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Everything posted by Brand

  1. Interesting. Going with an apostolic theme instead of an angelic one for the Angels might've been interesting as well. What might've been.
  2. Welp, good thing I've got the DVDs. Sucks that it went that far off though. A new voice cast I can at least understand but the sound effects and music weren't part of ADV's dub of Eva, I dunno why they'd have to change it all unless all they could get the license for was literally just the animation. Not being able to license "Fly Me to the Moon" I can understand but BGM is usually part and parcel with the program. (Not always, but usually.)
  3. Brand

    Hi-Metal R

    HS evidently closed already, if page refresh is accurate.
  4. Brand

    Hi-Metal R

    Gods dammit sh9000. xD
  5. Brand

    Hi-Metal R

    Same here. They didn't get the page up until right about when orders went live, I've been periodically refreshing the search for like three hours. xD No problems ordering though, HLJ either must not be seeing the same traffic as the other sites or they handle it better.
  6. Agreed. It's standard action-comedy fare but gorram do Ryan Reynolds and Sam Jackson play well off of each other, and are each fantastic independently too.
  7. Brand

    Hi-Metal R

    They just never learn to avoid Max. But of course, when you've only ever left one survivor (and you married her), you tend to not have word-of-mouth spread about your prowess!
  8. Brand

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh gods, Bandai, please don't release that lavender beauty too close to the Elintseeker, between it and the VF-2SS I'll need time for my wallet to recover! xD
  9. 00 is bound to be on its way in due time, Sunrise is making sure to get the whole of Gundam out to the Western world, and Right Stuf have been releasing them at a pretty decent pace. And 00 was pretty well received, especially after SEED and (ugh) SEED Destiny. No way they wouldn't re-release it. I'm looking forward to it coming around as well.
  10. The official shampoo of U.N. Spacy!
  11. "Intent to use" seems like it shouldn't be a valid justification once all licensed rights revert to Tatsunoko, since that reversion is specifically outlined in the contracts signed between both parties and mentioned and upheld by the recent court documents surrounding HG's current lawsuit. How can you intend to use something if you no longer hold any right to its use? Granted we still have to wait three years and change for that to happen but in a logical legal system (yes, I know, that pretty much disqualifies the U.S.) I'd say it would be a good point to bring up when the time comes. March 2021 is going to be an interesting time no matter what, and I'm betting Big West will be ready and waiting with their case to make as soon as the shoe drops.
  12. Brand

    Hi-Metal R

    Not sure what the whole announcement says but it definitely mentions January 2018 for something. Dunno if that means more info coming then or if those items will become available at that time.
  13. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to counter your comment. xD It's a good point to have made! I'm curious how the change is going to be explained. I'm just glad that the original author is getting a chance to rework things to his own satisfaction. I liked the book, I'm interested to see how it's reimagined for a new medium by its creator (with help from industry pros, of course).
  14. Brand

