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Everything posted by ogami

  1. All I get say is "RUN!" away from "Pam" as soon as possible. These kind of girl is troublesome and it is lucky that your girl friend understands the situation...
  2. first impression of Destroy... Destroy = Big Zam + Zeong
  3. All I can say about episode #7 is... a lot of unexpected weird scene... episode #8 preview http://www.aquarion.info/mov_accs/movie/aq...on_yokoku08.asx
  4. ar... did you watch the unreal 3 demo in the Sony E3 press conf. ?
  5. Shelling out the money for a console is hard enough, considering how many good games come out around the holidays and will still be coming out for the current-gen consoles. And I happen to really enjoy Tiger Woods golf, so that and Perfect Dark Zero will probably be my launch games. To be more specific, they're saying that the Xbox 360 will have three 3.2GHz, for a grand total of over 9 and a half gigs of processing power. Not to mention that the technology they're licensing from NEC is supposed to all but eliminate the frontside bus so it doesn't get slowed up there. If it means that I can get rid of my current Xbox, I'll take the emulation. Oh, and IIRC, the original Xbox was actually 733MHz. well, 3x3.2GHz don't equal to 9.5GHz of power, not in engineering terms. It just means that there are 3 cpu working together, sharing the work load. Xbox and X360 are 2 very different complex system and they work very differently. Running Xbox game on X360 will need a very powerful emulation program that fully emulate the game with Xbox instruction set and Xbox Live. The big problem is emulaton is not easy thing... that's why PS2 has a PS1 built-in I doubt we will see this emulation program coming out soon. Even it is out, can it have fully emulate graphic intensive Xbox games... Don't bet on it.
  6. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/608/608394p1.html Will Xbox 360 be backwards compatible? The problem with backwards compatibility is that the original Xbox ran on an nVIDIA graphics processor. When software makes calls to a chipset to produce visuals it uses code specific to that hardware. Xbox 360 runs on an ATI graphics chip meaning that code from last generation games will need to be recompiled or emulated in order to work on the system. Does this mean that consumers will have to chuck their beloved Xbox libraries? Not necessarily. There is a chance that Xbox 360 will have the ability to emulate the old system, though nothing has been announced as of yet. ------------------------ ouch... This make me less want to buy X360. 100% Xbox Emulation??? It is like emulate Windows XP on Mac Mini Spec... It will be hard and some graphic intensive games like ninja gaiden, will never can be 100% emulated.
  7. I just finished watching episode #6... well, it is better than ep#5. what is in episode#6 without the spoiler: 1. This episode does show what is the difference between each robot 2. More training... => new attack moves 3. New type of enemy 4. More character development 5. Plot is moving ahead and here it is the official preview of episode #7 http://www.aquarion.info/mov_accs/movie/aq...on_yokoku07.asx PS: To chrono, The BGM is great. It is done by Yoko Kanno, who is almost the best anime composer.
  8. Bandai, Namco to form Japan's second-largest toy-game group in fall - report 05.01.2005, 07:48 PM TOKYO (AFX) - Bandai Co and Namco Ltd plan to integrate their operations as early as autumn to create the second-largest toy-game business group in Japan, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported without citing sources. Their combined annual sales total 458 bln yen, trailing only those of Sega Sammy Holdings Inc, the business daily said. The integration plan is expected to be announced today after extraordinary board meetings this morning, it said, adding that both companies had been contemplating tie-ups with other companies to ensure their survival amid intensifying competition stemming from Japan's rapidly falling birthrate. Bandai is Japan's leading toymaker, and has product development rights to a range of popular animated characters. It has been using those rights not only in its toy business, but also in video and video game operations. Namco is a major developer of home video games and arcade game equipment, as well as a leading operator of amusement facilities. tokyo.bureau@xfn.com ------------------------- OMG... Bandai is huge now, instead of large. But this mean more better quality Gundam games... (Are we going to see Saint Seiya in future Tekken? )
  9. http://www.gundam-seed-d.net/mechanics/main5.html ※一部の媒体で新型ガンダムが別の名称で発表されました。  正式には「ストライクフリーダムガンダム」「インフィニットジャスティスガンダム」となります haha... Bandai offically changed the name from Super Freedom to Strike Freedom... nice move.
  10. I hate Shinn even more after episode 28... right now he is the worst Gundam series main character...
  11. All Hail, Empress Sato!!! OTZ
  12. Who do you guys think should be the next Bond? (my answer is Jude Law) PS. I am not gay.
  13. haha... nice article for the soccer moms... orz
  14. OH MY GOD... there is hope for me...
  15. Finished watching ep04... it is still as good as the first 3 episode. PS. Don't trust the preview from the previous episode.
  16. Evil Hoshi is so sweet...
  17. All I can say is Bandai America needs to fire its marketing manager... Their marketing sucks big time (after Wing) There is almost no gundam commerical on TV and no commercial is a big NO to marketing... Too much old toys on the shelves and new toys are not in the market...
  18. Just finished watching ep03 chinese sub... This episode is even better than the ep02. 1. OP is available and it is sweet 2. 2 new characters introduced, one of them is a girl. 3. More character developement 4. The second form of Aquarion is shown in this episode. 5. Last but not least... more "adulty" scene... (with some Girl Love attached to it)
  19. In the manga, ZZ Gundam Side Story, only Judau stays at Jupiter. (everyone left him behind)
  20. 26 episodes according to Bandai and yes on the deep pockets Bandai makes so much money... from US
  21. Yo, there is a show on TV is like that... it is called Mobile Suit: Gundam SEED Destiny.
  22. Yuen Wo Ping is actually better
  23. My take on this... at least it is a Ver.Ka not the one year war version crap...
  24. Please do not insult Armored Core like that. Graham You're telling me that green one doesn't look like it's made from Zio Matrix parts? Oh yeah those look they could be from an AC game. Pretty cool looking. When are the toys coming? I don't think there is a day for it but they will come (I will keep you guys updated) I really think Bandai spent a lot of money on this anime...
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