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Everything posted by Loop

  1. LOL! Benson what happened to your avatar? Almost didn't notice it was you.
  2. That's a guaranteed given with Bandai....
  3. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-171ex-super.htm
  4. Wow, you paid $400 for it? I think they are still around the $200 mark if you look around.
  5. My notice of order preparation went out last night around 1am.
  6. At present, thinking of ordering multiples.. LOL
  7. You know I was on the fence at first with the Kai, but I love it in my collection now.
  8. Awesome, still waiting for mine to ship.
  9. I did the same, except I only ordered one to be on the safe side. If I have to, I will order the other 2 and have a 17D CF with SP?
  10. When I go to the photo zoomer on Yamato's site, it looks like the one with fast packs is white and the one without is light blue. Can someone confirm that I'm not crazy.
  11. Kicker, this is the same thing I have been trying to figure out this whole time. I thought the one with fast packs has the white stripes on the wing, I hope not though as I was trying to complete diamond force.
  12. Nice, I just paid for my VF-17D with Super Parts from Amiami.
  13. 29? *Edit* Never mind, meant the 30th anniversary.
  14. I used to love thunder birds as a child. RIP Gerry
  15. I still plan to get the RVF, and the CF 171. I am on the fence though with the new re issue of the VF-27 with super parts. I'm not sure if it's a renewal or if they just added clip points for the parts. Does anyone have any more details on it?
  16. I'm still waiting for Amiami to take my monies.
  17. HLJ took payment already on this, no shipping notices as of yet though.
  18. I got an e-mail @ 12:32am stating: [Nippon-Yasan.Com] Preparation in progress.. The wait begins again *Edit* The notice for preparation was actually my VF-171 Armor parts.....
  19. I'd almost think they would make another set for the CF, as the wings that are included are for the Alto scheme.
  20. I need more display space, I got all this stuff coming but no place to put it all.
  21. Stop torturing me! LOL
  22. I liked Zero, at the time I was really excited to see the dog fighting.
  23. Damn time flies, lol
  24. Yeah, that's what I did to clear my cart.
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