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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Thanks for the update Jason!
  2. Dang, I guess I should cancel the normal release as I already have that one. I was hoping if the weapons pack version did not come through that hopefully I would be able to get a second one of the normal release. But due to the lag in response from my contact and only a one day windows from knowing if I won the one I want, I don't think I can risk it.
  3. I put in for the Avalanche weapon plus pack. I had one of those on pre-order when they originally announced it and my pre-order got cancelled :(. I'm thinking amybe I should put in for all 3. I wonder if you can choose not to buy it if you win the lottery.
  4. Yeah no problem Noel, If I decide I don't want one of my 31F's I'll put you at the top of the list!
  5. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Cancelled from NY Noel?
  6. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I saw it when it sprung and acted like I was going to check out and then did not. 3 is enough for me, so I passed.
  7. Why do you have to influence me like this? LOL, I placed an order for one anyway. If I don't want it by release I'll cancel it. *edit* Looks like it's order stop now, maybe someone dumped one and I snagged it.
  8. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I was actually shocked I was able to snag 3 of the VF-31F's on pre-order night. I expected them to get snatched up a bit faster than they were.
  9. LOL, was so caught up with all the Macross madness I didn't even realize that was going up for pre-order. I may just not pursue this release as I have the Metal Build Seven Sword + Raiser and the 00 Raiser release. I'll probably keep my Metal Robot collection to unique variants that are not available in Metal Build form.
  10. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I actually remembered, it brought the cost down to 20638 yen (US$ 176.53) shipped.
  11. Dougram back up at HLJ: http://hlj.com/product/BANN11277 I was able to finally get one after I let it slide the first time around.
  12. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I got a nice haul tonight. I got 3 Spartans easily like I hoped for, and I even got 3x VF-31F's. The added bonus for me tonight was that I finally by chance ran in to the HMR Dougram that I passed on initially over at HLJ.
  13. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    I picked up 3 spartans from Amiami.
  14. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    LOL, I got another one from HLJ too.
  15. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got one in at Amiami and one in at CDJ, got to use all those points I had. I was also cart jacked at HS, that was the first one that sprung for me and I lost it lol.
  16. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    *Edit* Nevermind
  17. I have 2 of the 19 ADV that I never opened, I just never got around to it lol. I did take one of my Arcadia's out for a bit then it went back in to the box untransformed. My other Arcadia 19 is unopened.
  18. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn I would love to be able to get a hold a VF-1J head. Was a VF-1J cf ever even shown as an option for future release??
  19. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got one of mine yesterday but have not had a chance to open it up. I'm dying with excitement though as I feel it's quite a while since we have had a new mold to play with.
  20. If it pops up again I'll let you know if someone else does not say anything. I need a second one of the F91 so I am actively looking for another.
  21. Hey Spanner, you have to use a plastic weld and not superglue. I found that out when someone broke one of luca's ghosts. The litte pylon the comes out the nose snapped after taking a dive. I tried superglue and it all seemed fine until it just fell off again. I night have to sand off the superglue now and start over.
  22. Looks like whatever you did Shawn fixed the e-mail spam I was getting. I'll go through and see if I can get my preferences fine tuned.
  23. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    A whole week huh Duymon... You are going to be prepared, you must have a wicked pre-order training regiment.
  24. Thanks Shawn, I'll try it out and report back here of it fails to cure anything.
  25. My e-mail inbox is getting blasted by the forum notification system. I checked in my settings and found " Someone comments on something I follow " but the toggle to turn off e-mail notifications says "the toggle is disable by the administrator"
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