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Everything posted by Loop

  1. Agreed, love all the options that people have been providing us lately. Keep up the excellent work guys, you know who you are!
  2. I agree the color is phenomenal, I might try to get 3x if I can.
  3. Today I received my VF-17D/Combo set and my other 2x Super Parts I have not taken it out of the tray yet, but thanks to the pics I finally got an answer on the colors. The way Yamato had the pics up, the ones for the combo set looked white and the standalone release looked blue. I thought I had made a $300 dolor mistake hehe. Thank you for posting the pics GGemini. I did get around to installing some SP's on Gamlin-san though. I don't want to rip into too many boxes as I already have homeless valks as it is, and Gamlin-san is currently in my display already. It appears so, the flash from cameras makes the stripes look white. Happy as hell too, now all I need is one more VF-17D stand alone and Diamond Force is complete!
  4. Loop

    DX VF-25G

    Hrmm, looks like it went up few bucks since I last checked, but still a bit more reasonable.
  5. Damn, not complaining or anything but I got 3 of 5 packages today and 0 of 3 contained at least 1 of my 2 Vf-4's. ***Edit*** I think this was my 1000th post!
  6. Thank's for clearing the that up, almost thought I had to buy 2 more standalone versions.
  7. What I am trying to figure out is... If the releases have different color stripes. Can you verify the Combo set has white stripes?
  8. Maybe they are all being held up like mine. All my Valks are stuck in San Francisco for what feels like an eternity.....
  9. Nice pic Graham. I wish I would have been able to get a duplicate 25-F Renewal.
  10. The original run of the YF-19 did have the problem. By the time I bought it they had fixed that problem.
  11. The sad thing is I tried to change my order with Amiami but they gave me crap for it. I would have actually spent more buying them the other way as separates sigh. I am glad the thing shipped though, as it's the last pre order I had open with Amiami. I am done using them unless it's a desperate measure situation.
  12. I think Kicker meant the combo set, instead of the valk by itself that is labeled "Diamond Force". I just want to know if the releases are light blue vs white, while my packages sit in Frisco.
  13. Happy New Years to everyone at MW! I hope everyone has a great and prosperous year!
  14. Congrats guys, everything I ordered is stuck in San Fransisco.
  15. I'm sure it we can do it! More pics from Toys Daily http://toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-199081-1-1.html
  16. Didn't Kawamori design optimus? ^^ Says the guy with the Rodimus avatar avatar
  17. ME too. I am still waiting on 2x VF-4G's, a VF-17D with SP combo, 2x VF-17 Super parts, a VF-19P, and a set of VF-171 Armored parts. Only things that came in were a VF-19F to complete Emerald Force and a tan colored Destroid Tomahawk that I had a hard time finding at a good price, but found an awesome deal on.
  18. Still waiting on the one I ordered with the SP, I was hoping someone here had ordered the one without the parts that was labeled "Diamond Force". I brought this concern up many times, but could not get an answer. When it was time to make the decision I said screw it and ordered the one with the SP's I ordered 2 individual sets of the Super Parts so when I will have them when the "Diamond Force" labeled one gets back in stock, I can order one of those to compare. If the one I got is like the CF design shown in white, I think I will just order 2x of the "Diamond Force" version. sigh.....
  19. LOL, I ended up with a second one also
  20. You know what they say about valks with long noses.
  21. Thanks for the video veef
  22. I have the same problem, I bought all these valks and I don't have a home for them yet. I have to either buy a larger display or a few detolf's at this point. I still have homeless frontier valks too.
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