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Everything posted by Loop

  1. I was just pointing out that we have seperate issues at hand. And honestly, I think I should be able to do whatever I want with something that I have purchased..... I payed the money to buy the hardware and I did not see anything saying I am renting the hardware which in tern makes it mine. Sony did not market the product as a gaming console initially, marketed it as a media hub/computer with the ability to run linux and games when I originally bought in which was the release day. Even media sites like say Kotaku.com kept running articles asking if this thing is really a gaming console, because there were barely any games for it in the first 2 years. So all I can suggest to the users that wish to run linux on the console and play games is, buy 2 consoles. Run CFW on one machine for homebrew and keep one on current firmware for PSN/Gaming. PSN is blocked on hacked cosoles anyways. Every new firmware it will work for a few weeks then they take it away. Sony never offered to let us run windows on the console so that point is moot if even an issue at all. All I'm saying is they have one of the only consumer PowerPC based CPU products on the market and that was one reason why I selected the PS3 over the Xbox 360 initially giving me the option to use the powerpc aspects of the system for hardcore number crunching. I just think that as a product matures you add features, not take them away. I also never stated that the "users" asked to have their information stolen, like I said if you read my previous post these are separate issues and I though I laid it out as good as I can hoping you would realize what is really happening I am not condoning "data theft" but I think a user has the right to do whatever he want's on a product he bought.
  2. As far as Sony is concerned, yes I feel that they failed to secure customer information using some sort of encryption. I also feel that it was lame of them to not inform us on day one what really happened. As far as Mr. Geohot goes, he did not provide or use a rootkit of any sorts to hack the PS3. He used methods that were found from Team Failoverf0w and created his own custom firmware which would allow you run unsigned code on the PS3, ie homebrew applications. George Hotz did not allow piracy in his custom firmware, in fact he went out of his way to deny piracy using his firmware. You may hear information suggesting that this was done because of the Geohot lawsuit vs Sony, but I believe they are unrelated although almost half a year ago some hackers were saying that the PSN was not secure and this same type of attack was possible and most likely would happen in the future. This attack was most likely performed purely for profit from some hacking/carding group. The real problem I see is that the information is getting all mixed up in the media and to people that don't really understand hacking/cracking. Geohot and Graf_Chokolo vs Sony = Opening the system for users to do what they want with hardware that they bought and own. Freedom for a user to customize his or her PS3 hardware to run linux or homebrew applications. Sony opened the door to this issue by removing linux from the PS3. My first PS3 60GB model had it advertised on the box as a function of the system. They took that away from users by requiring you to update your system firmware to be able to play newer software titles and making you update the machine to access PSN. If you chose not to update you could have linux still, but you would pretty much have a useless system for gaming with newer titles. as far as I am concerned, If sony had not feared the system being hacked through the linux install and left the option there, the PS3 would still be unhacked. By taking linux away it made the hackers angry and in turn put the PS3 under the security microscope. The only thing that linux on the PS3 was missing was access to the RSX(Video) so the resolution was horrible and the 3d acceleration was disabled on the desktop. There were cry's for Sony to open up access to the GPU so users could have 3d acceleration on the desktop and this scared Sony. Then a group of hackers were looking for ways to access the GPU and a project sprung up, they were looking to create drivers to use the RSX GPU. I think this is the reason they removed linux altogether, causing the hackers to work in overdrive to find a way to use linux again. The PS3 Cell processor is an amazing piece of tech and can be used to rip through complex calculations and the hackers as they are called love that ability. Anonymous vs Sony DDOS (Denial Of Service Attacks) campaign = Defending Geohot and Graf_Chokolos beliefs. Anonymous announced a long time ago that when they were denying paying customers access to PSN and that was not their goal and it was harming the consumer, thus the attacks ceased. The goal was to deny money to Sony through web sales by spamming the sites with too many requests from so many ip's that the sites could not serve the pages thus would directly affect sales. New attacks/stolen customer information vs Sony = Criminals trying to gather as much information as possible of the millions of customers that Sony has for financial gains. As far as I am concerned Sony would like you to think that all these guys are in the same ranks which is totally untrue.
  3. The 1/60 angel bird looks alot better than the 1/48 version. I love the thing although I left it in plane mode. The chest is better looking because they changed the look of the stripes and they changed the blue color to a deeper blue. I personally never liked the 1/48 version, but the 1/60 stole my heart.
