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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. -NCC-1701 refit Enterprise (loved star trek since I was a kid, even if I don't like how things have gone with it over the years) -NCC-1701-A Enterprise -Defiant from DS9 and First Contact, "tough little ship" -DYRL Macross -Republic "star destroyers" (okay I dont know what they're called in ROTS even though I'm a nerd, I focus on lightsabers damnit) -Megamaid
  2. I miss sprite rpgs... FFIV and FFVI are still my all time favs. My opinion hasnt changed in the past two years, that blond guy looks gay and I don't care who I offend with that remark. He looks horribly gay in that stereotypically bad and negative meaning. Built for yaoi and taking it in the ass kind of gay, while angsting and harping on his tragic past.
  3. Rebelscum prop section and master replicas section Whitezeta saint seiya forums toy section (but it's in french) RPF (lurking) Macross World is the main place I hang out. Hell, I've even met some of you guys in person, like Areaseven and BobePatt I think. Or was it Areaseven and Exo I ran into instead of bobepatt at Anime Expo 2004? Hmmm, I think I'm getting senile. It was cool to see a bunch of you guys in person even if I didn't go up and talk with some of you.
  4. Awecore!
  5. -I would make Snake infiltrate zentraedi fleets by macronizing him and then sticking a space fold booster on him and programming it to drop him into a zentraedi ship, where he must infiltrate and accomplish everything in his sneaking mission. And he only gets to bring a knife. -To be politically incorrect, I would make sure that the VF-11MAXL Mylene version would have super thin tall high-heels. -Some post-war Q-raus would have the chest cannons replaced by high powered lights, just to be able to have the pilots say that they flashed someone. (I know that was cheesy) -use fold boosters to spacefold reflex warheads onto targeted craft. *boom* -replace the UN Spacy kites with these smiley faces:
  6. They could just go the route of FFAC and do it all CG and dub it.
  7. The potential of doing harm to a series far outweighs the potential to succesfully bring in new fans with a remake. I got pulled into the Macross series by watching Macross Plus, then going back to try to watch what was available of Macross, which was unfortunately just Robotech episodes at the time. I'm happy to finally own the Animeigo set.
  8. They could always do a movie of the Romulan war, from what little they mentioned of it in the original series. People floating in crappy little ships lobbing nukes at each other, not even knowing what the other side looked like since their ships were so primitive and communications sucked. I dunno if they covered any of that in Enterprise because I didn't watch it.
  9. It's all about what "everyone" says and how "everyone" perceives things. Back when Street Fighter 2 originally came out, everyone pronounced Ryu's name "Rye-You". It didn't matter that people who actually spoke Japanese would correct them and tell people how it's pronounced, people would say they were stupid and go on calling Ryu "Rye-You". In counterstrike that high powered sniper rifle that you either love or hate that makes the loud noise and causes people to fall over dead, it's an Arctic Warfare Magnum (AWM). An Arctic Warfare Police (AWP) is a slightly smaller caliber rifle version, but it's not in the game. Everyone incorrectly calls it an AWP. Hell I do it just because I'm used to it, even though I know it's wrong (also because no one cares enough to call it what it really is when I correct them). It's quicker and easier to write or say "valkyrie" rather than variable fighter. And, and, and.... I'm lazy damnit!
  10. Heheheh, dope up Freud and force him to watch through all the silent hill games and the movie and see what he comes up with as psychological explanations. Man that would be quite a laugh. Pyramid Head's great knife is symbollic of a penis and since pyramid head is a representation of aggressivity of James towards himself, James wants to rape himself.
  11. -I'd have "WIDE LOAD" painted on the butt of the Koenig Monster in gerwalk mode. -I'd make the VF-22 be black-smoke-chrome plated like the exclusive mini-lightsabers. -Upsize all the variable fighters for use by full-size zentraedi. -Nose-cone art of naked babes. Hair of all the colors of the rainbow, and then some. -Have a panic button in the A, B, and C models for the cannon fodder pilots, to press when they panic to "calm them down" (by blowing them up before the enemy does). Anyone competent enough to be in a S model doesnt need a panic button (except Hikaru). -Have trainer craft have autobot and decepticon symbols all over the place for team combat training. With appropriate red or purple markings against white and black. -Ghost drone attachments for everything. -Giant crab claws to replace the foldable claws on the old monsters. -A law to keep variable fighters out of the hands of professional musicians that will gayify a perfectly good aircraft. -grass covering on planet-based variable fighters (like those cars where people turn them into giant chia-pets). -battroid mode should have the added ability of being able to shoot fists on rockets, or pop the hands out on a rod like patlabors. I'll think up other stupid stuff later.
  12. His mother's basement, deep down in the bowels of the earth (probably closer to the colon). I'm going to probably crap myself this next wednesday when they do the monthly air-raid siren test. If it starts turning dark I will not only crap myself, but I'll start crying and rush for a machete or some other weapon laying around the house (and a flashlight). And if I actually dissappear, I went insane and got taken away or really got sucked into silent hill.
