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Everything posted by Loop

  1. I think there was a problem with the 1/60 besides just a few of us wanting the 1/60 scale.
  2. Looks like HLJ charged my paypal this morning for the strike freedom, doubt I have it by thanksgiving but at this point that is a good thing for me lol. Pretty soon I will have to build a house out of toy boxes lol. Looks like my friend in Japan may be able to hook me up on a Heine custom or two. Still debating if I should grab a couple of them or just one. I am leaning towards one copy.
  3. Just ordered a set of the wings of light, I was going to order one set for each of my Strike freedoms on order, but decided I don't really need more than one of them.
  4. I got in on the NY order for the Heine during what I thought was the first wave and it was cancelled. Forgot to refresh this page and I saw the post before my last after that one posted. Is that a new toy line? Is this considered a kit? I think they should have just made it a Metal Build
  5. I may reconsider on the VF-2SS but only if it does get a deep discount, but overall I do not really like it, but it is a valk
  6. I did not get 2x of the destiny the first time around so I may just snag 1x of the reissue with the new marking. Since I can't find a Heine custom for under $300 atm I may just let it slide.
  7. I hope so, cause it is a sad day when I say "Shut up and take my money! " only to have it thrown back in my face
  8. Damn it, now where do I go! This sucks...
  9. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    This always seems to happen in waves every couple to a few years. Welcome to MW guys/girls.
  10. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope the Glaug can hold it's own arms up without the stands. Maybe the one shown is a early prototype.
  11. Even Yamato had to give up on the rainbow canopy. The problem was that it was hard to get a consistent finish in the factory and the ones that did turn out good were prone to bubbling up. In the end I know there were some MW users that would remove it because of that. I loved the rainbow canopy myself and all of mine seem fine except for the first DYRL? Roy VF-1S that I purchased which has the bubbling going on.
  12. I think he meant decals applied.
  13. I did the second I found out NY had the orders open up last week. I had to pay for both of them right away, but that's OK I will not have to worry about the bill when they land.
  14. That's how I feel about it Jenius, I was under the impression that they costed more after all the retail outlets ran out.
  15. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I thought they kinda did with the Britai they showed off with the pipe hitting kaki in the head. Hopefully it happens. *edit* I think you mean the hero figures, I was more in to the Zentran figures that scale with the VF's.
  16. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    You mean the actual character figures? I thought those still looked kind of bad...
  17. Loop

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

  18. Dammmmn this thing looks awesome!
  19. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    You know what's weird GC? I did not notice it either, but maybe they changed it up since the original diorama pic was released before the show.
  20. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I would love a 1/100 SDF-1
  21. Loop

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    That's what I fear about the YF-19 release, no changes to fix that one thing that really bugged me about the VF-19 Advance and the over tampo.
  22. Loop

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    If they release this and overlook the wings not tabbing in with fast packs installed I would have to skip this one. I can't get over the fact they missed that on the 19 Advance release. I feel like that would be inexcusable at this point.
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