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Everything posted by close313

  1. Haha I was thinking of the same thing too. I'll let you know if its garbage or not when it arrives.
  2. Hey guys, Just found out about this in another forum. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Salon-Shaper-5-1-Manicure-Pedicure-System-Nail-Trimming-Kit-/370795192725?_trksid=p2056285.m2307.l Not sure if it's any good but since it's cheap enough, might as well try one. So I went ahead and buy one! This would definitely help on my mold line-plagued warhammer minis.
  3. The middle one looks like it just woke up after a night of partying hard.
  4. If i only had money to get 3 just like that *dreams*
  5. I don't own one but that's my favorite too
  6. My current Frontier (w/o my VF-27) lineup. I just got the armor parts but I don't have Ozma, so I put it on the G first. I'm almost tempted to repaint it blue! I gave up selling the VF-25G after some d*** decided to bid on it on ebay and never replied after winning. I hope it's not one of the members here >: ( Sorry for the messy background!
  7. Since it's the lull period of macross releases, wouldnt you wanna invest in a new display arrangement? Those bricks looks like they may topple if someone accidentally hit the table. And i agree with the rest, that Roy VF-11 is badass!
  8. Sendico has a standard service charge of 1000 yen at each auction, so it might be more useful for buying higher priced items.
  9. I hope its in the line too, as i missed my old one (ah damn why did i sell it -.- ). My dream is that Arcadia will give us a mega bundle 1J with GBP, Fast packs and a stand. Now THAT i'd buy and faint or vice versa
  10. Im thinking they would eventually, with a Grace/CF with the Foldiddlydo. If a repaint, it would certainly be more fitting to have one with Nora's or DD's color, different head and gunpod but i guess that wouldnt be popular at all.(and highly far fetched). Im going to get this YF-29 eventually.... after i sell my other one.
  11. Maybe you can call it Isamu's YF-0S? Damn the sun for ruining a nice valk.
  12. Thinking of doing that too, but it may be a tad too small though.
  13. Does anyone know where i can get SMS numbering decals like the ones on the shoulder missile bays of the armored parts?
  14. WHOOSH Such a good xmas present for all macross lovers!Edit: aww i thought it was today
  15. If you have cash to spare and have absolutely no other better stuff to get, you could play around with the idea of buying it. At the very least, i did found the build enjoyable even though it ends up as a disaster for a transforming kit. Before you glue it together, play around with the transformation first. However, if one is skilled at model building, i think it's better to get the hasegawa vf-1's instead of getting this to leave it in fighter.
  16. In terms of my macross toys, my collection is always changing, governed by my budget(saving allowances) and whether I really like the toy. My fickle preferences is always changing, right now i am starting to have lots of interest in CF schemes, hence stopped selling my SV-51 CF (it had to grow on me and now im most fond of it!) I need to sell stuff to buy stuff too, so the ones I got tired of (ahem*25*ahem) will fund new opportunities!
  17. Dont worry, im in the same boat as you. Just that i'm already at the plank ready to jump off.
  18. Thats a great idea, but i would prefer the YF-30 to be a tribute to Guld due to the raptor like design both the 21 and 30 have.
  19. In fact it did make it much harder. Im getting one of them first until i can save enough for the other one. Ill probably get the 19P first but the fast packs on the 17D is too bad ass that im reconsidering to get it first instead.Favourite shot http://m.flickr.com/lightbox?id=8355389586
  20. Derex and Mommar! Thanks for the marvellous pics you shared! My eyes are having a buffet right now.
  21. In my mind, they were saying "Look at the new improved shoulder pauldrons *drops*. Just kidding!" I would also like to know what they're saying so i can also apply it to mine. I also have a lingering idea to sell off my alto and get this one instead if its still available afterwards.
  22. If you look at 00:50, he is attaching the part that looks like the one from the super Vf-27 between the wrists. And the manual page afterwards also reflects that.. i was hoping that i saw it wrong when u said so i watched it again
  23. Can you guys tell from the pictures, is the 25A's super's grey plastic as black as Ozma's armor parts or the same bluish grey colour as the other vf supers/altos armor parts. Pardon me as i get confused with the shades of grey (pun intended).
  24. The top for me is the SV-51 Then next are VF-1 series Third is interchangably the YF-19 or VF-11B (cant decide!) Sorry for breaking the rule!
  25. A story that should never be told..Don't mind if I ask, does anyone have VF-17D photos to share? Im trying to decide between that and the 19P and even that has very little "non-official" photos except anymoon's.(using google). Would love to see photos from other owners
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