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Everything posted by close313

  1. close313

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sorry to diverge from the current subject. Anyone knows where I could still order VF-31F Super Parts? Or should I have to wait till release (since it's this month anyway)? And isn't it weird that they haven't had PO's for VF-31C's supers too
  2. close313

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just paid for mine at HLJ. It should reach you soon!
  3. close313

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for the reassurance! Phew almost had a panic attack.
  4. close313

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Um I didnt get the HLJ payment request...does it mean im doomed?
  5. I just noticed that sites like HLJ and Hobbysearch just put up the listing of the 3rd 1/100 Full Mechanics kit (3200Yen) as a "new gundam frame" . I'm suspecting it's the Rebake Full Cappuccino Frappe with whipped cream. And they better make that Helmwige Linker as a 1/100 too!
  6. Ive read that it refers to coffee thats been rebaked and it's called full city roast. And that additionally it originally came from the Brewers group. I guess it's wordplay so go figure lol. Some say it mightve have a deeper meaning for Akihiro such as mocking the group that got his brother killed. Well, this means that gusion's named after coffee and has garden scissors. Haha
  7. Managed to get one from HLJ and luckily got another one from Amiami. I only wanted one but I'm really scared of HLJ cancelling it due to the over-order bug like in the VF-31J madness. Thanks to IXTL for the link! If anyone can't wait for March I suggest to give the 1/72 model a try. It's freaking awesome (unstickered/undecaled) and it's so much better than the frontier kits.
  8. I'm thinking it might be a boy group vs girl group kind of thing? Like the concept of K-Pop?
  9. I mean it would be really sad if they didn't include those 2 pieces..
  10. I love the contrast of the olive body and the markings more on this release. Too bad I already have the first release and wouldn't really want another one of this.
  11. OMG yesss!!! (Looks at price) Noooo....
  12. I think it's just on display at the tamashii nations showroom. Once in a while antibiotictab shares pictures when he visits there, which is nice
  13. Thanks guys, gentei kits just listed the new preorders. If theres any show i'd recommend, it'll be those UC OVAs like 8th MS team, Stardust Memory and Unicorn. Im not so fond of overly fancy action stuff like 00 and seed though I do love the mech designs from those series.
  14. The p-Bandai effect parts for RG Destiny and Strike Freedom are getting reissued. Do you guys know where I can po them? Im not sure if NY will make another po for these (since they have some at scalper prices) and genteikits don't have any. In anycase, P-Bandai has just spammed different types HGUC Jegans for PO. The CCA one looks tight. And the Wings of light set for HGUC V2 Gundam is stupidly expensive
  15. None - I love all of mine.
  16. It's a blue part reflecting light making it look white.
  17. There's third party decals for the GN Arms?? Im going to get that!
  18. Thanks! To be honest i had thought of getting the GN Arms right after i saw yours a few pages earlier. The decals really improve the look for the P-Bandai version and makes it much more coherent with the RG Exia.
  19. I just snap build and just decal + clear coat them if i happen to buy the decals or they come with it like the ver Ka's. I always avoid panel lining cause I suck at it so bad and usually mess up. Im lazy like that Btw does anyone know if the RG Exia can fit in the regular HG GN Arms Type E?
  20. I guess having painted warhammer minis before helped me a alot as I always paint the eyes whichever scale. That's usually the first thing I do. I usually cover the whole piece with Vallejo heavy charcoal and pick off the raised eyes with a smaller pointed brush and the appropriate color. I always use miniature acrylic paints like Vallejo or GW cause they're pretty easy to handle (and clean) with a brush.
  21. Wow you bought a whole case again
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