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Everything posted by MolotovsHere

  1. T-1000 Liquid Metal made me go wee wee in my panties
  2. Will GI Joe / Star Wars figures fit in the cockpit? Ive tried fitting my star wars figures in a MAISTO 1/18 scaled jeep wrangler but the star wars figures were a bit to big/tall to fit in the seats..Are GI Joe / Star Wars figures scaled at 1/18 or are they slightly bigger?
  3. Beautiful. Quick Question for you ruskii Will the helmet fit on Revy's head? If so: Where can i get that red helmet?
  4. Isn't it about time for some appetizer pics of the Q-Rhea?
  5. Anyone know if a Revoltech Revy would fit in the Q-Rau cockpit?
  6. Just face it AgentGHQ, no one likes you and get over yourself. Anyway, if they made the impossible by making a detailed city inside the ship then i'm bought.
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