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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Is the release date set? Just wanted to know if I had some time to wait on HLJ or AmiAmi. I once ordered from ishop2go, but they did not have the item in stock. It took them a week just to check stock then it took 2 weeks to get refunded. I tend to get the feeling they will take your money without the item even being in stock. I have not placed an order with them since though, so maybe it was just a one time thing.
  2. Seems like the interest level is low on this one here.... I guess I just have a thing for the obscure dark color schemes. I mean even when I watched the show I had to rewind and pause lol.
  3. I am almost tempted to sell my original v2 VF-1D andbuy this, or I could keep both
  4. Sorry to hear about that Kicker I don't recall ever seeing this users name, but I hope all turns out well. I ussually feel pretty good about most members on this board, and feel that MW has some of the more honest users.
  5. I predict screaming wallets...LOL
  6. I so want one of these!!! I also wonder like Jason, where the hell the pre orders are besides ishop2go.com Is this going to be exclusive?
  7. Cool beans, would love to have an option to replace hinges whenever needed. Veef, do you know anything about dying the parts? I have never done anything like it before. I figure if I pick up a few sets of these, I would like them to match.
  8. Loop

    Taking the Plunge

    I have bought all of the available v2's that have come out so far except the non cannon one's (Double nuts,Bird of prey and the aniversary YF-19) I am majorly hooked on these damn toys. All I can say is "gotta catch em all"
  9. I'm so addicted I buy them anyway, I miss the days of being able to get more for my dollar. At the same time though I can't miss any of the releases at this point. Now if Yamato started putting out gatbage, then yes I'll give up, but at this point I can only say that I think they are getting better.
  10. Awesome work man, looks way better than the one that I saw on what I think was a toynami release.That being said, WTF Harmony Gold?!?!? Taking an animation error and using it to create a new model because god forbid they use what little brain power they have, to create a new original Valk(Veritech for you robotards).
  11. I could not decide either untill I ended up with all the canon color scheme Yamato VF's lol (1/60 v2's and 1/3000 SDF Macross) And a few 1/48th scale.
  12. Hory froating head
  13. I almost wish I would have known Yamaro was going to delay the rest of the Mac 7 releases this year. Now I have the cash flow for these, but I am reluctant to over spend necause I missed the pre orders I hope bandai does a re issue or maybe I can hold out until yamato gets the license in 10 years lol. If I knew someone in HK who would not rape me on prices I would go that route as I hear they are available around town still in HK. If all else fails, I could spend the money on the OCZ Revo drive 3 x2 240GB.
  14. Graham said some pages back, that the lead designer did not like the markings on the valk so decided they should be left off. I really do still like the toy, but was disapointed myself when i first took it out of the box.
  15. Glad to hear you finally got the launch effect parts version,welcome to the club! I know you payed alot more than I did, but I am wondering how you like it price aside? Personnaly I love the set
  16. Honestly, when I bought the Armor with launch effect parts, I bought the white goggle version so it would pair better with the 1/48 armor 1J. I guess I could buy another if it was at a reasonable price just to have a 1J hikaru without armor on display.
  17. ^^ I agree, I think they should tampo print all the details on kinda like they did with the 1/60 v2 VF-1J commander type.
  18. So, what mode is your favorite so far? Personally I like it the most in battroid mode. I only had it in Gerwalk for a few minutes before I put it into battroid mode, but was not super impressed by it in that mode. For me I would rate battroid mode #1 then Fighter mode #2 and last is gerwalk mode.
  19. I agree, magnets would hold the missiles onto the body without having to leave ugly tabs. Me too!
  20. Yeah, I was at my pc and had it in my lap mid transform watching a video on how to do it
  21. Well, from the kibble that came in the box I would have to say no for now. Maybe they will make some weird parts and add them to the super parts kit ,and include the beam adapter too if we are lucky
  22. I just transformed mine for the first time tonight. I really like this toy alot, but I can see what graham was saying about the pointy parts playing a little to close with one another. I also wish there would have been a way to slide the back pack closer to the back. All in all though it seems to be a great toy. The only nit picks I had with my sample are: When one of gamlins feet were assembled, a piece of clear plastic was wedged between the base and the top part of the foot. It was a piece of plastic like from a blister pack or something, fortunately I was able to pull it from between the the parts with my teeth and it came out. The other was that one of the small screw covers for the leg(tiny square bit if looking at the leg in fighter mode) was completely loose in the box. Glad I did not lose it(whew). I wonder how my foot passed qc though, as it was sharp and poked me.
  23. My bad, I thought we were still talking about the sound booster. I should have read it better lol! I have the problem of the flap popping off when the toy is being handled on my left shoulder. I just pop it back on.
  24. Are you talking about the clips over the shoulder are? Could you post a pic? I cannot figure those out at all and they seem extra.
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