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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Yes they were exclusive. I found mine from a shop in HK.
  2. I have no problems with the design at all, not my favorite color scheme by a long shot though.....
  3. Just paid for my sound booster.... They just arrived at Amiami.
  4. Thanks, so they are kits..... I guess I will most likely buy them anyways knowing I never have enough time to build them.
  5. So are these supposed to be completed toys? Or are they kits? I already have a VF-1S unpainted kit that is still in the box untouched. I would not mind having them in toy form. Awesome! we are on the same page
  6. Are you thinking what I think you are thinking? Cause if so, that would be so freaking awesome.
  7. Still hanging...........
  8. That's no salute, that is what you see pilots doing with their hands demonstrating aircraft maneuvers. Think Isamu Dyson. Awesome addition though.
  9. This thing is nuts They claim 366 MPH
  10. I don't think the 1/60 v2 angel bird is demanding a high value atm. I am not sure if the chronicles version makes a difference at all either. I actually went out of my way to make sure I secured the chronicles releases of the VF-X and the angel bird. I can't complain that they were re issued at a cheaper price either. I was happy just to have them in my collection, and for a long time before they re released them. I have never sold any of the valks that I own and don't really plan on it. To me they are all priceless, although I do check around every now and then when I see a piece go up for sale that I have never seen sell. It's just interesting to see the precedence set on the pricing. Yeah, I spent thousands of dollars on Yamato valks. In the end though it is worth the price for me. I get a warm feeling every time I lay eyes on my collection.
  11. Not really sure, but I think it was lame that they took a whole Galaxy Network release and packed their 2 episodes with it Did they even ask permission to take all the episodes and repack them with theirs and call it a batch?
  12. Where can I get these parts?
  13. How long is the license exclusive to Bandai? It could make sense though if you going really fast on your bike...
  14. But getting closer...... it seems.
  15. I agree, I will only get the "clean" version myself. I already have a batteroid that has a face
  16. I use the view new content button myself, but props for enlightening me on what the function of that button was for.
  17. Did not really know where to post this, but it looks like Yamato is releasing a Macross F motorcycle helmet. Could this mean we will see Mac F toys from Yamato soon? I certainly hope so Link
  18. Good point, I did not notice the head sculpt.
  19. It was marketed as both and not labeled as grace only.... Here is some proof it was marketed in a way as a CF scheme....... Notice the /Normal Type. So if you never open the cockpit or attach the Super Fold Booster it is a CF scheme.
  20. Booooooo! Hisss! I hated captain planet.
  21. The GE-49b VF-27b was actually a CF color scheme.
  22. I thought the YF-29 had thicker shorter lasers on the head though. On the VF-25 they are supposed to be thin and long, and if made out of the soft plastic I think it will cause the same issue as the version 1. Hopefully they thought about that. As GU-11 said, since the pre-orders are closed I guess I will hold my breath wait for reviews and hope for the best.
  23. But aren't the head lasers still made out of that rubbery safety plastic/PVC on the YF-29 and the new V2's possibly? One other thing I would like to see is a matte finish.
  24. I was kidding btw, I love hearing the news.
  25. If they offered a newly engineered YF-19 I would buy it day 1. I would also take a VF-19S with it's stubby wings.
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