bringing that thing back! I love it!
  16. I don't like the comic and don't want to watch the cartoon.
  17. Japan would be safer if they moved Tokyo tower you know... If they did make anime planes into actual military hardware, eventually a crazy scientist who watched too much Patlabor will create a Hyper Operating System. And you know what that will mean! MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!!! lol
  18. Why burn out your eyes kensei? Why? Why do you do it? lol
  19. Uh I wasn't serious about Mari Iijima playing Minmay live action. lol And no Duke Togo you're not alone in thinking that those women are hideous looking.
  20. Harmony Gold is the reason you get hairy palms when you masturbate. Harmony Gold is the reason you go blind after habitual masturbation. Harmony Gold is the reason you get hemmroids when you take too long to take a dump. Harmony Gold has avoided getting in the way of Chuk Norris, unfortunately. Harmony Gold nanomachines are what cause cancer when you eat that fake sugar stuff in the pink packets at Denny's. If I had cancer, I'd name it Harmony Gold. If I was Harmony Gold's colon, I'd get cancer, and I'd kill Harmony Gold.
  21. Well he could have made the VF-0 an "older" mecha design style and have the arms shoot off like rockets... VF-1 is good as is. VF-0 has many characteristics of the VF-1 but is less complicated. I mean there is no hideable heat-shield, and the hands stay out in fighter mode. It's got some nifty modern design elements added in, and why not? The VF-1 fulfilled its role in SDF Macross and DYRL perfectly. The VF-0 fulfilled its role just fine in M0. And anyone who has a prob with seeing little Sara's boobies, don't forget "warera rori konda" LOL
  22. The ship designs and the gravity lenses are awesome. The story... eh. 375006[/snapback] I liked the main theme. Still can't find the damned soundtrack for it. I loved the gravity lenses. The submarine with a drill was cheesy but funny, although I don't think that was the point.
  23. They can get Mari Iijima to be Minmay in the Macross Live Action. Wouldn't that be a kicker? I mean it's because it's not likely they'd do the TV series/DYRL story with a 16-18 year old Hikaru.
  24. Uhm. I always use paypal with Crescent Shop and send him the $50 deposit for auctions. If you win the auction and the shipping to you ends up being under $50 he'll refund you the rest of the money. I'm guessing that he'll take the depsoit amount upfront, but you could always email him and ask him just to be sure since I'm just guessing. My wife and I have been using Crescent Shop for the past two or three years. We got sick of Celga and their crap. Rinkya gave us grief when we tried to use them, so we decided to not use them (besides a number of sellers reject their bids). Sorry I wasn't really of help here.
  25. I haven't been reading the thread, but I'll just say Houshin Engi and Samurai Deeper Kyo are the two worst anime I've seen in the past few years along with Noir. Houshin Engi had crap animation and the story seemed retarded. Samurai Deeper Kyo I couldn't even sit through the first episode. Noir looked like it had promise, but was boring as hell and I didn't care for the characters. And there wasn't enough blood.
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