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Everything posted by close313

  1. I never had anything unopened before except for my MP-13. It was a torture waiting for it to sell since I wanted to get the Hasbro version with all them tapes.
  2. Now that you mentioned it, it really looks lighted up by LED, especially when the colour is reflected on the mouthplate.
  3. UPDATE from Mr K : After so many complaints of why they decided to reissue the most controversial valk in history, Arcadia decided to replace the VF-19 Kai with a Corgi instead, complete with the Sound Booster. I had to post this after I saw this on instagram, here is the original source : Credits to mei_the_corgi http://instagram.com/p/oMK0zJtGz9/ Is the owner of the cute doggy a member here too?
  4. Oh I'll post it soon, cause I noticed one of the decals rubbed off the chest door on the pic. I have to replace it.
  5. Ugh.. it's fake? Damn it, I thought I could get Red Alert and Starscream. Luckily I just bought the China re-release of the MP-11. I'm hoping TT reissues the cassettes though, since MP-13 was just reissued a while ago.
  6. You also still have the 19P and 19F (although more expensive) to choose from. But if you're willing to think of it this way, think of the 19S' scheme to be of the Blue Angels.
  7. 25A is my favourite for being the most down to earth scheme. Out of the Super Sentai team though, I like Alto's VF-25F the most due to the homage to Hikaru's valks.
  8. At first, I though read Justin Beiber.
  9. Not estimation, but it's like listing the item at a lower price and gouge the buyer with the "shipping" - therefore making it the same as the market price. It's rampant in ebay especially.
  10. Saw a few kits that I like, thanks alot for the alert!
  11. I was looking at the wing >.> turns out to be the canards after realising it just like you. I like the reversed ones too. I dont like the one without them
  12. If you want something temporary, you can slide a ply of tissue in between the rotating parts.
  13. Whuuuuuuut $100!!??!?!?
  14. I... want.. one.. I love the photo disclaimer In fact, I already PM'd tundrayeti about it!
  15. You can switch the mouthpiece with the extra one included So ya gonna buy one now? I tell you, its one of the best valk toys in existence if you don't have one.
  16. A perfect example of "Less is More", BuGS21.
  17. Oh crap you're right. But it didnt have any gunpod in when it appeared in the show so its ok for me. Whats interesting that i found out because of that panic moment is that the fin rotates and folds when using the landing gear. And I'd like to find out how would bandai engineer the stand for this.
  18. I'd want to try to build that too! Looks very fun!
  19. Those spikes on the fin are very vulnerable to breaking for a valk that's troublesome to transform.
  20. PO should start at NY on 5th June I guess
  21. The RG MK II and GP-01 are solid kits, maybe you could check them out too.
  22. Just to be safe, I think you should try to hunt one. Not sure if the demand for this will cool down any time.
  23. Exactly, if I'm allowed to change the name of this franchise, it should be SDF Money, Money Plus, Money 7, Money Frontier and because of that we always end up with Money Zero
  24. Can they...make the CF RVF-171... ? I would definitely hope so. It's opposite for me though damn radomes get me excited
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