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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I get the feeling that the 1/35 scale VF-1 is not transformable, but what do I know right? I am going all in on the Hi-Metal R toys at this point. Unlike Graham, I was only able to collect all of the 1/60 v2's and destroids but did not complete the 1/48 and skipped the v1's altogether. I just like the fact that I can have enemy's and heroes in the same scale which is a first for me. I wish this would have been possible in my preferred 1/60 scale but I can't be choosy at the moment.
  2. I think I got my Avalanche from NY if I remember correctly. Why did you cancel it? I thought it looked pretty cool, but I have not even opened it up yet or the option set. I caved in and ordered 2 of the Heine customs.
  3. Wonder if the no pay later thing was put up because of people dumping orders for web shop exclusives.
  4. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I have not even applied the armor to my 1J yet, but I did pull it out of the box just to have it in hand. I did notice that the 1 on the chest launcher door is indeed crooked and I think it was printed in the wrong font.
  5. Loop

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    Just remember that the VF-4 was not originally designed with an intention to have it transform initially. Battroid and Gerwalk mode were added to at a way later date. It was intended to be a fighter only plane just for FB2012.
  6. I am debating getting 2 of these (kinda the norm lately with all my toys). I wish I would have bought 2 copies of the original release..
  7. So from what we know thus far, the only differences between the Web shop and Nations release is that the Nation release is already out and we have to wait until April 2016 for ours. Does anyone know if there were any additional items or anything.
  8. Loop

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    Uh oh, Avatar did it! (old south park quote "Simpsons did it")
  9. Loop

    Bandai 1/1800 SDF-1

    Honestly I think we need more information on this before we can say that "Yamato/Arcadia have been outplayed". I am also very excited to see an SDF-1 at this scale, but so far we don't know if it even transforms. Seems to me that they would have showed it in both modes unless this is a super early version.
  10. With all of the Macross and Gundam announcements thus far, Bandai already stole my wallet.
  11. Not so hot on this one.. Not sure if I pick one up for completion's sake.
  12. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Not with the Macross kite, but they are called Soul stage act trident.
  13. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10355217 is back up! 16,200yen How much was it at HLJ? I missed that one.
  14. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Honestly I think this is an early sample of the toy myself. If you look at the chest and nose, the areas that should have clear plastic parts are just painted in (Hoping they don't cheap out and go that route). I personally like the tonfa style guns built in to the arm. I am getting a YF/VF-19 meets YF-30 vibe off of this valk in fighter mode.
  15. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    My Pixie squad is on this same type of stand.
  16. I don't remember there being a initial release bonus for the laevatein, but I never got around to opening it up. I have been waiting for the flight pack for it for a while along with the beam wing option parts for the Destiny.
  17. Loop

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    I woke up this morning and read a few of these posts about the future Bandai released related to Macross and said to myself "Bandai just basically stole my wallet"
  18. Thanks David, I'm off to bed myself.
  19. Honestly, I took a nap earlier and am just curios to see what HLJ prices it out at. I might turn in myself, as I have been up late all week.
  20. I would, that price is slightly lower than HS.
  21. Nah, no reason to. I already have more than I need between the 3 sites and that price is pretty high if you want it fast and in the same order.
  22. I wonder why CDJ would not allow me to up my qty like on the previous things I have ordered from them.
  23. I wonder if they upped the qty now because it did not sell out on their site yet. When I placed an order it would not allow me to alter the qty.
  24. Actually I just let my amiami order load once they reopened both items and it went through even though it took forever.
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