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Everything posted by close313

  1. Same here, used the same discount for the expensive YF-19
  2. Actually with regards to the tail fins, design-wise I don't think you could blame Bandai for that, since the designer of the valk is Kawamori himself and not the company. Unless you mean the engineering which is the fin being easily removable, now that is Bandai's design choice. However I am grateful for that removable fin as my YF-30 dropped from my table once. Gave me a heart attack when I saw the fins on the floor and thought that they broke (I only have one YF-30!). Luckily they were just popped off the wing. It's also not the only sci-fi plane with unorthodox tail fins that stuck out. (Fenrir from ace combat)
  3. For one, Arcadia/Yammie valks doesn't have as much scratchable paint jobs as Bandai's. Mine is full of tiny nicks and especially the YF-30. But given that the original design/colouring of the valk is partly to blame anyway.
  4. 17 September is the due date for NY for the super parts
  5. @Saburo and others looking for the Jolly Rogers decals Stickers http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-Robotech-Skull-Squadron-White-emblem-Symbol-Insignia-Sticker-Decal-Sheet-/251586069796?pt=US_Action_Figures&hash=item3a93b2c524&_uhb=1 Water slides http://www.ebay.com/itm/water-slide-decals-VF-1-Macross-U-N-SPACY-white-5815-/180928730158?pt=Model_Kit_US&hash=item2a2031542e&_uhb=1 Just search for Macross Decals and you would find them. Comes in different sizes.
  6. So when do you guys predict Bandai's gonna announce the add-on stuff for the YF-30? It's usually around 6 months of lead time for Tamashii exclusives(as it should be) from pre-order to release. Unless they're just yanking our leg with the removable missile pod and armament ports.
  7. This is the kind that I prefer over the trendy overly detailed/pla-plated/parts-bashed/excessive-scribed panel line stuff I see nowadays.
  8. They're 1/60 V1's. Yamato only produced 1/72 valks mostly from M+.
  9. I've only been in this hobby for a little more than a year but I had my similar experiences. I once highly regretted selling my first 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J (not sure why the h*ll I sold it) and VF-25G Renewal(I felt the price I paid for it was too high, so sold it). After selling them, I felt so remorseful that I always kept a look out for them everywhere. But after a while and with much luck, I managed to get them again! Now, I don't really feel like selling any of my valks unless I have to. I had a Bandai Koenig Monster once, I'm not sure why I don't regret selling it, It WAS a great toy, especially in the Destroid mode. I think it's just my mind in denial.
  10. No Bandai nonsense with Arcadia
  11. If I open them, I have fancy box too right?
  12. CDX has one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPHqtpoKmU8
  13. Isn't this a similar concept to the Regnant and the Koenig Monster, just in a smaller scale?
  14. Umm don't post open/available stuff here...see first post.. some might go crazy
  15. The PO for the dash option set will start on 21 August http://gundamguy.blogspot.sg/2014/06/metal-build-gn-001hs-a01-gundam.html
  16. Oh cool! So it was your pictures that I saw on instagram.
  17. After I heard about it from him, i am always careful when I unslot that peg. I usually press down the leg armor onto the leg and slowly wiggle the peg out.
  18. I wish that the valks of the new series will return to more simpler designs. I kinda dislike that back wing kibble and flappy knee pads are the latest standards for valks. I would prefer wings that fold nicely or stow away neatly and return to the usual knee caps design.
  19. Looks like kicker got 10% of the whole batch. I can't begin to imagine the cost @_@ Very nice, and there is always a mandatory photograph requirement for such coveted items.
  20. Can anyone explain to me why do the pre-orders of the MG Hi Nu Ver Ka are sold out at HS,HLJ and Amiami? First time I've seen this kind of thing in Gunpla history. Is it THAT popular?
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