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Everything posted by ogami

  1. first impression => getter robo...
  2. Nice GP-03D !!!! I need to *fix* my collection. some kid mess it up few days ago...
  3. Discovery channel said Japanese sword is the most powerful sword/blade type weapon human ever created.
  4. Patlabor... I can imagine that gaint construction robots with the Honda logo on it.
  5. Bandai R/C Guntank is pretty decent (compared to R/C Dom)
  6. Gundam cosplay girls => they will be there on Saturday. My friend told me that and he is going there on Saturday to take pictures of them.
  7. One question, IF this card is so rare, why the winner wants to sell it...
  8. OH MY GOD! New pic for him... OH MY GOD!
  9. I have NDS and I love it. As for PSP, when FF or Super Robot War comes out on PSP, I will buy PSP. 24~10 seconds of loading time? that is a lot, even for PS2.
  10. What, aside from the addition of ZZ Gundam (and I think Quebely in campaign mode), is the difference between Gundam vs. Z Gundam and AEUG vs. Titans? I loved Feddie vs. Zeon, and I really loved AEUG vs. Titans. If there's a major change here (or a US release), I'd be inclined to pick this up... but if it's a re-release of AEUG vs. Titans with relatively minor tweaks, I'll have to pass in favor of A.C.E. This game is the arcade version of Z gundam DX + story mode + ZZ.
  11. Now: Godzilla Final War is a must see! 10 years later... Neo Godzilla vs Godzilla...
  12. PS2 MS Gundam: Gundam vs Z Gundam has the highest review score in Gundam game history. It is a must buy. This game also feature ZZ Gundam.
  13. that SEED game is one of not-so-good Gundam game. The game is based on "MS Gundam: Encounter in space" game engine, but Bandai did a bad job on making it as a SEED game. The speed is not right, the ground battle sucks (the game engine was not design to have ground battle), and the feel of the game is just weird.
  14. Actually, the price I saw for the PSP was $150, just like the DS. nope... in Japan, basic PSP package is 19,800 Yen, the complete PSP package is 24,800 Yen and NDS is only 15,000 Yen. The complete PSP package is about $250US.
  15. The price of PSP makes it adult... It is a $250~$300 machine... and you have to buy games @ 59.99 price range... I am play Mario 64 DS. It is still fun.
  16. People discover that NDS's GBA slot is not a totally GBA slot... The slot has some extra "holes" for future DS devices to plug in.
  17. The only "something I hate" for this game is the viewpoint. You can not adjust it or to change it. But I guess this is also a good thing. It forces me use the scope/first person view to check the surrounding and plan out where I have to go... I had a lot of fun of killing in this game... it is so "snake style" EVA is a babe too... she is one of the best 3DCG girl in video game history.
  18. Disney is a goodie-looking yet evil-inside company... there is nothing good you can expect from them... (I really hate what they did to Power Ranger. I am a Sentai fan... and Oh boy... Disney did even worst than Saban)
  19. It seems Steam has major problem and I am not in a hurry to play HL2... maybe I should wait until Christmas time to buy it? or Christmas time is a bad time too, since a lot of people will buy HL2 and Steam will overload again?
  20. the next stage of F/A-22 is a bomber???
  21. The second ship looks like a Gundam EFSF battleship...
  22. We know. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11517 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...afp/japan_quake If you want to watch all 11m:37s of what did air, be my guest. What did i do? I am just sharing the news which is not in this topic...
  23. Seed destiny ep3 is not aired yet due to the earthquake... http://www.sunrise-anime.jp/seed-d_news/ 新潟で発生した地震の影響で『機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY』の第3話の放送が中断した件でお知らせ致します。 第3話の放送に関しては改めて放送をし直す事になりました。日時に関しましては正式に決定し次第当公式ホームページにて皆様にお知らせ致します。 ご了承ください。
  24. G... you reminded me of Master Asia is the strongest New Type in the Gundam world.
  25. Isn't the only true New Type is Mwu? and everyone else is "Enhanced human"? I guess there is no concept/such thing of New Type in SEED?
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