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Everything posted by close313

  1. I suggest opening Nora instead, since ivanov might explode
  2. Vallejo paints are perfect for handbrushing, because they are made for it. Just use water to thin them enough and use a good brush to paint them with. And they have different ranges for you to choose from (Model Air, Game color, Model Color, Military color).
  3. The problem is the price they are going for right now, which is not really worth it for the quality of the toys. I'd buy it if the prices come back to their original MSRP or lower (only those non defective versions). I have the same view with Kaneda's Bike if Arcadia does not remake the valk.
  4. Valkyrie addict pretty much covered it. If you used decals, make sure they are really set and sealed/coated properly because handling may also dislodge them (happened on my custom VF-25 armor parts). I never liked stickers because the edges becomes dirty over time as dust would collect on them, espcially if you handle them alot (dead skin etc). I had to remove the stickers of a used 1D I bought a long time ago because the edges were unsightly.
  5. This is how i do mine 1. Fold the hinge attached to the back first then fold the hinge attached to the tail section. 2. I dont usually use the optional hand and i dont know if the same tightness as yamato ones.Usually i can wiggle it and out by gripping the handle part. 3. I would put one arm first. For The following arm i loosen the shoulder pad so i can tilt the arm upwards. I swing it into position and then adjust the arm and the shoulder into the correct position. This is the method i use from being careful with my vf-1 with cracked shoulders. My methods might confuse you so if t doesnt help, maybe you could turn to youtube.
  6. That's what I plan to do too, for now at least. I like the beautiful VF-0's but I dislike that they were not as well made as the current VF-1's. I'd rather wait to see if they ever remake them again than to spend so much on one, save for the Sv-51 CF which grew on me (but still a floppy mess!)
  7. Just to clarify, we still don't know what mechanism the ankles are right? I think they should realise the horrible ball joints that the VF-19 has (i love my 19P but the ankles made it a horrible to pose in gerwalk). Since the gerwalk pictures of this one looks mighty fine, I bet they used another mechanism (swivel please) or improved the ball joint design.
  8. I really need the armor parts too. I want to customise it for my OJ VF-1J.
  9. One of those four better have some armor parts involved!
  10. Fully agree, i even remembered how much people were looking forward to this scheme from this thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36914&page=1 I guess times changes and so does what people want. For me, i hope that if they ever finally release this, they would tampo it nicely like the CF 1J.
  11. Yes it's the same mold
  12. I don't think you can get replacement parts from Bandai at all. I think your best chance is to find/buy another one to replace it. Maybe look for those who have broken shoulders and are selling them.
  13. Have you guys seen the TF4 Prime toy? As expected, a shellformer... Hope grimlock won't end up like that. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-9/transformers-4-age-of-extinction-premium-edition-optimus-prime-revealed-179069/
  14. Thanks! All was easy until i needed to mask the hip armor. I had to redo it a few times since the factory yellow was oversprayed at different points. I learnt that i shouldnt strip paint using lacquer thinner, which caused a portion of plastic of the chest armor to break away. Had to glue and putty it back. And the other crotch piece fell face first right afted spraying. Ugh. Im glad it was a test piece anyway since i dont use it.
  15. Tomorrow's the start of my next semester, luckily I'm able to finish my Skull 1. I repainted the yellow parts and solely used leftover decals from my VF-1 assembly kit, Bandai VF-25G, RVF-25 (ghost's decals) and VF-27 kits. I really love the 25a's brown and I'm not really a fan of the different colours of the original Frontier skull squad. Can't wait till my other two CFs to come before sharing my simple mod. I only had 1 pair of SMS004 decals which I roughly cut into SMS001's, that's why it looks abit off hahaha. Won't be transforming this guy yet until I learn how to avoid scratches.
  16. Could it be one of the people in your friends list who spread your pics without credit? I'd be suspicious and angry too.
  17. LOL I think he was talking about another kind of blue pill
  18. I think teal is perfect for 171, more interesting than just black or grey.Plus the CF theme for MF is a greenish colour scheme or tinge (25A, 27B) if im not wrong.
  19. What I want aren't really paint schemes. I see VF-1's as open canvasses so i would love if they release VF-1 kits in different base colours with different heads such as the low vis, off white, cavalier blue, grey (like low vis 1A) or even molds like VT/VE-1's.
  20. I want one without defects too but I absolutely loathe Alto's colours on a 'stealth' valk (which was the not the way they were used as in the series). I adore the CF colours but I can't justify to get one since I like to transform my valks and then this one will end up broken.
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