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Everything posted by Loop

  1. I have not transformed mine yet, but they seem to be of the same design of the VF-19S.
  2. Processed Through Sort Facility, December 29, 2011, 3:17 pm, ISC SAN FRANCISCO (USPS) Hurry up Customs! I want my Gamlin San! Graham, thanks for tiding me over until my shipment arrives with all your pictures
  3. gwfalcon has been know to have friends pop in on the forum. He really confused some folks in Grahams for sale threads LOL. Looks like a really cool project, can't wait to see the final results.
  4. Got my shipping notification on Dec 12/28/11 2:56 AM Cant wait!
  5. I NEED this in toy form! I would hope it came in at $300-$375 if we are lucky. I kinda think they are going to break all of us non kit builders hearts and dreams
  6. Honestly guys, If my VF-17 was in batteroid it would be rocking the gunpod anyways. I think the gimmick is more for storage in fighter mode. I am totally fine with that. And I think a shorter gunpod would be kinda lame myself.
  7. I'm thinking the sales were not so great, as I can still get one of these.
  8. Just pre-ordered the damn thing Really wanted to see final pics, but I knew I had to have it anyways. Crap, I have yet to play with my VF-19S
  9. Are there any final pics with all the tampo printing?
  10. She does,but they look blue
  11. I have had mine for so long,without taking it out to play with. I might just have the wife wrap it up and put it under the tree. I don't want to take it out and not have a safe place to display it, as I am out of shelf space. I did notice detolfs are back at ikea though. at one point I thought they discontinued them. I am going to have the same problem with the VF-17 if I don't get off my butt and buy another detolf.
  12. I don't remember it that way. He still had the bouquet in the cockpit when he was having the final battle with Gepelnitch. They start wilting along with Basera when Gepelnitch was absorbing everything in existence.
  13. All I can say is, I tried it once and hated it. I could not get past episode 3-4. I tried it again like a year or 2 later and liked it. I had to just "let go" and chew through the episodes. I actually like Mac7 now after watching the whole thing straight through in a few days. I know it's not the same as the other Mac series and movies, but it's just different.
  14. I am not sure, but I assumed it was not 100% finished.
  15. I would have to blame Milia for trying to force them together. Plus I think he felt obligated to do so, the fact that Max was the Admiral and Milia was the Mayor. ^^This is not 100% acurate. The national age of consent in Japan is 13 as specified by the Japanese Penal Code Articles 176 and 177. However, prefectures can have ordinances that prohibit sexual activities with any minor under 18. I have read about people getting into trouble thinking that it was ok to date girls under 18, but they were not in a prefecture that allows this type of behavior. I also heard the "13" for consent is usually in the boonies. If they would not have, I may have missed out
  16. Strange, I myself did not have any problems with my Kai in Gerwalk mode. I know this sounds lame, but I have yet to open and play with my VF-19S. So at this point, I can't check it to see if there are any problems with Gerwalk mode.
  17. I have used the trouble@ address in the past and they replied and took care of me pretty fast.
  18. I got mine this morning too, have not had time to get to it but I did slide the tray out. I will have to play with it in the morning.
  19. USPS said it was in customs. It was released today from the San Francisco customs office. Should be here on Fri or Sat.
  20. Mine made it into customs, can't tell when though. I shipped it via EMS, and the USPS site tracks pretty badly.
  21. Confirmed, I believe they stopped the special coating on all releases after the Strike parts + releases of Roy and Hikaru.
  22. I would also appreciate it if they would do that for all new molds they release in the future. I had pre ordered the Fire Valkyrie and had some doubts like always, but once I saw it on film I was blown away. I think from a marketing perspective it could help drive sales. And from an end user perspective, it helps alot to see the transformation while you are trying it yourself.
  23. I received my shipping notification @ 3:55am PST. Can't wait to get my grubby hands on it.
  24. The shoulders a fine, I just got the worse UN Spacy kite ever on my CF VF-1J To display it in fighter mode I will have to use one of the included stickers just to hide it.
  25. To all the guys that ordered from HLJ, be a little patient they will come through for you. I have noticed they are a little slower than amiami on the e-mails for pre orders.
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