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Everything posted by ogami

  1. WOW... John Woo's first "kids movie"
  2. I will buy DS to play Super Robot Wars OG2 I know it is not a DS game but... I need the best machine to play this SRW
  3. Time to save money! I want to visit the space once before I get too old...
  4. Video clip of this unusual event... http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~bbb/gadou/rocket_punch.wmv
  5. Hopefully, they will port ST3 like ST1. I really like the way that they made PS2 ST1. However, I am more looking forward to the side stories of ST on PS2.
  6. In ST5:ep 0, there is no robot to fight demons... (excluding unlockable Sakura, Ogami or Erica with their mechs) SEGA said they will remake ST 3!
  7. The main selling point of Sakura Taisen is the girls, not the mech... Let's not worry about what the mech but the character design... and ST 5 is not as good as others... I'm not sure I agree Ogami... I wouldn't play a straight up dating game... for me it's the story as a whole and all it's elements Robots, girls mech... and plot.... but really if it was a game about a theater and macking and a ticket clipper macking on the girls in the theater I wouldn't play it... I'd watch an anime like that but not play a game. And the character designs arn't bad... they arn't as Fujishima-esc but I don't mind them... especially Gemini, Sagiitta and Diana... and the mechs are just cool... I just found it amusing okay? haha... I do play straight up dating game. After playing ST1-ST4 (include various versions), the mech parts, to me, are extra... The most important thing is the story. for ST: Story>Character Design>Mech
  8. The main selling point of Sakura Taisen is the girls, not the mech... Let's not worry about what the mech but the character design... and ST 5 is not as good as others...
  9. I just bought it... it is $57 Canadian dollars. Cheaper than I thought.
  10. How much Toynami is going to charge on that? The face doesn't look right... It lacks of the feel of Clamp drawings...
  11. "forget the alien space ship, your obsessed with the alien space ship... just drive and get us out of here."... er I mean, I wanna call this land that was once connected to the U.S.... "Bob". HAHA... Let's be serious... from the look of things... we, humans, are doing no good. We are polluting every single piece of land on Earth, killing almost every single species we encountered, giving out CO2 as much as we can... If we don't do something within 50 years, our children will not have a Earth to live.
  12. Looks like the END of human kind is coming ... Where is that alien spaceship when you need one?
  13. I am not that looking forward to Sakura Taisen V Episode 0. I will buy it but it is not the Sakura Taisen I will love. ST2 is still my favorite. To CoryHolmes: Surry is not part of the GVRD but it is part of Greater Vancouver. (as long as you can drive)
  14. I think we have enough people to have a MW'ers meeting in Vancouver. (should I organize one?)
  15. YEA, I am a big Sakura Taisen Fans... I like ST since the first ST. Nice to meet you. BTW, I live in Vancouver. Samurai Pizza Cats was so fun to watch. Teletoon did show Macross Plus vol4 2 or 3 times and then that's it... I cancelled Teletoon right away.
  16. WOW! The game is developed by our beloved Relic Entertainment! This game is a must buy if I still have some money after buying SW: Battlefront and the SW:DVD box set... sigh...
  17. so PC ver. is FPS? (sorry for keep asking, i want to make sure I am buying something that i want)
  18. Anybody want to watch it together in Vancouver, Canada?
  19. That was a good time... Teletoon usually show anime OVAs (like Macross Plus) on weekends midnight and SciFi sometimes show old anime OVAs.
  20. Canada YTV friday's lineup 7PM SD Gundam Force >It is for kids but I found it is fun to watch. And, it is Gundam, a must see! 7:30PM Transformers Energon >I really like Energon's 3DCG and the story is pretty interesting. 8PM & 8:30PM Dragon Ball GT and rerun DBZ >I do watch DBZ, but not DBGT 9PM Justice League Unlimited >Justice League is back! It is my favorite american animation. 9:30PM Gundam SEED >I already watched Japanese ver. Gundam SEED but it is Gundam, a must see! I think the dub is OK 10PM Inuyasha >I do watch fansub Inuyasha but it is always good to watch it again. 10:30PM Witch Hunter Robin >What made YTV to show Witch Hunter Robin... YTV used to dislike older youth/adult anime... However, it is a good start and this show is amazing. 11PM & 11:30PM rerun of Reboot and Beasties (Beast war) >I watched both of them before so i watch them whenever I can.
  21. It is a 3rd person shooting game right? not FPS?
  22. Toynami to me is only a B- grade company. They have very bad QC, and their robotech toys are somewhat "over price and don't worth that much". I am sure that this Voltron will be somewhere around $150 - $200. And YES, I should call it Golion. (I love the opening theme song for Golion)
  23. It is not from Japan so I am not going to buy it. I have couple Soul of Chogokin and they worth every single dollar that I paid.
  24. This is overdone a bit...
  25. This version TurnA is good.
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