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Everything posted by close313

  1. Get some VF-0's! I think they would really look nice on that aircraft carrier.
  2. Pewdiepie played Alien Isolation in the Oculus Rift http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NsvSecFvbc
  3. For temporary measure, you could rotate the engine 90 deg, stick something on the flat part (tissue or tape) and rotate it back so that the thing you stuck is wedged between the wing and the engine.Or you could apply some nail polish on that flat part(or on the engine) Yea the SMS symbols are of different alignment, but the game shows it that way anyway.
  4. It was actually displayed in the akiba showroom with the wings folded like that, I guess that's where everyone got it from.
  5. Ah thanks, I wonder what's taking them so long. But that's for another thread.
  6. The first shot somewhat reminds me of the All That VF video(i hope i got that name right).
  7. Any sweeter I'll probably get diabetes. Especially if VF-0D PO pops at the same time. - out of topic, when did the PO for the YF-19 come out? Shouldn't the PO for the 0D to come out a month earlier since it is releasing a month earlier relative to the YF-19?
  8. I think you need to fiddle and readjust again. Mine aligns properly after transforming back many times. I encountered that problem before too. Im not exactly sure whats the problem, but just note that the neck bends to the front and the neck plate can sink quite low.
  9. No wonder you're called the master, nice pics!
  10. It does have panel lines, but Im not skilled enough to capture them on my phone's camera. You can take a look here for more pics http://dalong.net/review/etc/mf05/mf05_p.htm
  11. The 1/72 ghosts are a tad bit smaller.
  12. Not sure what to say... But Arcadia is now more careful in their releases compared to how Yamato did it. But what I want to convey is; so far It's been only been around a year with Arcadia. Give them time! Plus you can't get the Yammie version of this cheaply / easily right now (at least buying from outside of Japan, took me so long and costly to get mine!). I'm very happy that this gets re-released because this gives the sign that past Yammies that newcomers like me missed,has a chance to be reissued.
  13. Does anyone know where I can get the Hi Nu's HWS with the lowest price?
  14. HLJ only allows SAL for items below Y15000
  15. It'll be really funny if the third mode is like the SD's (put it on all fours, stick the beam saber up in the bum and call it a day!)
  16. Box Art from HS It gives off some kind of vibe, but I can't put a finger on it. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10278258p/10/1
  17. That add on part is actually bundled with a magazine, but I forgot which magazine it is.
  18. WOW totally unexpected for me! I'm definitely getting this! The MG I had was too floppy to play with, so I hope this wouldn't be the same case. But I'm not so sure if the RG-type arms can support that big gun. By the way, P-bandai exclusive MG Tallgeese III is announced... I'm like WTF? Why not a regular release?!!?
  19. Same here, still nothing from NY for me..I think give it abit of time.
  20. Wut http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-706168.html
  21. Blue mouse = VF-1J Max confirmed! .....on a more serious note, the gold trims make it look kinda cool.
  22. I love the Turn X, and yes I was also disappointed in how fairly easy it was too. The feature that I adore the most is definitely the articulated fingers of the right arm, the first turn X toy with that gimmick.
  23. Mine was stuck too. I had to use a pair of angled tweezers to lever the block out.
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