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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Loop

    SCOOP thread!

    Macross II is like the bastard child of the Macross franchise.
  2. Looks like I have another pre order to look forward to!
  3. The mecha seen @ 0:21 actually is not a Valkyrie. It is a virtuaroid that goes by the name "Temjin". The Temjin was featured in a game that was called Virtual-On that came out in the 90's. I was able to locate the original arcade machine on ebay @ http://compare.ebay.com/like/251044378532?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
  4. I am not going to be re buying all the different VF-1's just for the additional bits of plastic. I may buy a few though just because of the need for duplicates. I really need another VF-1J that I can display naked with my Vermillion squad, as my other one is rocking the GBP with action missiles(launch effect parts). I will also be getting the VF-1A CF because it's the DYRL model and would fit nicely in my DYRL display if I can find room lol. One thing I have noticed though, why did they not include the extra parts in this release at all? I would hope that one day, including the parts becomes a normal practice at Yamato with the VF-1's.
  5. Personally I think the stripes should be slightly darker, but I guess I could deal with it if they don't revise the color. I actually like the fact that the packs are included, but when buying multiples the overall cost is going to be higher. Maybe they will release them as separates later kind of like how they do with some of the VF-1 releases and the old runs of the YF-19/YF-21. I am also getting the feeling they might release a super nightmare bundle.
  6. What does the text say next to the silhouettes? I really do want a Spartan and a ES-11D although I don't have any kit building skills. I will most likely buy them anyway and commission someone at a later date.
  7. Can't wait for this one! Even if they release it in the VFX color scheme, I will be buying this one asap. I just don't think I am willing to take the risk of missing out if they don't release the Hikaru scheme, although that's the one I really want.
  8. YAY! hopefully this printer you speak of can get the job done.
  9. June huh? I will sit back and wait patiently
  10. This is one club I do not belong to and hopefully never will
  11. I agree that they had bad lighting and no flash on the pic. I can't wait either to get mine, I think I will display it with all my darker/grey model valks ie: Low Vis focker, VFX, Elint.
  12. Loop


    I think you can poke them out from underneath the wing if I remember correctly. You should see where they slot through the wing, use something soft but firm to push them out.
  13. http://www.macrossworld.com
  14. Honestly, I am happy for the delay on the Yamato releases as of late. I have saved so much cash that if they drop anything I am more than prepared for the wave if they decide to release in a wave. The last things I bought were the the VF-19S and the VF-17S. I did buy a Bandai metal build G*undam after those 2 releases but other than that no toys as of late. I missed the Bandai VF-25 re releases even though I could have gotten an Alto and an Ozma. I know it may be years, but I am banking on Yamato to release Mac F toys.
  15. LOL! do you need anymore customs? Didn't you buy that lovely Thunder Hammer Minmay Guard?
  16. I had high hopes, the chicken fingers are killing me on my non GBP 1/48's. I specifically had someone here make me a set of side covers, a neck cover and TV hands in the Low Vis version 1 colors.The molds used were so over used that they looked like sh!t. What was crazy though was how long it took to get them too. Will never go down that avenue again. I was so angry I ended up just burying it and never tried to resolve the problem So... if anyone can pull off a full set of Low Vis version 1 accessories I would so be game.
  17. I almost missed out as well, I noticed they were not in stock anywhere though and lucked out and bought the pair from a fellow member here. I kept putting them on the back burner trying to get all the other VF-1's and assumed they would be around as they are so popular.
  18. I agree on the version 2 re issue, but only on the YF-19. I think I am ok with the current state of the YF/VF-22.
  19. Because Shoji Kawamori was the Main Mechanical Designer for Eureka Seven. There have been plenty of easter eggs in the macross series and movies over the years, like on DYRL you can find a Budweiser can painted on a micro missile. The scene where studio Nue is destroyed by a VF, I found some other micro missile ones also, just can't remember them all. This I think also covers Isamu's 2 second appearance.
  20. The surfing Macross Quarter was a homage to Eureka Seven.
  21. Yeah the VF-22s go on sale all the time, I got both of mine for $112-115 each.
  22. If HLJ puts these up 17s for sale I would most likely buy another. Can't wait for the "D" though I will leave my S in batteroid mode how it is and leave the D in fighter mode. I did say though that I would buy 2x of the D just to have a complete Diamond Force squad.
  23. Finally!
  24. I personally like the FB2012 color scheme more.
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