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Everything posted by close313

  1. Thanks! Got both the G and RVF supers. I hope EMS won't take long! Is it me or are there only 2 pieces left?
  2. After playing around with my SV-51 CF, I just noticed that the colour differences between it and the lineart at Macross2.net. I hope that when the eventual arcadia remake of that valk comes, the CF's brown will be more muted, has the correct grey paint around the canopy and a yellow canopy like this. I'll definitely buy it again! http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrosszero/sv-51/sv-51-fighter.gif
  3. Micheal bay is using real life trucks as a comparison, that's why he chose the meatier one for the movie. Plus it's transformers, nothing's really on a strict scale basis.
  4. not THAT ONE! THIS ONE!! http://gundamguy.blogspot.sg/2013/11/upcoming-gunpla-master-grade-1100-kits.html Plus a HG Turn A too!
  5. Have you guys heard, MG Mobile Turn X is announced..im about to faint..
  6. I dont understand why they made it so hard to pop the neck on the v1. First time i handled it i thought i was going to break it! Seeing how tight it is, i hope your glue is strong enough
  7. Honestly, except for the risky shoulder problems, I prefer the V2.0 compared to the v2.2. I love the rainbow canopy even though it seems excessively rainbowed but it does gives the feeling of a more finished look compared to the untouched clear ones. Plus I find that the older hip mechanism to be much secure, since the larger part of the vertical part of the swing bar blocks the door from opening(and more fun to transform once u figure it out).Yes i also agree that it runs the risk of scratching the paint off the swingbar. The Roy I got from Mandarake is the exact same version you are showing, and it arrived unscathed. I transformed it many times carefully, and no signs of breaking. If those valks you are looking at are used, maybe you could ask the owner first for pictures of that part. And i really think that what Falcon18 has said is really relevant to your situation.
  8. I don't think teflon tapes will work. Its not mean for moving parts and will 'crumble' if u apply there. But no harm trying since it's easily removable.
  9. Oh man I actually wouldn't mind that recolour of McValk!
  10. I still have a feeling that I can get it during its release from NY, but now I'm more worried that they might take too long to ship. That would be a problem since I'm going away in December. I guess I could always send it at a friend's house :|
  11. Do you guys think it's safe if I delay my purchase for Luca's supers? I'm kind of worried it might get sold out if I want to buy them during late december as the set is not a priority in my budget right now. I don't know if I can compare it with the availability of super parts for the G, since RVF is more available.
  12. At least he went out with a .... bang? hahahaha As for me, I guess it's time I save up for this beast. I should stop buying but it's hard . They should start making gummy pilots with rotating heads. So that it won't be weird posing valks in gerwalk aiming to the right but the pilot is looking dead ahead.
  13. Mine does the same too, so i guess it's a standard problem. There not enough friction to hold the cockpit up as far as i can tell, at least for mine.
  14. Hahahaha i guess star wars isnt the best way to describe it. Looks like 1D wasnt the droid I was looking for. Its too bad yamato didnt do a 1/48 version of this(although there were conversion kits i've read somewhere) it would have been majestic. Same for VT and VE 1's
  15. Is this a VF-1D fetish thread of some sort ? Mine's back in its box, so I'll take photos for your pleasure when I can. 1D's head has a very different 'feel' from other VF-1 heads. It gives me some kind of star wars-ish feeling or some sort.
  16. Don't you guys feel that the connection of the bar to the base of the wing looks fragile? Especially since the joint is at the corner and the outer part of the plastic surrounding the pin seems quite thin.
  17. Bow and arrow mode! Awesomesauce!
  18. Great! I saw that VE-1 too but i already got one from mandy(lol). Bidders were probably competing on the VT-1 and the armored 1J the same guy had. I got his SSP set for 4100yen although i actually didnt expect to win it since the sniper bidder bidded a tad bit lower than my maximum hahaha.
  19. Worthy enough? You should be dancing right now!
  20. Like how people say, Once you go Pack, you'll never go back!
  21. I think the question/excuse to buy is, "does it count as a new toy to add to my collection because it comes in a different shade"
  22. Halfway through the month and STILL no box art! Are they gonna ship them in shoeboxes?
  23. OMG I manage to catch this guy! http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1386286.html
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