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Cannon Fodder

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  1. wemery73

    Gta:sa Mods

    that would be cool if it was for the xbox
  2. works great for mame .. i like it.. Xbox 360 Controller for Windows: great hardware, weak software Its a great piece of software and the latest version fully supports XInput and the 360 controller. free xbox 360 Gamepad Support guide to XBCD drivers with my 360 controller from day one. It gives you the light in the middle, rumble, mapping buttons, etc. They work great
  3. i use the Xbox 360 Controller for Windows ..
  4. wemery73


    boinger i get a tracker error.. any way you can make a torrent with just VFX2 US.. thx
  5. wemery73


    usernet"newsgroups" alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation if you can..
  6. wemery73


    after i d/l the first file on opm23 i get This file doesn't exist or has been removed for the rest.. if you could upload them again that would be great.. if you have usernet"newsgroups" that would be great also.as i have giganews..
  7. wemery73


    VT 1010 or anyone that still has this can you reupload it please. tia
  8. Chowser thanks i like this one http://www.geocities.com/chowser51/yf19a1.jpg
  9. might also try usernet "newsgroups" alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation alt.binaries.kenpsx
  10. anyone have any good YF-19 wallpaper?
  11. heres one
  12. translated directly from this link: http://www.g-res.com/Playstation2/Ta/TA-Macross.html VF-1A Hikaru's Paint: Clear ARMD-1 (movie) version VF-1A Kakizaki's Paint: Clear Prometheus (TV) version VF-1J Hikaru's Paint: Get 5 S rankings VF-1J Max's Paint: Clear stages 1 - 5 of Prometheus (TV) version with Max's VF-1A with A rankings or above VF-1J Miria's Paint: Clear "Pine Salad" (sic) with Max's VF-1J* VF-1S Fokker's Paint: Clear ALL stages with an S rank *"Pine Salad" = Pineapple Salad = "Farewell Big Brother" = TV stage where Roy is wounded
  13. Choujikuu Yousai Macross (henceforth abbreviated to just plain ''Macross'')
  14. There always seems to be the question "what do I do with a .bin and .cue file" in these forums so I figured I would write a quick and simple tutorial. Please feel free to add more. So you have downloaded two files, one with a .bin extension and one with a .cue extension. "What do I do with these?" you ask. There are a number of options. BURN TO CD You will need either NERO, CDRWIN or FIREBURNER to burn the file. To burn with NERO: Start NERO, choose FILE, choose BURN IMAGE, locate the .cue file you have and double click it. A dialog box will come up, for anything other than music make sure you choose DISC-AT-ONCE (DAO). You can also turn off the simulation burn if you so choose. Then burn away. To burn with CDRWin: Start CDRWin, choose the button on the top left, choose LOAD CUESHEET, press START RECORDING. To burn with Fireburner: Start Fireburner, click on the button on the bottom left corner "VISUAL CUE BURNER/BINCHUNKER", press the right mouse button and choose LOAD TRACKS FROM .CUE and choose the correct .CUE file, press the right mouse button again and chooseselect "Burn/Test Burn", choose DISK AT ONCE (DAO), disable TEST BURN and MULTISESSION, press OK. .CUE ERRORS The most common error you will get with a .cue file is when it points to an incorrect path. This is easily fixed. Find the .bin file, copy the exact title including the .bin extension. Now find the .cue file, open the .cue file using notepad. It should look similar to this: FILE "name of file.bin" BINARY TRACK 01 MODE2/2352 INDEX 01 00:00:00 TRACK 02 MODE2/2352 INDEX 00 00:04:00 INDEX 01 00:06:00 Delete everything in the quotes, in this case we would delete name of file.bin. Now place the title you copied in between the quotes. Save the changes and close out. Thats it, your .cue file should work now. OTHER WAYS TO USE .BIN & .CUE FILES VCDGear: This program will allow you to extract MPEG streams from CD images, convert VCD files to MPEG, correct MPEG errors, and more. Daemon Tools: This program creates a virtual drive on your PC which will allow you to "mount" the .cue file and use whatever is in the .bin file without having to burn it to a cd. ISOBuster: This program will allow you to "bust" open the .bin file and extract the files within the .bin. John375 .BIN / .CUE / .ISO Frequently asked questions. h**p://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/1/7976 Please credit AfterDawn for the below guide 23 Sep 2002 2:29 PM ======================== 1) What is a .BIN? What is a .CUE? What is an .ISO The .BIN / .CUE CD image format was made popular by the CDRWin software. Afterwards many programs have started supporting or partially supporting it, including: Nero, BlindWrite, CloneCD, FireBurner. The .CUE file contains the track layout information, while the .BIN file holds the actual data. .ISO is also a CD image format, but the one single .ISO file contains both: the data and the CD layout information. 