  4. That's a good question, I have never even transformed my VFX or Angelbird.
  5. Nevermind, the link to the FAQ was causing an error but I got it to load. Just put in a pre-order.
  6. I only got one order from them before they went south. The transaction went really smooth and shipped damn fast. Now the sad part is, a while back I was looking for a DYRL Max 1S and they showed stock which was kinda weird. I shot them an e-mail to verify stock status and they never replied....... I decided I could not do business with a company that cannot communicate with the customer. I personally would steer clear of them.
  7. Hey guys, quick question. I have never pre ordered from Amiami before, I was wondering if they charge you when you place the pre order of if they charge you before they ship?
  8. In the past month, I have finished Fractale and Level E. I am currently watching Gundam 00 and have made it to season 2 Episode 3. I'm also 3 episodes into Gundam Unicorn, and 4 episodes in to Broken Blade.
  9. I totally realize that it is not as bad as Chernobyl ever was, I was just stating that the IAEA has elevated the rating from 5 to 7. It was based on length of the accident and not total nuclear material leaked. And when I say "worse" I was referencing the fire that broke out in reactor 4 when crews had to evacuate. Level 7 "An event resulting in an environmental release corresponding to a quantity of radioactivity radiologically equivalent to a release to the atmosphere of more than several tens of thousands of terabequerels of I-131." NISA estimates that the release of radioactive material to the atmosphere is approximately 10% of the Chernobyl accident, which is the only other accident to have an INES Level 7 rating. So as of now they say it's about %10 of the total release from Chernobyl. Source: http://www.iaea.org/...miupdate01.html Also the Evacuation area has grown now to 20KM and residents have about a month or so to move.
  10. "Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant has been upgraded from 5 to 7 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale." I guess things have gotten worse than I had hoped *Edit* From what I can gather it was upgraded due to the length of the accident.
  11. Ouch, sorry to hear. The only problem I ever had on the ver 2 1/60 VF-1's is that I had a few that I could not get the peg by the intake to disengage easily. Nothing broke though, I just had to work at it slowly and it came loose.
  12. Thanks for the pics, I for some reason just did not remember them open I think you are right, normally they are about being anime accurate. Like I said before though I was only speculating from the pics that were on the photo zoomer, maybe they will change it.(if they are not removable) It would seem strange though for them to add all the other gimmicks like the hatch for batteroid and the leg missiles, then forget about the intake covers.
  13. This is only speculation, but they do not look removable at all looking at the photos zoomed in. I don't recall ever seeing the 19 Kai without them on though.
  14. The new pics are getting me all geared up to get one, except I think I would prefer a matte finish.......
  15. I just ordered the 1/60 VF-1A CF from the sale. I should have bought it when it was at 60 bucks, but whatever love the color scheme.
  16. You know I have not really looked for a set of TV fast packs in a while. Last time I looked for some though it seemed like they were kind of scarce. I think I found maybe 1-2 sets on Ebay.
  17. This is the first I have heard of Yamato bootlegs. I know it is pretty easy to recast PVC figures, but it seems like it would be really hard and expensive to recast a whole Valkyrie toy. You never know though, knowing how determined the bootleggers are to make a buck.
  18. Since most are listing more than one item, I will go with: 1/48 Low Vis version 1 1/48 Super/Strike Stealth 1/60 VF-1A Angel bird 1/60 VF-X 1/3000 SDF-1 1/60 GBP with missile effects I also have a 1/60 VF-1S Low Vis coming today...... Screw it, my whole yamato 1/48 and 1/60 v2 collection
  19. Why Kicker?
  20. Yeah the unpainted kit is fully transformable. I got one out of the hlj holiday yamato sale.
  21. Yeah I lucked out last year and bought both from fifbeat here on the forums.
  22. I just finished Mac 7 tonight lol. It's really weird, but I hated it the first time I tried to watch it. This time around though, I just let go and went for the ride and enjoyed it. Oh almost forgot, I will be getting this!
  23. Ha, I must be getting old! I just noticed the date below
  24. Honest mistake The Valkyrie in the pic is also a VF-1A Max not even a VF-1J... if you look at the modex it's unit 013.
  25. Is the sound booster to be released at the same time?
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