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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Loop

    VF-0 Replacement Parts

    I agree 100%! I really don't have a lot of time as it is in life, and I don't have the tools or paint. I also feel like I would ruin the parts . Thanks again Veef! I love what you are doing for collectors, that love their toys
  2. I did it, I am all for FedEx. I had a package from HLJ come in like 3 days before using FedEx. I basically went straight to Alaska, went through their customs office which seems faster, then it was here in WA state in no time at all. Maybe its actually cheaper for Nipon Yasan to use FedEx for us people in the states.
  3. I think my order with Nippon Yasan, might go through. I got a notice saying release is real soon and they will upgrade to FedEx because it should be faster than EMS. Hope it all works out. I actually pre-paid though, so I wonder if that makes any difference as far as pre order allocation is concerned.
  4. It's actually around $320 or so at amiami.
  5. Quoted from Macross Mecha Manual: "The blue colors also became standard marking for members of Diamond Force and as such Docker, Physica, Dick and Morry all piloted VF-17D variable fighters painted with blue highlights." So are the stripes in the new pictures light blue? They look mighty white to me. Maybe these are not the final colors though, we do have until Oct to find out. It's not like I am not buying it or anything, I decided I will get one initially and see what happens.
  6. It really should have a more diamond like shape, not a circle. A conversion on XE is showing that to be $380 USD before shipping. Jason, I am not 100% sure, but from the pics, this does not look like the VF-17D we are really waiting on. The pics still look like the stripes are white, which would make this the plain ole VF-17D seen here: http://www.macross2....d-nightmare.htm The two that I need are seen here: http://www.macross2....iamondforce.htm Guys I love Yamato's Macross product, but damn.... at nearly $400, I would at least think they could tampo print a freaking kite on the thing. I'm kinda disappointed that they decided to not do the Diamond Force Color VF-17D. Will we ever see the Diamond Force VF-17D? I am hoping so, but with Yamato's track record of repaints and trying to milk the mold as hard as they can, I think it will happen. The question is when. Please correct me if I am wrong, but "these are not the VF-17D's you are looking for" if you want to complete Diamond Force .
  7. There goes almost 1200 bucks on valks if not more with shipping, but I MUST have a Diamond Force and an Emerald Force.
  8. Oh man this thing is beautiful, can't wait for the release! And yeah, I love the fact that I can usually find the Yamato toys on release.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's how it went down. I was leery on these because of the last time they made MacF toys, I felt they seemed inferior. So while I was waiting on Alto reviews somehow I ended missing out on Ozma, if my memory serves me right.
  10. Hey Old Man, ship them to your work place if you work away from home Could not find a devil emoticon
  11. I was actually thinking it would be sweet to get 2, but I don't want to take that gamble hoping for a VF-1J in this scheme. Would love a whole team of them. If I am correct, doesn't a Squad consist of 4x VF-1A's and 3x VF-1J's? So if you multiply that by 2 and add 1x VF-1S that make a Tactical Wing/Group? You must have a larger collection then I do, by the statement you just made LOL. LOL my mistake fixed typo, but yeah 2 of the VF-1D's will be mine lol.
  12. I feel you there about the wife noticing LOL. Good thing is my wife is awesome, I already set her up for the scenario of tons of valks showing up this year due to the slow release's on Yamato's part. She replied with "You know how to manage money and you are reponsible, so whatever" . She also noticed that money I would normally be spending on valk's has totally decreased. The last 2 valks I have bought were the pre orders I did for the VF-17S and the VF-19S which feels like an eternity to me. EDIT: Wrong Model #
  13. Loop

    DX VF-25G

    I think it would be funny and really ironic if Bandai actually can meet all the pre orders for this at this point. It would be sad at the same though , because of what happened with the 25F and 25S. Hopefully they get it right this time, and also offer a large re issue of the 25S and 25F.
  14. Loop


    Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that they transform into batteroid, I would not have enough space to display all these Yamato's @ 1/60 scale. And if they did not transform that would take all the fun away from the toy.
  15. The only one I am missing is the CF 0a. I bought the shin and roy gift set versions that came with the ghosts, and they seem to be holding up so far although I don't really "play" with them. out of the SV-51's I own I think my Ivanov was the best of the bunch and my CF version being the worst as far as quality is concerned. My Nora has the wing problem though. Over all I see the line more as models that look great but are not really toys as they have a low playability level. I to this day still want a VF-0D Shin, I love the color scheme and it's a 2 seater.
  16. This happened to my 1/60 v2 Roy http://www.macrosswo...ndpost&p=913983 and this http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32630&view=findpost&p=913969
  17. At this point, I feel that Yamato deserves your money.... Bandai has me really disappointed in them atm. At least you can buy a Yamato at a discount with pre order and actually get it. I wish Yamato could secure the license for Frontier, so all of us collectors could secure what we need to complete our collections. Frontier is really hot atm, I don't understand Bandai's strategy on the renewals. It's like they are supporting the scalping trade for collectibles. Maybe the factory they are using can't produce enough? Maybe they are scared they are going to warm the shelves like the v1's? Have they not noticed the v2's are flying off the shelves faster than the v1's?
  18. Loop

    WTF iShop2go!!

    This same situation happened to me when I tried to buy a low vis 1/60 v2 Focker from them a long time ago. It took weeks to get refunded and the communication was very slow. I decided then that I would never order from them again. I ended up waiting it out and bought one from a member here.
  19. C'mon Yamato, don't let me down, release the Alaska base color VF-1. I would take a 19P also.
  20. Loop

    DX VF-25G

    Yeah, this whole situation is really stupid if you ask me. I have piles of cash saved up as there have not been any releases this year so far that I need. Bandai would totally be able to capitalize off this. I don't understand their strategy......
  21. Loop

    Bandai = EPIC FAIL :(

    Is the VF-171EX out already??? I did a late pre order from nippon-yassan and thought they had it for a release date of late June.
  22. I just bit the bullet and payed too much @ Nippon Yasan. This will be my first modern Bandai Valk. Hoping for some VF-25 re releases as well.
  23. So rovery! I saved up a ton since Christmas, I wonder how much all of these new releases are going to cost me overall. I want 2 of these and 2 of the VF-17D, not to mention I want the Alaska base VF-1 and the DYRL VF-1 CF scheme, and absolutely NEED a VF-4. Yamato should just let us direct deposit our cash into an account held by them Back on topic: I hope the final version has a matching blue color of the S variant, but overall I think it is an excellent representation.
  24. Loop

    SCOOP thread!

    No apologies necessary, just wanted to clear it up.
  25. Loop

    SCOOP thread!

    Hey guys I did not say I hated Macross II designs, but I was pointing out what I have observed. Kawamori doesn't even recognize it as cannon, that's how it got "relegated to Alt. Universe" I agree it would be great for major macross toy mfg to produce PT toys of MacII designs, the more transforming toy's available the better has always been my stance on toy's. I also feel it was a a valid question, and I answered with what I felt has seemed pretty obvious for a while now to me anyways.
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