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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I think he was asking about the cockpit behind the eye (red section). It does open from all the pics I have seen.
  2. That response sounds better than the ones I have heard previously. Hopefully that does the trick for the people that bought from NY, please keep us informed of the results!
  3. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Paid for both of my Glaugs and now the wait begins
  4. Thanks for the heads up F360!
  5. Has anyone sent the link from Bandai to NY about this shoulder issue?? Maybe they don't understand what is going on with it.
  6. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I ordered my Glaugs from HS and I still have not received a notice to pay it off. I would think these would reach retailers in mainland China before Japan, or is that untrue?
  7. Does anyone know if the tampo on the actual unit still says "X105 Strike Gundam" on the front right skirt? Or did they change the tampo on it to say "Mecha Worrior/Warrior"?
  8. That 00 Qan[T] is looking pretty hot.
  9. Loop

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    I agree on the grip, it also looks like it does not have a trigger at all. The other thing that still bothers me is the tail fin/shield hinge. I hope they find another way before calling it final, it ruins the insignia on the shield. Still will probably buy the squad.
  10. Sandman, maybe send them another mail but word it as a defective part that Bandai has recalled and are issuing replacements for the defect. It might help, but I cannot guarantee it. Amiami had the part from what I read, but they were charging for it and it went out of stock. My guess is that most of the support staff don'rt even know about the defective part. You could also maybe add 2 pics to the mail. One pic showing the "defective shoulder" and another showing the "correct shoulder", explaining how the one you got is messed up. I have had to actually take massive photos before on a support issue with one of the JP shops. I used MS paint to detail everything in the photos attaching arrows and circling the parts and errors. It got the point across to them and it helped them understand the real problem.
  11. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I thought the VF-1J with GBP was a DYRL? release. The pilot of that one is an unknown, but if it was the TV variant it would come with a Hikaru pilot. But I do agree that the M&M releases are colored wrong.
  12. Can't wait to get a Blue Frame, not so hot on the Powered option set though. I might pick one up any way though.
  13. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes this is what I remembered! Then I see the new pics and go WTH... I already have them in 1/60, but I was pretty much all in with these HMR's. Knowing me I will buy them anyway
  14. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    We get that steelius, the problem is that we want accurate toys I hope they fix these issues on M&M before release.
  15. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah yes, forgot about mykombini.
  16. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Where did you order it from? If NY that should explain it. They request payment 2 weeks early normally.
  17. I also find it pretty odd to complain about the screw holes that were always present in this toy line. Personally I prefer them the way they are without covers. It makes it easier to do repairs. If they made rubber ones they would have to be black/white because of where the hole is in relation to the stripe. I think it could be possible though, but I don't have any knowledge on how they would mfg that.
  18. Only thing I believe I missed was the Yamato YF-19 Bird of prey, but I don't need it or even really want it at this point. I am pretty sure I have every other Yamato/Arcadia release in 1/60 and a few duplicates too. *edit* Also realized I never got a copy of the VF-1S Roy with super/strike parts plus+, but I did manage to get the Hikaru version. It's the gift set that includes the flashlight that projects a skull squadron logo on the wall.
  19. You really do need some angel birds. I have not run across any in my net travels lately.
  20. Damn, is that the real Metal Build Heine Custom? Or did they already bootleg that one?
  21. I guess if push came to shove you could take the old stuff off and do a custom paint job to the base.
  22. That custom is sofa king sweet!
  23. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    That's what I meant. Currently the HM-R line is only offering SDFM/DYRL toys. I highly doubt the younger audience is stalking these new vintage toys like the older fans.
  24. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    You don't know how excited I was to get my regults. I wanted one for so long that when I got mine, I swear a tear almost fell from my eye
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