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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh that's great news then for some people. It could mean they are just late shipping them all out I hope.
  2. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmmm, the translator I'm using is confusing me "vf31a Kai Ross, who was scheduled to end during this holiday. Changes to enter the next month due to various circumstances. How did this happen?" Now I'm really curios... Could it mean they accidentally left the pre-order open too long?
  3. I'm also in the July batch, but I'm OK with it as it helps my wallet grow after I had one of the biggest collectible spending months ever
  4. I so needed another YF-19 and another Metal Build Strike Aile. I woke up late and got both on HLJ but they are saying I most likely won't get my YF, and while checking out at CDJ it said that the Metal Build was no longer available. I basically got 50% of what I needed on the last preorder night. And OMG is it me or are the stateside orders for the Strike Aile pretty high?
  5. My unit came out 54,432 directly from Arcadia. Thanks for the pics Tekering mine will probably be in JP for a while. I have a huge que of things that need to be shipped stateside, just not looking forward to all the shipping fees
  6. Loop

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    order # 11983900 got the email, but order still there. Not holding my breath really, I guess I'm lucky enough to have the one I have after waking late for the pre order madness.
  7. Mine shipped to my JP contacts house last night. Glad to have a second SDF-1 but with a bit of flare to it.
  8. I'm still on the hunt for one more strike also.
  9. Yeah I noticed it seems the Metal build was more popular
  10. I did get a confirmation on the YF-19 on HLJ now need the strike to show up confirmed
  11. Still Nada for both toys at HLJ for me.
  12. Fingers crossed for the HLJ order I placed earlier...
  13. Yeah I had it but check out was slow at CDJ so only got a YF-19 there.
  14. Yeah me too,Maybe I missed it after all.
  15. Nice, I was late to the party but still scored 1 of each toy. Now I go back to sleep
  16. Loop

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I hope Bandai fixed the tabs with packs on and not just a photoshop like with the 19 Advance, and why the excessive tampo
  17. Too bad one or the other isn't a TWE, that would make me sorta happy.
  18. Sorry missed this one, but yeah I got 2 of them with my JP contact.
  19. Crap was the VF-31A this month too? and yeah... I got 2 of them. Ordered one of these, why not Damn, I need a warehouse to store my collection at this point... But you know I'm getting at least one but probably two.
  20. This month is heavy for me, like pretty damn heavy lol. I have 2x Arbalests, 2x F91 Harrison's, 2x Riobot Stick, 1x SDF-1 Premium Finnish and I'm pretty sure I got the Metal Robot Damashii Strike freedom this month. I feel like I'm missing something...
  21. Both of my Sticks have shipped from CDJ and HLJ.
  22. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    CDJ looks cheapest so far.
  23. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Got 2 from HS.
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