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Everything posted by ogami

  1. who needs Destiny when we can have Nu-Freedom!
  2. If it is like Band of Brothers style of Star Trek movie... I don't mind paying $11 CDN to watch it.
  3. I saw the green one at a local Electronics Boutique in Vancouver, Canada not long ago... it is dirt-cheap too... less than $10.
  4. And here is something for the boys...
  5. The shinning/burning finger thing maybe is like Crossbone Gundam X3... It is an I-field that can block beam weapons.
  6. which government is it? The Canadian government? Enterprise... It is a big disappointment to me. The show went to the wrong direction when they started to do time traveling... this idea just doesn't work at that time frame. I rather watch re-run of Voyager instead of band new Enterprise.
  7. But there was no guy (in any Gundam) with a red face, run toward a male and hug him like they are in love...
  8. OH MY GOD, this eps is (somewhat) a disgrace to the Gundam series... first, there is a lot of "breast bouncing" (or fan service)... and the worst of ... "Boy Love"... I have nothing againest gays... but still...
  9. I bought the game and I had fun for the last 4 days. However, once I got to the S license part... It gets much more differcult and I am very frustrated with it... Oh well, I am a no-skill-driver..
  10. The show's first day of air will be a sad day for all of us...
  11. What is Gamlin? Gamlin's the Squadron leader for Diamond Force, who pilots the VF-17S. I'm sure he's in it, Graham. Mylene better be there with Gubaba! OH... Right... I remember now. The whole Diamond Force will be in the game and I am sure they have a combine attack as well.
  12. What is Gamlin? VF-17D/s -> Yes this game will have it... it is in Macross 7 ONE BIG THING, Hajime Katoki will do the design of "REAL SRX"... SRX... Katoki style!
  13. http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20050214/supa.htm (I shouldn't post the picture... but...)
  14. http://www.itmedia.co.jp/games/articles/0502/12/news015.html More news... and a big surprise!!! Miss Mari Iijima sang at the Super Robot War 2005 festival! (picture in the link, pic 2) She looks great in the picture.
  15. No they didn't. SEED was never a 52 episode series. People however did make that false assumption based on the fact it had a 52 week run on tv, before knowing that there would be two weeks without episodes. But I bet most of the false assumption, if they are in fact false are from the last couple of eps. I mean,, it looks too dam packed. They squeesed too much stuff in the last 3 eps.. it would of been better if they just let it have 1 or 2 more eps. The "rumor" is they changed the ending so SEED can go on and they can sell the *last 2 eps* as OVA on DVDs...
  16. I got my RED POCKET this morning... $100 Canadian dollars (It's good to be a chinese.) This money will go into my PSP fund...
  17. I think Bandai should try again to make a Live Action Gundam... (RUN~~!!!)
  18. The funny thing is the name of the movie... It is not really *Alone* in the Dark, it is more like *bunch of people try to kill monsters* in the Dark --------------------- Alone in the Dark 2 (PC) is the first game that scared me... and I didn't first it. (shameful)
  19. or 52 if they want to end the SEED series... SEED used to have 52. Bandai made it 50 to cut out the *true* ending so they can continue to make money out of SEED... ------------------------ After watching ep16, Shin just became the first Gundam main character that I hate... (for now)
  20. I do read the mission objectives and the "skill point" objectives. (It was good to take Japanese 100) However you are right, after playing SRW so many times, one can play it without any language skills and FAQ. (but without getting the secret robots)
  21. Well, I will buy PSP for sure because I am amazed by the things it can do. My friend bought a Japanese PSP back at Christmas and I had a chance to play around with it. My first impression is the screen is so big and picture is so colorful and clear. The screen size is bigger than the plam piot LCD and the picture quality is surpassed anything handheld device I know of. If I have a PSP, I will dump some anime to it and watch it at work The feel of holding PSP is amazing too. It is not heavy and even lighter than NDS. The grip is very good and I had a lot of fun playing Ridge Racer with it. The analog stick handles the game very well too. The sound is OK and the headphone is just OK (have to get a new one). Loading time... it loads for 10~15sec everytime you put a new game in. You can put PSP in suspend mode to save power and save you from turning PSP off and to load the game again. (nice touch)
  22. Amen, Trek has sucked since Next Gen. DS9, and Voyager had their moments, but taken as a whole they were not that good. Trek needs to take a nice long vacation, before we get a new series based on the exciting lives of the Starfleet Janitorial department. Both DS9 and Voyager's last 2 seasons are very good. I watched everyone single one of them on Cable. However, for Enterprise... I don't even know what time it is on-air...
  23. Now screwed!... We all will be...
  24. I am watching it right now not on NBC but CityTV of Vancouver, Canada. It is sponsored by the Space channel. The show is shot in Vancouver? (I live at Vancouver)
  25. The only YGO GX subs I see is chinese-sub... and they are good sub. (It is good to know chinese )
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