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Everything posted by Loop

  1. I do agree that the VF-19 toys are teh sex, but I am so booked over the next few months with pre-orders. I will most likely pre-order it anyways and see if Yamato makes adjustments. If they can match the official colors on the shoulders and the ankles and fix the stripes, awesome sauce. I would also like to see the pattern tweaked a bit on the shoulder so when the P is in fighter mode you only see white in the shoulder area. You know, I agree with chronocidal. If all works out right, I can buy 2x 19F's and 2x 17D's then put this one on the back burner and get it later. I got first world problems.....
  2. Does anyone know a fix for loose hip joints? I transformed my Ozma for the first time last night to get ready for the armor parts, and Ozma can't even stand made me quite mad. I did not have a lot of time so I transformed him back to fighter mode sadly. My alto is able to stand, but also has a slightly loose right leg.
  3. Sorry I made an edit.
  4. Here are some screen shots for reference: These also illustrate the gray landing gears This also shows that the stripe lines up, except where the wing meets the body. Completely opposite from Macross mecha manual.
  5. The color is pretty damn close though, I looked at the episode, the only way I can explain it is that it's kind of a brass color.
  6. Please Yamato, give us this exact scheme, note the colors of the ankles:
  7. I have both sets incoming, but I think I will put Ozma in the armor in fighter mode because I am kinda worried about the weight on the wing hinges. Once I have all the releases I will have the other 3 sport the super packs in formation with Ozma in the lead. I don't even know why I bought the alto version.... Gotta catch em all! Just money I guess. The only reason I have Ozma Super parts is because I had to take them when I got my Ozma, it was a combo deal.
  8. >EXO< are you redoing the 1/60 figures? I missed out last time because I had too any valks to pay for
  9. Honestly, I think we will never know. I think we have derailed this thread long enough though, Now BOT: I think the color scheme on this variant looks sick in batteroid mode. Even though it's not cannon, I feel the scheme pops more than the cannon scheme in batteroid mode although the crystals are the wrong color. Not sure why bandai always has to color the cockpits in odd colors either. I also would have liked to see another pilot instead of Alto on this release. Does anyone know if they will release a special set of super parts for this version?
  10. That's exactly what I am talking about, if you only have to sell 9 valks to sell out vs 50 does that make you the winner because your product sold out first?
  11. The renewals are not cheap either if you miss the 30 second pre-order window. You would think that the demographic for the 15 year old designs would have deeper pockets though. I know I make a lot more cash than I did when I was say 20. Really it's not about opinion, I just wanted to know if you had the hard numbers to back the statement up. My point was it's hard to sell a ton of cheaper valks if you can't get the cheaper valk at msrp. Have you seen the going rates of the VF-25F and VF-25S lately? Does that not indicate that the numbers are low? You would think Yamato is doing something right if they can spend as much as they do on engineering new valks. I mean, if the Yamato's are not selling why would they continue dumping so much into R&D and building the "Expensive Valkyries"? Not only that, I think Yamato is using a more expensive factory to produce these as far as I can tell.
  12. Is that a shower curtain?
  13. Do you have production numbers and sales figures to back that up? Please share.
  14. So so sexy.... Gamlinsan's valks look so nice together with the customizations.
  15. Correct, the collars on the engines where more of a square shape and not yellow but a brass color. The red should be a deeper shade. They gray landing gear is cannon....
  16. Yeah, I just happened to select Eco registered on my Alto set which states 2-3 weeks, and my Ozma set got delayed for some reason..... But as long as I have them secured is all I care about at the moment. I have no display space left in the cabinets.
  17. Hope this has the proper head, because the head type changed. Once Basara's 19P was bloody and he wiped his face all of a sudden it was the VF-19 Kai's head type.
  18. I see what you did there LOL. It is mentioned in the comments if that counts..
  19. Yeah the hinged joint does look off when you use it for extra articulation, so I always line them back up so they are flush.
  20. They are released, most are waiting on the packages. At least I know that's why I don't have it yet
  21. Hrmm, that still would have not stopped me from buying the armor, it looks bad ass with it on.
  22. Awesome work Kurisama, this thing is looking pretty tempting.
  23. Macross is a special case due to the Harmony Gold fiasco, but If you have not noticed Yamato allocates enough stock to the online retailers. They are not breaking any laws at all by supplying a Japanese webshop with product that is only for Japan. The problem is Bandai chooses to not allocate enough to the webshops.
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