2) I have download .BIN&.CUE/.ISO files - what to do with them? You can burn them to a CD-R or a CD-RW with: -Alcohol 120% - My favourite, excellent software, easy and yet very advanced (burns ISO, BIN/CUE, CCD, CDI, BWT files!): h**p://cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/alcohol120.cfm - BlindWrite - easy to use: h**p://www.cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_applications/blindwrite_suite.cfm - FireBurner - also very good, a single .EXE file! h**p://www.cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_applications/fireburner.cfm - BurnAtOnce - A handy and FREE tool for burning .bin/.cue/.iso. Easy to use! h**p://www.afterdawn.com/software/cdr_software/cdr_applications/burnatonce.cfm - Nero - many of you have this, but it can't handle all image files: h**p://www.cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_applications/nero.cfm - CDRWin - This is the original BIN/CUE software: h**p://www.cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_applications/cdrwin.cfm You can also mount image files as virtual CD-ROM drives using Alcohol - h**p://cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/alcohol120.cfm Daemon Tools - h**p://www.cd-rw.org/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/daemon_tools.cfm There are also several softwares you can use to exploit & manipulate BIN/CUE files in various ways: CDMage - h**p://www.geocities.com/cdmage/ IsoBuster - h**p://www.smart-projects.net/isobuster/ 3) I have a .BIN file but no .CUE? .CUE can be made with just Notepad. A typical Playstation(One or 2) .CUE file looks like this: FILE "IMAGE.BIN" BINARY TRACK 1 MODE2/2352 INDEX 1 00:00:00 A typical PC CD-ROM .CUE looks like this: FILE "IMAGE.BIN" BINARY TRACK 01 MODE1/2352 INDEX 01 00:00:00 Notice the difference of the track mode - PC-ROMs being Mode 1, Playstations CDs Mode 2 and (Super)Video CDs are also MODE2/2352. 4) How do I make .BIN/.CUE files? CDRWin or the BIN/CUE format is not ideal for distributing. BlindWrite suite and CloneCD perform a lot better in this purpose and can also handle various copy protections. Both of these softwares can also create .CUE files for increased compatibility 5) I have a .BIN & .CUE, but my CD writing software can't locate the .BIN file? Edit the .CUE file with Notepad (or similar) and verify that the FILE "C:\path\image.bin" matches the location of your image file 6) My image file is IMAGE.BIN.EXE and I can't rename it! Go to command promt and type "REN IMAGE.BIN.EXE IMAGE.BIN", (works with .ISO and other extensions as well). You can do this on Windows desktop too, but first check the options from TOOLS->FOLDER OPTIONS->VIEW and uncheck the "Hide extensions from known file types".
  15. action replay codes http://www21.big.or.jp/~dram/cheatcode/ps2...s2_macross.html Master cord/code EC8782E0 1445F53C Our machine invincible 1C862E34 0456E70D 1C8CA4CC 7A96D855 The missile it does not decrease 1C832F8C 1456E7A5 Beam CANON it does not decrease 1C834988 1456E7A5 Boost gauge it does not decrease 1CB293B8 DA56D7A3 Guard object "cat's eye" HP largest maintenance 1C82BF2C 5894E7A5 * When in the enemy after the capturing, it downs with the missile It meaning that also the cat's eye explodes, you note (1C$p) With L1+SELECT guard object "ƒ}ƒNƒƒX" HP recovery 1CBF270C 1456D7BA 0CEE0D26 1456AC0B 1CBF270C 7874E7DD * When the button is pushed in the surface other than ƒ}ƒNƒƒX guarding, being to be also times when the enemy recovers you note. Card collection full opening 1CB1C934 3855E7A6 1CB1C93C B495E731 Condition: You look at the card collection of PLAYER DATA (1C$p) It returns to advance time 0 with R1+SELECT 0CEE0D26 1456B80B 1CAB61EC 1456E7A5 Being to have an influence on also event advance time, you note Result at time of surface clearing CLEAR TIME 0 1CC5FE4C 1456E7A5 HIT RATE 100% 1CC5FE50 21D6E7A5 NO DAMAGE 1CC5FE54 1456E7A5 * Also 3 cords/codes have an influence on score. used http://babelfish.altavista.com/
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