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Everything posted by Loop

  1. I thought the same thing with the version 1 of this toy, but don't have any data to base that assumption on. It did seem that the prices in the secondary market were high when I was looking around a while after release. But at this point you might be right, unless people just hate the pilot with the exposed midriff, cause I can still find the V1.5 for relatively sane prices.
  2. It's cool Archie, I know at times I can be super critical and have been more vocal as of late in regards to Bandai. Yamato/Arcadia get lumps too They just have not been flooding us with as much stuff as late. I dont really bash NY, but if I can get a better price I will try. I get what they do and some agree with it and others don't, but in the end if the item is rare enough and you missed out on it it could be worth it in some cases. I still prefer HLJ so far as they have always provided me with great service and replacement parts when that used to be a thing.
  3. The orange accents on the hand and the arm really pop in that pic against the dark blue color of the valk..
  4. Off the top of my head I think Murph and Kicker were some of the lucky ones to get a set. My contact in Japan was being a lazy arse..
  5. reminds me of the speeder bike storm trooper from the back.
  6. Derex, I have not even looked at mine since they went in Battroid for QC checks. Once I heard of the cracked triangles I left them there.. I bought 3 because of how much I loved them in the show especially in the blue/green color. I just had to have a squad and it literally blew up in our faces like most CF's do in the shows.
  7. LOL! Mine is still NIB. I bought it to give Arcadia a good shove off so they could set sail and to show them that I am interested in them making valks. I still like the Tenjin artwork on the box and I figured once I get everything I own in a display that is the bridge piece from Yamato to Arcadia.
  8. I meant out of the VF-1's, not all variants. Gundam made a comment about the VF-1, so I was replying about the VF-1. (http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=39282&page=19#entry1213358) But yeah I can agree that even though they always had the CG Bandai did a great job the second time around. The first time though... Just damn. The VF-1 is a design that was pre CG so there are a lot of thing to worry about when trying to get a balance between all 3 modes and have them all look decent. I mean we could say that the 1/48 had the best fighter mode looks and the 1/60 v2 had the best battroid/Gerwalk modes. Believe me Archie, I have trawled through the anymoon site. When I was beginning my collection back in '07/'08 all I did was read sites that had any input on what was what out of the toys. That site helped me avoid the v1 VF-25's. So glad I skipped them. *Edit* Archie I get the feeling that you think I hate Bandai or something. Believe me man if I did my toy list would not look like this: http://mymacrosscollection.blogspot.com/2012/06/yamato-148-1x-vf-1s-roy-focker-package.html
  9. I know how you feel about having the enemy fighter in your collection but if I had to choose, I think I would take the 30 before the 27. I am not sure about availability though as I tend to stop looking for stuff once they are secure. So really I guess it would actually boil down to availability if I was behind the curve in getting the pieces I want. Can't argue though about the BFG!
  10. The shoulder issue I could not do anything about, but the arms actually have minor slots to hold to the leg. If you are nice about it you can get them slotted in and push the legs lightly together for them to hold. Once I had them held I placed it on the shelf and left it alone lol. I still think the Stealth with stealth Super/Strike parts is one of my favorites.
  11. Only difference is the new one includes the band figures and they swapped the Yellow for Metallic Gold. Back when I was making less money it was between the Alto YF-29 and the Basara VF-19 Kai and booster. I actually chose the Basara even though I was not a big fan of the face or the color scheme but wanted it for completeness and it was a new VF-19 mold. Once I got it, I was able to look past the colors as it was a great toy. I ended up getting the Alto later as Bandai did a reissue.
  12. I am so down for a ghost X9 in 1/60. I think that was the first thing I mentioned when this thread first went up, then you made my dream come true
  13. No big gap either.. I do wish Arcadia would have kept the magnetic packs though that Yamato had on some variants of their Macross toy line.
  14. Sorry that statement about shields only apply to the 1/60 VF-19's made by Yamato.
  15. Yeah I love the 1/48 fighter mode too.
  16. I agree with the statement that the Yamato/Arcadia versions did not have that gap when using the fast packs in fighter mode. They also did not have the gap on the rear section between the shield either in fighter mode. The way they worked around it was they provided a shield for both fighter and Battroid mode. If it did not bother you then you could just use the default shield, if you hated it you could equip the replacement shield for Battroid and get a more accurate shield that would center up on the arm.
  17. Are you referring to how the arms would easily fall out of place in fighter mode? If so I agree with and the back pack was apparently pretty fragile. I did not have a problem with my back packs but some users broke it.
  18. Lol, I notice the same thing. It looks like if it was in space it would forever fly forward.Is there a source to figure out if this is only an atmospheric fighter? I did not complete Macross 30 but it was based on a planet the whole time I played it.
  19. Or I guess you can get that if you don't want all of the other art, but if you already got the movies then the books are a must, plus the pics are bigger.
  20. In the same book there is a YF-21 cockpit also. He also has the VF-1S cockpit from Roy's custom. I would have to dig the books out to verify which they are in, but I think it's worth it to just buy both books.
  21. This image is a piece from Tidetaka Tenjin, I have a copy of it in Tenjin Hidetaka's art works of Macross book. I am pretty sure the image is in the first book. The second book is called second sortie and contains more Frontier stuff. First book: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4334901247/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AN1VRQENFRJN5 Second book: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%90%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AD%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA-%E3%82%BB%E3%82%AB%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%82%BD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3-%E5%A4%A9%E7%A5%9E%E8%8B%B1%E8%B2%B4%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9%E7%94%BB%E9%9B%86-KOBUNSHA-HINOTAMA-ILLUSTRATIONS-%E5%A4%A9%E7%A5%9E%E8%8B%B1%E8%B2%B4/dp/4334901816/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_y
  22. I am seriously hoping for an alien enemy possibly humanoid with intelligence, I hope they are not bugs or anything like that.
  23. My bad, it's been so long that I got the blank spot for the modex confused with the kite on the other wing. Here is the link from Anymoon to demonstrate my confusion lol: http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/Yamato-VF-0-6.jpg This is what he was really talking about: http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/Yamato-VF-0-15.jpg
  24. Yeah Yamato only did that on the VF-0A unknown soldier, but the Roy and the Shin had it tampo'd on.
  25. Pretty much.. "Fresh from Factory with the wrong shade"
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