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Everything posted by Loop

  1. This is where we differ. I have all the v2 VF-1's except the weathering versions. I think it rounds out the products look in battroid mode. If I were a new collector of these and bought my first few during the current runs that are all coming with the parts I would begin to expect them. I would prefer a kit of option parts I can buy separately, but that takes me to my next reply..... I just figured they would never release them on their own, because then they can't sell us an extra valk. People that already have all the damn v2 VF-1's would love to buy just the option parts if they desired I guess. I could see a few different kits though, because of the schemes that were not made in relatively huge numbers like the virgin road, Elint, low vis focker, VT-1, VF-1D, and the Max & Millia VF-1J's. Knowing Yamato though they would release them and only give us the option of DYRL or TV version kits. I am hoping that they pushed this Cavaliers release back because they decided to add the parts, again because it only makes sense. Does anyone know if there was ever a 1J Cavaliers version? I think it would be sweet to form a squad for display based on this scheme and without a 1J variant we don't have a team leader, keeping my fingers crossed.
  2. Surprised they have not announced the RVF yet, sees like the other 3 were announced pretty fast. I still need an Ozma!
  3. Yeah, I have not seen that thread in years now.
  4. Honestly, from here on out, I hope they release option parts for all future VF-1's and reissues. It only make sense at this point in the game.
  5. He actually did say "Nothing weird...." I think he just needed a place to post it?
  6. Waiting for the VF-25G release.......
  7. I think the armor parts for the VF-171 are not due until Oct.
  8. This is really the wrong thread for this discusion, but in the VF-17 thread this pic was posted. And all the corresponding pics in that post were white also. If they are Blue I will be so happy
  9. I wonder if he is talking about the white stripes?
  10. Ughh, got a pre order in, but it was marked up 70 USD. If I luck out I may be able to have a friend find it on the street on release for cheaper then maybe I can Ebay the pricey one.
  11. I guess all I can say is "at least it is not cannon". Still though, I actually wanted one..... Bandai loves to stick it to the fans it seems. Will this be available from the Tamashii Web shop?
  12. Is pricing confirmed?
  13. Do we know if there is a limit for how many can be ordered off of the Yamato site?
  14. Most definitely, I am a freak about assembling the whole cast of Valks that are available for any of the Macross shows I am collecting for (All of them). Back on topic: Damn, if only I had the display space I would take a stab at transforming this beauty. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything as far as the QC goes. I am also hesitant after reading about the hard time some have had getting it back into fighter mode. cause it would have to go back into the box.
  15. Some people have had problems with the ankle joints. The problem is if you lean too far forward or backward it can loosen up the joint. I have one but have not had this problem.
  16. I used to feel the same way about M7 designs and actually preferred the 171 in the past. I had seen MacF before I ever watched 7, I tried to watch 7 a long time ago and could not do it. Upon the second try I decided to man up and chew through the series, and actually really enjoyed it. Once I saw the 17 in action though I was hooked lol. I bought the Yamato when it was available and also loved it. I wasn't even going to buy any of the new Bandai valks until I saw the 171 and it struck a chord I guess you can say. I wanted to have a "generations" style display with both so I pre-ordered it. As far as the shows go though I have more of an emotional? attachment to the VF-17D/S.
  17. No, not at all. I like both, I was just looking at it from another angle. I don't really see them as a direct comparison is all.
  18. Is it really fair to compare the VF-17 and the VF-171? I mean they are descendants of each other. The Vf-171 is a craft from the future in the comparison. I own both and like both, I know that they are similar but it's really funny that it took Yamato to actually gamble and take a stab at a craft that never had a cg to work with and had anime magic built in and get it right as far as I am concerned. The VF-171 was designed in what 2007-2008? vs early 90's? I think both craft are represented well by both mfg's. Now, what if both Yamato and Bandai made the same craft? Then we would have a fair comparison imho. It's always easier to pick the streamlined craft over the chunky one, but the VF-17 was meant to be chunky and sometimes I like chunky designs.
  19. Wow, I am really shocked that Amiami would say such blasphemous things! I have never had any support problems with Yamato and vendors like HLJ. It's all on Amiami not wanting to support their customers outside of Japan. If anything getting replacement parts from Bandai is a greater problem than Yamato has ever been. Also I have not had too many quality problems with Yamato and the paint actually tends to stay on the valk once applied. I am not taking sides here of either of the mfg's as they both seem to have their own strengths and weaknesses. Back to Amiami: I had such a hard time getting the VF-19 Kai replacement wings that Yamato released to fix the reversed lighting issue that they had on the first run(Red&Blue color reversed). Yamato offered the fix for free to people who bought the valk, but the catch is that the licensing issue with Macross outside of Japan prohibits Yamato from dealing with customers from elsewhere. Amiami had a choice to help me or not. They chose to help me but they made me pay for the wings that were free! then on the next order they put a little yellow piece of paper inside the box stating they refuse to help us gaijin. So all in all if you shop with the right vendor who focuses on customer service, you should be able to get replacements no hassle. Always check the policies on the vendors site. I am shocked by the "Also, to be honest, Yamato figures are not the best quality considering their price and in the future we will be unable to order figures produced by Yamato. We apologize for the inconvenience." line that was fed. Why are they currently taking pre orders for future Yamato valks? After hearing this though I think that is the last straw for them and I. Another thing that really bothers me is the pre-order policy they have. If you cancel they are liable to black list you for life, and I may just do that now by cancelling my 2x pre-orders for my VF-19F and VF-17D with armor and pre order with HLJ. At least hobbylink deals with us dirty gaijin and gets us replacement parts. [/end rant] You know I just re read the original post, they also stated that Yamato will not deal with the retailer...... How come they deal with HLJ? Maybe Yamato has a problem with Amiami?
  20. Hey Veef, did you get yours yet? Kinda wanted to see your review. I had mine out for a bit in fighter mode, but I don't have any display space for any of these Bandai valks I have been buying. So back in the box it went.
  21. I would love to know the pricing on this.
  22. Chris, i just searched my inbox. I got it for 150 on Ebay.
  23. LOL, it does have a Kawamori connection though, if that counts for anything..
  24. This is the treatment I had in the past from Amiami. I e-mailed them to let them know that Yamato was replacing the wings on the VF-19 Kai due to the defect with the wing tip lights being on the wrong sides.They gave me this whole thing about how they don't help or offer replacement parts. They later replied with a line similar too "Oh boy you got lucky they decided to help" although I never had that problem with Yamato and HLJ for replacements on defective toys. I did order from them again though, but they included a little yellow sheet in the box explaining that they won't help customers outside of Japan.I guess it's a chance you have to take with Amiami. With my luck with Bandai so far (YF-29 defect) I am not so sure I would want to pre-order Bandai stuff from Amiami. You get great customer service with HLJ,but the tradeoff is the slow lead times once something is released, although I have a merchant agreement setup with them and Paypal and stuff seems to go sorta faster than when I use a CC. Forgot to add that Amiami made me pay a small fee for the wings and shipping, whereas HLJ did not make me pay for replacement parts. Back on topic: My VF-171 has arrived today from NY I will inspect it when I get a chance. I also got my package from HLJ today it's like a valk holiday up in here lol.
  25. I had the hardest time 2 years ago finding a CF SV-51 alpha. I got a good deal too when I found it fortunately, even though it was gone everywhere.
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