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Everything posted by close313

  1. By the way, there IS that front inner a gap as seen in the movie http://ghostlightning.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/commie-macross-frontier-the-movie-sayonara-no-tsubasa-bd-1080p-aac-66ae8f11-mkv_snapshot_01-35-52.jpg I suppose that those FAST pack boosters are only made for the 25 series hence its just a rudimentary fit on the 19's wing So.. officially it shouldn't be fitting like a glove like TRex's but that doesnt stop it from looking much better.
  2. At least they HAVE something planned Hopefully it's not for five years later
  3. ^I have to say I prefer the animation's blue more. Maybe you could tweet that image to Mr.K? All the lineart pics I've googled seems to have the saturated blue though.
  4. Im so sorry if i sound ignorant but can I ask why do cells usually go for so much? Is it because it's - one of a kind - kind of thing?
  5. I've read that the first episode just came out, what are your opinions of it? I haven't seen it though but im very excited to watch it soon since it's by Guillermo del Toro.
  6. I guess it's never too early to panic
  7. I had the same experience with my Alto's. A piece dropped off and I thought I broke a tab( one of the ends was not even) . After a very long inspection I found out it was just a screw cover on the leg that dropped off.
  8. Can't take this anymore
  9. It's the reverse for me though. I love those plastic trays in Yammies/Arcadia. They make opening and repacking a breeze and they look much nicer. And it's a plus with those windowed/flip top boxes.
  10. I love both (voted for both) but sad that the bright white seems to yellow more 'obviously' than the DYRL off white
  11. Is it actually a gamble to buy a CF 171 now? Ive been thinking of getting one but the cracking problem also seem to affect MISB ones.
  12. Was that photo from Mr K? His photos sometimes have hidden cryptic messages/hints in them.
  13. I bet the plastic is to protect the painted/tampo'd on parts, not due to the finish. My 19P had alot and so did my VE-1. The VF-1's had (although not wholly wrapped) plastic sleeves on their wings, landing gears and small plastic leaflets on other tampo'd parts on the valk.
  14. I agree,or at least something many of us will interested in (not Bling Bling McValk). They've been quite conservative and it's frustrating
  15. Closest to that is red with gold trims. You want it?
  16. Why upon any reason you wouldn't buy a 17?!? Reverting back to the topic, I finally decided to watch the transformation video. I hope those brackets are all optional!
  17. For bandai to reissue valks like the VF-25S/G but the genie and the lamp would probably implode if I wished for such a thing. Gawd I didnt read it. I want an SV-51!!
  18. I think that's just the previous reissue that they marked up and put as "sale" since the next reissue is coming again
  19. I just find it so funny whenever i see that scene where Omega supreme suddenly appears like the Koolaid guy.
  20. You use it to hold the legs together for fighter mode. Makes it more sturdy. Attaches somewhere lower back of the legs.
  21. My YF-25 arrived today. I was shocked because it was shipped by unregistered SAL and it was shipped two days later than my registered SAL MG Unicorn Banshee (both from NY). The latter has yet to reach me though it is already at the processing centre. I love the colours but I was expecting the orange to be more yellow than what it is.
  22. UGH that's very disturbing. I remember a few valks that I had bought with those kind of surprises. It wasn't pretty But hey at least it doesn't need those if you have the armor on.
  23. Dangit, one more week and I'd gotten my pay, I was watching that guy on Jungle. Congrats to you! Hopefully another will pop out somewhere...
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