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai, you're killin' me here! Well, my wallet, anyway, but still! Of course, it's a willing sort of death... xD Between the VF-2SS, the upcoming Tomahawk whenever it comes around, and now the Elintseeker, they're really out to clean out my bank account.
  15. There's a lot in the trailer that's pretty off from the book, but I figure that's the nature of adaptation from one media form to another, especially when having to condense a story from book form into movie form. Whatever changes are being made, the original author, Ernest Cline, is involved in the screenwriting as well, so I'd imagine it's going to be as faithful an adaptation as can be managed while still making it a hit with moviegoing audiences. As has been pointed out, the massive amount of pop culture references in the book, especially from the '80s but there are shares from earlier and later as well, would make a true direct adaptation an overwhelmingly expensive undertaking on licenses alone, not even considering the necessity of ample special effects. I think a lot of the details are going to be pretty noticeably different from the book, but a lot of the main plot points are being left intact, just with different circumstances on exactly how things unfold. Differences or not I'm still pretty geeked over this thing happening, really looking forward to it.
  16. A Bubblegum Crisis Ultimate Edition Blu-ray release was the first of AnimEigo's Kickstarter remastering projects a couple of years ago, actually.
  17. What gets at me is that, while yes, Tatsunoko and therefore HG have the merchandising rights to Macross, they only have the rights to do so for Super Dimension Fortress Macross ONLY; literally the rest of the franchise was specifically barred from their control since Tatsunoko only had a hand in animating the original series. So HG should literally have zero authority to have been blocking or objecting to the marketing of any Macross-related merch outside of Japan aside from the original Valkyries, Destroids, and the like from the first series (and Southern Cross and Mospeada). Everything from Macross Plus on should have been freely available in the U.S. with not one cent or question of permission due to HG. That's all based entirely on my completely casual, amateur, nonattorney understanding of the matter, I could be entirely wrong but even as TheLoneWolf pointed out, BW/Nue own the Macross franchise and its characters entirely, aside from the animation and merchandising rights to the original series only. So anything aside from the original series' designs should have been fair game. (Lot of emphasis on should in this post, sadly.)
  18. According to a detail in the various court documents the attorney is going through in the video, Columbia Pictures currently has an option on a live-action adaptation from HG. Warner Brothers' option in 2007, also mentioned, came to nothing, so I'm betting this one won't either, though as I said earlier, HG seems pretty hot-to-trot on confirming their right to make a live-action adaptation in those documents, so maybe the talks are stronger this time. Hopefully not.
  19. Remaking LoGH is going to be no easy task, especially if they hope to somehow improve on the original. I've been reading the novels as they become available and the OVA series did an amazing job of adapting them faithfully. It tells the story almost precisely as written and looks fantastic doing so. I hope this doesn't become another Heroic Legend of Arslan; there's no way to improve on the adaptation of the source material (as far as I can tell) in this case but the production itself could suffer due to more modern trends in animation styling and cost-saving measures. The LoGH OVA was detailed and beautiful, I worry for what the reliance on questionable CGI nowadays is going to do for the remake.
  20. Just watched that video independently and hopped here to see if anyone else had brought it up, and thankfully someone has. I get the feeling Tatsunoko is going to tell HG to screw themselves if they come back attempting to extend those licensing rights, and rightfully so. And it's all legal and proper, so HG won't be able to bitch come 2021. They screwed themselves by being asshats. Now we just have to deal with all of the last-minute exploitation they're going to be doing, including the live-action movie that a lot of this seems to be about (at least it seems to me given the emphasis on mentioning live-action adaptations in all of that legalese in the vid).
  21. I'm not much of anything resembling a serious collector, so to me, as long as it doesn't break when you transform it (or look at it too hard...or right out of the box) and looks fairly decent compared to the lineart (this isn't great but it could be worse), I'd consider it. As we all seem to universally agree though, for the price they're asking it's a hard sell for some of us, and I'm one of those who've actually hoped for the VF-2SS. My first reaction was excitement to see someone bothering with this bird at all. Basically, lineart issues aside, it's this post from VF5SS that concerns me. The Albegas review sounds like Evolution Toy did a great job with it, but the Big Dai X is worrying. Middling detail work, small but numerous painting mistakes, ugly prominent seams and -- ouch -- three different figures suffering completely different breakages; that doesn't bode terribly well. Checking out the rest of the reviews of Evolution Toy's products on there is somewhat reassuring: they mostly sound very spot-on and include numerous option parts, attack effects, and so on, so I wonder if that suggests a good likelihood for the SAP with this one. But that just makes it all the more worrying that the Big Dai X is so lackluster for being one of their more recent releases. It could just be the one design/production run that had really bad QC, which can certainly happen. It's still enough of a concern that I doubt I'd muster a preorder no matter how much I want the VF-2SS. I'll wait until someone's actually gotten their hands on the finished product to be able to tell us about it first.
  22. Found out about this the other day while browsing HLJ anyway, took a little advantage of their Gunpla sale last month and randomly went back on to discover this lovely Macross sale. I was tempted by the 11C like so many others but I had to go with the DX Quarter because I've never had the chance to grab it before, and $122 (before shipping) was too good a deal to pass up.
  23. Not 'new' by any means but new to me, I picked up the old Nutech DVD set of Armored Trooper VOTOMS via eBay and blitzed through the Stage 1: Uoodo City arc in one night. Damn good stuff! Finished Mac7 TV and Fleet of the Strongest Women before that, still holding off on Encore/Dynamite/et cetera for now, and still occasionally working on Legend of Galactic Heroes (which is still downloading so I don't want to get to the point where I'm having to wait for new eps to finish!), Turn A and Victory Gundam. So much to watch, so little time! xD
  24. Yet another split vote here. SDFM TV is the definitive story, of course, with plenty of time to develop the characters and plot to the proper magnificent depth, but I have a soft spot for DYRL not only because of how much better it is in technical issues such as animation and the like, but because it was my first exposure to the true Macross after having watched Robotech as a kid. I was lucky/agreeably destined enough to have found a copy of the international English-language release, featuring a different voice acting cast, a generally faithful translation, even the Japanese character names and each and every one of Minmay's songs left gloriously intact. I'd imagine it makes "Clash of the Bionoids" cry itself to sleep every night by comparison. Needless to say, having gone from a childhood of Robotech to discovering DYRL in high school was like seeing the universe in a whole new way, and I've never looked back.
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