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Everything posted by Loop

  1. I got one of mine after work yesterday, I have not had a chance to open it up or anything.
  2. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    DX Chogokin Macross Delta VF-31F Siegfried (Messer Ihlefeld Custom) http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEODAI-14405 In stock via proxy
  3. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my copies in @ HS. I opted for just 3 this time around.
  4. Looks like it may go beyond the VF-1? From what I can tell they are planning the YF-19,YF-21 & VF-22 possibly the VF-19, not sure about the VF-19 though.
  5. I would almost say that is a bonus. Model looks with the play ability of a toy. I can't really speak to it though as I don't have one in hand yet, I left one in my PW at HLJ and the one I secured at HS has not shipped yet. I think there is a holiday that is slowing things down.
  6. Loop

    Bandai DX VF-31

    NY only wants payment up front for Tamashii Web Shop Exclusives as far as I know.
  7. Crazy, my kids used to read this when they were little.
  8. Once you had given those updated links I found it, but I held out and it opened up after a refresh on HS. Looks like they sold out again @ HS
  9. Got one in at hobby Search up now! http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10425686
  10. Strange I see the listing for that price on Amazon but when I click through they are all 25000 or more, I can't seem to find the actual Amazon one... Maybe because I don't have prime, I dunno.
  11. Actually I did a Manual search and it took me to the one that was expensive. It had the standard red add to cart button.
  12. I'm getting those parts too I wish I could find another F91 pre-order before release day frenzy.
  13. I know Arcadia is a smaller outfit and may not have the resources to fight this at all, but I wonder if Big West would get involved in any way? I also don't think I will support these at all, I already have all the original v2's from the Yamato days and also have the Arcadia duplicates so I dont really see a need for them in my case.
  14. VF-2SS on sale for deep discount for a while now and still has not sold out. I'm still not getting this release myself. https://hlj.com/product/EVT57191/Act
  15. Loop

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    Erect Pengroid Mode!
  16. Loop

    Hi-Metal R

    That was basically what I did, shipped 2x together and it didn't really raise the shipping cost much at all.
  17. Loop

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    I'm so glad that the Super Parts contain a shield that does not have all the gaps that take away from the artwork on it.
  18. Loop

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    On the Tamashii site it does say "For Keith use" or something to that effect, so my guess is that they will release new sets for each pilot"s custom scheme.
  19. When I first saw the salvage unit in toy form the first thing I said was "easy pass" and I buy most optional parts lol. It's like using a paper bag with claws to cover up your beautiful metal build toy.
  20. Yep, I definitely have to have the option parts
  21. For the backup I went with, it had a free domestic shipping option.
  22. Awesome updates Jason, thanks for keeping us informed!
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