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Everything posted by close313

  1. Oh dear looks like i might not be able to get it then.
  2. Oh lottery? How does that work? I need the ghost drones for my 25A team
  3. CANT WAIT!!
  4. The insignia wouldn't look good so far behind in fighter mode. To me, the shield is fine without any markings. Less is more.
  5. I guess you can say that the demand is insanely high
  6. or between the legs hehe
  7. Out of curiosity, how many more official valks/repaints from Mac F & Mac 30 can Bandai churn out after the YF-30? What I can think of are : RVF-171(white and teal), VF-27A, Leon's YF-25 and the YF-24?
  8. Oh my god <3
  9. Sadly im only getting them next week since I'm away from home. I'll post pics when I get back!
  10. I just noticed that the crotch is actually so far from the fuselage unlike the toys. Gives a different feel to the back kibble with the different angle.
  11. Im god damn, jelly right now I mean come on, 4 Ozmas !
  12. Well the difference is that that's the actual design of the valk and not a problem with the toy, if you get what I'm saying.
  13. You should already know the answer, lazy bandai is lazy..
  14. Sadly, the problem is already present even with the original tampo decos and painted on parts. There's so much rubbing parts that they also tend to scratch off. My 25A's shoulder deco (the hexagonal black outlines surrounding SMS and 027) have chipped :/
  15. Those panel lines awesome! Looks like a done up model on the sides of Hasegawa boxes. How did you panel line yours? A wash or using a marker?
  16. Yea it was loose out of the box for mine. It can stand but the knees tend to give way. But that doesnt affect the fact that its the best rhinox there is right now. Great figure, just need to fix them knees. Seems that its apretty common problem after I googled it.
  17. My Rhinox can't stand in bot mode loose knees
  18. Technically you wont lose But from Shunkenzero's explanation , I wouldnt be surprised if they never did. (Except for Alto! Alto all year round for everybody!)
  19. *Sudden Realisation*..If it comes to that, now i have to collect them all..
  20. Fantastic display, i like the SDF, VE-1 and VT-1 display ALOT. Also have you considered putting the M&M pairs near each other? But i need to warn you, there's a ghostly naked man in your pics!
  21. I like that teal one alot!
  22. I'd also like to asked whether the blue is the same as the previous super parts blue. I would be very pleased if they are actually darker (to be closer to the ozma armor my 25A is wearing) I think that Saburo's pictures have a richer colour so that may cause the blue to look like that. The more saturated/darker look of the blue is beautiful on the beige of the 25A. edit: Looks like he answered it before I could post. Thanks!!
  23. Need more 25A Supers pictures! I'm getting to anxious waiting for mine to arrive.
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