  13. Last night *boom* no more Macross World. This morning *boop* Macross World back. I'm happy.
  14. I'd give the VF-11MAXL custom jiggling synthetic boobies to shock and horrify everyone that looks at it. I'd put a crotch-armor-laser-turret on the VF-1 GBP armor or the VF-11 full armor, in a phallic shape of course. Frequency override thing in any valkyrie that forces imagefeeds into targeted craft to show gay porn to give zentraedi fleets heart attacks before wiping out their forces while they all are puking their guts out in horror. I'd hang fuzzy-dice somewhere in every valk cockpit. Not a valk thing, but I'd install seatbelts for the bridgecrew of carriers and other fleet vessels. Oh yeah, inflatable afro for the VA-3 invader.
  15. I loved it. It was done mostly right, with some parts I think could have been done better. I hope the DVD has alternate scenes and alternate endings! *spoiler* I was hoping Cybil would survive. To survive the beating only to be burned to death, sucked ass. The church massacer was more gory than scary. Alessa should have appeared and incinerated everyone. Oh well.
  16. If it's the troops in Starship Troopers vs Colonial Marines, my bets are on the Colonial Marines because they've got sonic electronic ball-breakers, nukes, knives, and especially... SHARP STICKS!!! AvP is the type of movie that should be used for MST3K.
  17. Heh, I want to see a bottle of white out versus the pages of the dragon ball manga, or a bottle of turpentine versus the cels of Dragon Ball Z. Or a nail-bat versus the people responsible for Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, and most importantly AvP and AvP 2 (can't forget HG also). If someone could make a cool versus film, I'd happily watch it! Oh I just remembered my favorite versus film (sort of), Zatoichi Meets Yojimbo (okay I can't remember the name of it, but it was cool). edit: They could make things worse by showing female predators with big nasty boobies, teenage predator angst, wild hijinks, the most gruesome sex scene to hit cinema in a long time, and somehow get away with pg-13 and crappy action.
  18. I'm guessing the last thing, but I don't have a very high opinion of HG. I would look forward to having a cleaner version of Macross Plus and the movie edition, damned direct from video rip. At least they didn't have hard subtitles like the Ranma 1/2 OVA collection for panda's signs (well I can't remember if the movie edition M+ did or didnt, it's been a while since I watched it).
  19. They might as well slap Sigourney Weaver with a bigass check and do Alien 5: Aliens Vs Ripley (or Ripley Vs Predator, as in post-Resurrection Ripley that doesn't take crap from anyone anymore). I mean the Aliens franchise is basically "ruin Ripley's life until she dies, then ruin it more by cloning her to bring back aliens". Hell after Terminator 3, they might as well do Aliens vs Predator vs Terminator. Predators arrive on Earth post-judgement day to hunt the machines and humans, and drop some facehuggers to bring in some aliens into the fray. Oh hey! We can add Robocop into the mixture somehow!
  20. I was thinking the same thing seven! An Alien vs Predator movie should be rated R. Not Pg-13, not PG, not G. At LEAST R. Predators come to some colony of humans on a far off planet. They dump some face huggers in the middle of the colony, people start getting face huggered, it's too late when the chest bursters come out and everything goes to hell while the predators start hunting humans and aliens alike. Colonial Marines get sent in when communications with the colony go silent. Colonial Marines get caught in the middle of the war going on in the colony, and get their mothership blown out of the sky by the predators. Only a few colonist security forces remain to work with marines. Colonists and marines try to survive alien attacks and being hunted by predators, while trying to find a way to get off the planet or update the Colonial Marine Fleet (or Colonial Navy, if such a thing exists) as to the situation. Marines manage to get off a communication, a number of CM ships arrive and teams are sent in to harvest some alien eggs while fighting is still going on. Colonial Marine ships in orbit manage to shoot down the predator ship, which gets off it's own distress call. They nuke the whole colony from orbit after the few surviving teams make it back with harvested eggs. They travel back to earth. Of course this being a set-up for the sequel, things go bad during cryo-stasis back to earth. The face huggers get loose and impregnate the crew. Chestbursters pop out and kill the crew, the ships that had the facehugger problems crashland on earth. and a set-up for the sequel is complete. Aliens ready to wipe out mankind off the face of the earth, with predators on the way after having found the blackbox from the ship that got shot down .
  21. I'd rather see a movie about one of those alternate universe timelines where everyone's at war. Where Kirk and Spock were all evil (can't remember exactly, it's been years since I watched the original series) and everyone's cut-throat. Heh, movie about Evil Emperor Spock and his continuing quest to conquer strange new worlds, to enslave new lifeforms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no conqueror has gone before.
  22. Orpheus looks good, but I think he's a douchebag so I'm not getting him. Aiacos looks badass. Gotta get him!
  23. I was a Trek fan growing up. Loved The Next Generation. Liked DS9. Stopped watching with Voyager. Avoided Enterprise like the plague after watching an episode or two. Loved Star Trek II, VI, and First Contact. Wanted the movie version constitution class enterprise refit toy since I was little, and I finally got one from Art Asylum. Give it a rest, or do something brand new, but for the love of god and all that is holy: MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!!! Uh, I mean, don't do a prequel and give a killing stroke to the franchise... Although maybe a killing stroke would be better and put the whole damned thing out of it's misery.
  24. I thought the Mynock looked like a binocular crossed with wings from a pad (or yeah a knligon bird of prey). I like star wars, but not everything star wars. Damn this comic looks retarded.
  25. What's wrong with purple hair? True on real deal real life girls colored hair doesn't look good. Especially mixed color high lights. But on anime characters colored hair is alright.
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