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Everything posted by ogami

  1. It is only free for 15 days... so it is NOT free. It is a "$12 per month" MMORPG and it is still lag like crazy.
  2. Fumoffu is one of those shows that needed some understaning of the Japanese culture to fully understand the funny parts/jokes.
  3. Ragnarok is a good online game if Gravity actually CAN STOP PEOPLE FROM USING BOT! (and various way to cheat) I've seen people using BOTs to make millions of Zeny in the matter of days... If I have $12 per month to spend on between Ragnarok and Final Fantasy XI, I choose FFXI (and I did).
  4. Well still V2's design is VERY uhhh kid friendly just as much as anything from wing. I mean look at its colour scheme its not dark blue like ZZ and Z but bright yellow and blue also it has shiny pink wings that make sparkles nuff said. Also the wings ARE built in I Look at the back it has these two things sticking out to make these shiny wings of death. As for a Forehead cannon that can VAPORIZE cruisers and crap and that being more realistic then some HUGE ass gun... right... also I mean maybe I haven't seen enough wing but I don't recall the cannon dudad for Zero being able to destroy the earth but more like destroy a colony. Yeah, wing zero could wipe out a colony, or separate the gun into it's two parts, wave the thing around like a water hose and destroy everything in the vacinity. All continuous fire. Yeah. Not many of wing's designs were really realistic (the Gundams at least) but I still enjoyed the show. After playing Super Robot Wars, I consider Wing Gundam as Super Robot (same for G Gundam).
  5. I have to disagree. Gundam is NOT "a flat souless show with idioticly flashy robots." as you said. Do you know how many touching moments are in Gundam? Go watch Zeta Gundam! You'll will fill with tears. Gundam is not all about the robot. It is about the characters and the sadness of the war. PS: Gundam is not always three primary colors and big splashes of white.
  6. The sad thing about Gundam in US is the Gundam market is still mostly supported by kids and teens (AKA Winger). They are not mature enough for UC Gundam and they'll find UC Gundam boring...
  7. OK, NO Comanche helicopters... so what is the next-gen helicopters? or no more helicopters?
  8. About the price, USA Newtype price is OK. I used to buy Japan Newtype and it cost about $20 (air mail)... but Japan Newtype has a lot of good pics to look at...
  9. this will be interesting... The Japan movie industry is taking matters into their own hands, making anime live action movie by themself instead of Hollywood...
  10. This definitely doesn't have to be bad news. Since we know absolutely nothing about the deal, including whether it exists, allow me to engage in some wild speculation... Push has finally come to shove, and Big West/Bandai are ready to assert their rights in the US Since they don't want to be bothered by legal hassles, they've thrown HG a bone: don't bother us, and in exchange we'll give you the right to release a line of DYRL superposables. But that's it. After said agreement, BW/Bandai may decide to play ball with HG on further Macross video distribution and merchandising, but they'll be completely free to go to another distributor and to import Yamato toys, etc. Again, this is pure speculation. I'm simply trying to illustrate the fact that if these superposables are a sign of a settlement, it by no means indicates that BW is giving away the farm. I am hoping that Bandai will step in and take control of MW:DYRL and MW Zero in North America since Bandai owns them in Japan... Bandai is a way better company than HG...
  11. What is going on????? When did HG own DYRL? When did HG get the right to make DYRL toys? HG is crazy!!!
  12. Any sercet planes in this game?
  13. I don't care about HL2. All I care about is CS2 using HL2 engine.
  14. I think I need to do some minor upgrade before I play any next generation FPS games... I need a new video card (I am using GeForce 4 MX), any sugguestion? And right now I am using a Maxtor 2Mb Cache 80GB ATA133 HD, should I get a 8M Cache HD?
  15. I was a G.com forum member as well. G.com mods didn't do the job... they didn't stop post wars in time and everyone got angry and upset... It is sad to see G.com closed. I met some very nice people in there...
  16. Richmond as Richmond, BC? (I live in Vancouver.) I ordered my copy from a friend who owns a Japanese toy shop in HK 3 months ago. He told me that it is a super hot item.
  17. A7, I am a hardcore robot anime fan but I cannot stand this "doesn't worth my time" show. Story = C- I only have very little idea of what happened after watching the whole thing and there is no character development at all. Robot Design = D Why robot has huge breast? Geez... Gravion robot is way better. Character Design = C Too much fan service in a robot anime is no good at all.
  18. Just all the new stuff. All the old stuff with good ol'plutonium made it. Then there was the Mars Polar Lander which crashed because NASA mixed up metric with standard. When are you guys going to switch to metric??? haha... SI is the way to go. get rid of pounds, use grams! F=ma
  19. Thanks for the info. I guess I will never buy another Robotech toys. MPCs is worthless... (At least for Bandai toys, I get what I paid for. Just look at Gundam FIX.) I feel sad for Robotech hardcore fans.
  20. [off topic] Next time if you chat with Tommy Yune, please tell him that find some better toy company to make Robotech toys or at least upgrade the quailty of it. Those MPCs are "not so good" compared to the Japanese VFs... and the Japanese VFs are only little bit more expensive than MPC. [/off topic] As for Mospeada II... it will be difficult to market it in Japan since Mospeada is not a *popular* series. (Who want to watch Mospeada II when there are other more interesting anime on TV.) My assumption: If Tatsunuko wants Mospeada II to be successful, they need to lauch a massive marketing campaign. Gundam SEED was successful because the ADs on TV and magazine (you can see SEED on every single issue of NewType and Denkei Hobby) plus wave after wave of toys, models and video games. NOTE: Gundam SEED was a low budget anime...
  21. I wonder what kind of budget needed for Tatsunuko to create new Robotech...? Japanese Animation doesn't come cheap... My assumption: If HG pays half and Tatsunuko pays the other half of the production cost, Tatsunuko will need to sell the new show as Mospeada sequel to make money. (I don't think HG can pay for the whole thing) And what make money in Japan for anime? TOYS and DVDs. Then which Japanese toy compay/anime distributor is *most related* to Tatsunuko? Bandai Does Bandai want a piece of Mospeada sequel? Assume Yes. Does Bandai want to sell Mospeada sequel toys only in Japan? The answer is NO. (and I don't think Bandai will make the same *only can sell Macross toy in Asia only* mistake again) Who is larger, HG or Bandai? Bandai... (Bandai is the 3rd largest toy company in the world after Mattel and Hasbro) If Tatsunuko and Bandai cannot make an agreement, what can Tatsunuko do? No idea I am sorry if my assumption offended Robotech fans... and please correct any mistakes in my assumption.
  22. Bandai is also making a killing too... If the live-action feature EVA movie becomes a blockbuster hit... imagine all the people who don't know anime and want to find out what is anime...
  23. Thanks! Superlink is a Transformer show designed for Japanese so there will be more combining and Brave series looking transformers... I like it so far (because I am a Brave series fan)
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