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Jack Verse

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Everything posted by Jack Verse

  1. I was hesitant to watch Arrow when it came out because like other DC series, if it wasnt batman then it wouldnt get get another season. *Glares at Cartoon Network* Then i heard that it was geting a second season and that the show was good. So I binged watched it on Netflix and it was pretty cool. Then Flash was coming out and it tied into Arrow, which was nice, and yeah. Then i started watching Flash which was also cool. Still havent seen legends of tomorrow but I heard good things and now Supergirl is coming to the CW and that will tie into everything... So much stuff to watch, so little time. lol
  2. YES! METAL SIREN! *fangasims*
  3. I'm watching me some Bleach.
  4. Thats what i'm here for. lol
  5. Personally that movie could of been so much better. It did not live up to the hype from the commercials and trailers. I mean I fell asleep twice, yes TWICE during the movie. Thats 6 dollars (USD) and about an hour and a half of my life that I will never get back. Its easily a rental, IMO.
  6. That reminds me, I have to stop playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 long enough to go out and buy ODST and play it a bit before going to a gamer night with one of my buddies from college, so that I won't completely suck at it. I mean I'm having loads of fun and good times with my MUA2. I mean who wouldn't wanna play a Marvel RPG set in the Civil War timeline. XD As far as ODST is concerned i'll buy and play it just because for once I am not Master Chief. I got kinda tired of playing a kick ass spartan solider of death, destruction, pwn. and win. Also at least in ODST I won't be random elite #6. I hated that in Halo 3 when you do multi-player.
  7. Unfortunately thats the ONLY good thing that Tommy and Co. have done as of yet.
  8. WHat I ment is that for a pilot of his current skiils he is a good pilot, while sometimes he would display skill higher than what he is normally shown to have (ie sometimes he could me as good as Ozma, proof is in ep 14 of frontier where even ozma was surprised that Alto could be better that what he normally displays).
  9. I couldnt agree with you more, espically since i was reading the latest replies in that so called debate. I swear its like watching the Oakland Raiders play football. Just a big dissapointment but with less beer involved.
  10. My vote goes to Also, simply because when he wants to he actually is a skilled pilot, (Although not as good as Ozma and Roy) who could kick some Vajra tail.
  11. Just makes the game last longer so that it takes you longer to get achivements! I'm still on my personal quest to 1000 point Mass Effect btw.
  12. What seemed like a good idea at the time was getting a Toshiba laptop... Yeah it sucks when you turn on the internal wireless card and it either freezes the laptop completly or it blue screens you. Plus no-one could ever figure out why the internal wouldnt work because all the techs i took it to, even toshibas techs, said it was spyware, even though i had anti-spyware on the damn thing in the first place. And now it just sits on my bookshelf as a $1,500.00 paperweight.
  13. San Leandro, California
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