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  1. Loop

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    Thanks for the tip, I was wondering why it would not flush
  2. Hrmm, I have had the opposite effect. I had my skull squadron all displayed in jet mode for a really long time, but decided to take them down to add super/strike parts to them. Upon removal of my Focker I noticed it felt really tight. When I removed him the clear rubber had stuck to the paint and peeled some paint off of the stabilizer on the front of the leg Now my focker is forever in jet mode
  3. Yeah man the box keeps calling my name, but I have nowhere to put this awesome looking piece. Once I have more display area, I will free this beauty from it's box. As for now it remains unopened I also agree that this version looks alot better than the 1/48 version. I remember when I first decided to get into the Yamato Macross toys The 1/48 version was like the only one that seemed to be in stock. With that said I held off and decided to start up on 1/60 v 2's I just did not like the scheme in 1/48
  4. LOL, I see what you did there
  5. I knew I had to have one, it was just a matter of me actually pulling the trigger after adding to my cart several times. I finally pulled it and I will soon be a proud owner of this
  6. Nah, I just posted the link as a reference ......and maybe help add more speculation j/k
  7. Crap, I have had my Max and Milia since before Christmas and still have yet to open them. My display cabinets are full and I need a couple more for all my stuff, but I cant find an alternative to the detolf to fit my needs. Not only that, the last 2 I bought were actually the white variants for my Macross collection, but they don't sell those anymore. I do have 2 of the beach colored ones, but prefer to use those for my resin and PVC statues.
  8. Not sure if anyone has seen this yet....... http://www.amiami.jp.../e_display.html
  9. Afaik it does have the knee articulation, I read it on one of the product descriptions somewhere.......not sure which retailer it was though. *edit Just noticed the review was up! It does have limited knee articulation Thanks for the great review Graham!
  10. Nice Dyno, The only thing I regret out of all 3 purchases this time around is that I let the VF-1A brownie get away They were out of stock when I ordered the last 2 times. They were in stock though on the first order I placed, but let it slide. The VF-11C is really sweet, you should try to secure one, you will love it. I am in Seattle, maybe I should start a toy smuggling ring so you guys don't have to pay so damn much
  11. Oh god! I am dealing with them now about the missing piece on the arm of my 1/48 VF-1S Roy renewal version. I posted a pic of this a few pages back or so. It look like they are trying to get a replacement for me from Yamato, I already sent the scans and the pictures but have not heard back from them in a while. Since the hole in the arm is so unsightly I just put my Roy in the Urban camo to hide it for now.
  12. My 3rd order showed up This time I only got: 1/60 VF-1S Roy TV version 1/60 VF-1S No Paint un assembled kit Only took 3 days from Japan to Seattle. I prefer using the Fed Ex option now as it is much faster and it seems my packages don't look as bad upon arrival.
  13. Thanks Keiichi, I will check mine out and figure out if I have this problem. I have a first edition v2 YF-21 I should check also.
  14. That would be a great idea to avoid the taxes and duty charges. I live in WA state and never pay any fees for Fed Ex.
  15. Yes please do take pics I would like to see this in detail as I have a new Max Millia and Gamlin all unopened, and knowing my luck there will be a problem. I got these all I believe, last week from the HLJ sale.
  16. Hey when you get your renewal version, can you leave a comment on quality? Mine is missing one of the vernier thrusters and when I pulled out of the box there was a massive gap on the left side where the body and the intake are supposed to come together and would not hold together properly and wants to pop apart. I like the YF-21/VF-22S. If looking for something from the Zero line try the VF-0S re issue. I have the old issue VF-0A/VF-0S with ghost booster combos so I am not sure how the QC is on the new VF-0x's
  17. I love my 11B, I have yet to open my 11C but I'm sure I will love it just as much. Granted though I think the pilot looks stupid and it has a pink stripe on the head lol.
  18. She really should, I would love a set.
  19. Loop

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    That is the series I am currently finishing off currently on ep 30 or so. I swear I saw them shoot before, but it would be hard to go through all the episodes just to find a screen shot. I do understand though that SDF Macross does have a lot of animation errors.
  20. Loop

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    FAIL! I was not sure what they were exactly, I guess I really never caught them firing in reverse when all the thruster would go off when they maneuvered PEW PEW PEW!
  21. So I got bored tonight and decided I would take out my 1/48 VF-1S Roy that I got on my first order from the sale. Upon transforming it to Battroid mode I notice something is missing........ Sorry, had to use my phone as my camera battery was dead I wish Yamato would up the QC process. I never even knew the verniers on the arms were seperate parts until tonight I am going to contact HLJ and see if they can help me.
  22. Loop

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    I did a pre order with Nanoplasm and , the last time I checked he said all of ours are making their way stateside.
  23. Loop

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    Yes, the VFX does have the VF-1A head sculpt.
  24. Where can I order this?
  25. I finally got charged for my second order and shipping was only $20
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