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Everything posted by Loop

  1. I've got a VF-4G, VF-17D with Super parts, a second VF-19F, VF-171 Super parts, VF-19P and a tan color destroid Tomahawk on the menu. No telling when they will arrive though.
  2. I have been detecting all kinds of weirdness on the site since the change. Sometime I can't change the language, and other times I cant delete items from cart. And I also have the 2 different ways to pay for pre orders. Some of my orders take me to the payment page and others I have to pre-order it again then pay.
  3. Thanks, I decided to try putting it through and it worked itself out.
  4. All I am clicking on is "Pay my order" then it takes me to the shopping cart with the item in the cart. It's like I am starting a new pre order, because once I select the shipping type (which I did when I made the pre order) it then proceeds to take me to the next page which only displays a pre order button on the bottom right. If I click that it then takes you the the pre order disclaimer check box to submit the pre-order. *Edit* I just tried again with a different pre order and it takes me directly to the select payment page like it did when I payed for the VF-4. I only have this problem with my 171 armor parts order. This sucks
  5. Every time I try to pay it adds one to my cart and makes me select shipping and then pre order as if I am just now pre ordering it. I asked them about this last night, because I wanted to pay it off. Then this morning I get the e-mail telling me I need to pay the invoice lol, but I still have the same problem. I do want this though, so I hope they fix my account. I didn't have any problems paying for the VF-4 though.
  6. I always though New Years and Golden week were more important in Japan.. I also thought Christmas in Japan is usually shared with a close loved one, spent eating fried chicken and cake with maybe a gift? I thought with paypal you get a bit more time than that?
  7. Actually I'm with you, hahaha. I am actually always excited for new Macross valks, but I am extra charged up for the VF-4. I even ordered a second VF-19F that I 'm excited for too
  8. I love my 25G also, love the shade of blue on it. I have left it in batteroid since the day I got it. I also am like WTF Bandai, where are my Super Packs? I wanted to put super packs on them all except my 25-S which is in armor parts. Kinda sad though as I have 2x Alto armor parts sets and a 25-S super parts set. I currently have the 25-F and 25-S in the Armor parts until I can get the RVF-25 with super parts and the super parts for the 25-G. I may end up selling 2x 25-F armor parts sets and 1x 25-S super parts set.
  9. I have almost the same setup, I have my 920 @ 4.0ghz and I bought ddr3-2000 just to help reach the 4.0 OC. Honestly If I were you, I would OC the proc and upgrade the video card. I have been fine with 6GB of ram myself. I changed my boot drive to a 256GB Samsung 840pro and decided to use my 300GB velociraptors as storage devices. Major difference. So if I were you I would look into an SSD and a video card upgrade. I also have a EVGA GTX 295 with the backplate and need to upgrade if I want to really game with all details cranked to max. I use my old 8800 GTX strictly for physx or for cuda apps when my 295 is busy. I think I will wait until next gen of Intel products and the next GPU from nVidia before I upgrade the video.
  10. I'm with you jenius, I am super excited
  11. Also guys remember, if we did not buy any of these on release day and sat around waiting for clearance type sales, Yamato could cease to exist. I do not want that, so I gladly pay for them and have the comfort of knowing I got at least one of whatever valk. Not only that, when I see the sale prices it makes it that much easier to justify dupes
  12. To tell you the truth though, I think they most likely get way better margins on the Bandai kits than mostly any other product. I can see how Macross would not be a priority. Bandai does produce a lot of other toys too, so I am willing to bet they prioritize Gundam then all other lines afterwards. Bandai also only has so many factories they can use for their massive product offerings.
  13. That statement is almost misleading to me. Yamato's normal products are available throughout the year and easily obtainable. The VF-4 was meant to be a webshop exclusive due to the obscurity of the valk. It had like 3 seconds of screen time. I think it was a smart move to test the market, and they even found there was more demand than they thought. Now getting back to Bandai, they have the exclusive rights to the most current Macross IP and afaik the most popular in Japan right now. They are afraid of over producing? That makes no sense to me as they can see the things were flying off the shelves.
  14. Lupin has a point, I am actually always happy when Yamato releases something because I can almost guarantee it will be in my collection. With Bandai I get anxiety over the release dates and pre order windows, drives me absolutely nuts. I have yet to get a Bandai pre order at the normal price from one of the bigger online retailers like HLJ or Amiami. I am still having nightmares thinking I will miss out on the V2 RVF-25 so I can complete the set.
  15. Nice job man, looks great!
  16. I paid the pre order prices on these also, but I did get to enjoy them as soon as they were released, so I really don't mind. At the current sales prices for some of these, getting dupes is a real possibility. I completed my Emerald force Maybe he means the sound booster for the "karaoke ninja"
  17. I did the same thing last night, with the sale on HLJ I could not resist. This is a really expensive year for Macross goods, for me anyways.
  18. $367.02 USD
  19. Shipping was like 58-59 some odd bucks, but I get to have a VF-4.....
  20. I decided to try the Paypal payment thing and Mommar is correct. The Paypal invoice amount was lowered to the new price, shipping charge is crap though....
  21. I just sent an msg telling them I wanted the new lower price of 25,500¥, because it was still open to pre order at that lower price. I chose to speak in ¥ instead of $, cross my fingers that will make a difference.
  22. They refused to lower the price on mine. The first time they did allow the price change,but they changed the policy apparently. I wish I would have pre ordered another one elsewhere. I wonder if they would change it to yen for me.
  23. So no new news about the new releases yet?
  24. I transformed my Alto scheme from fighter to batteroid, but I anticipated that the black on the 30th version would be an issue, so I left it in fighter mode.
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