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  1. It's not revisiting a story, it's a new thing. The fold system is a time and space distortion stuff, there could have been malfunction or something related to a new enemy that brought them 60 years into the future (with a 1 year fold for example), somewhere far beyond "known" universe. It's not a revisiting, it's a new step in the macross universe, as Macross 7 was to Macross, with known characters, it could be the same. New threat, new corner of the universe, they could be facing a new enemy unable to communicate with the rest of the fleet because of the huge distance ..... That's my point of view ..... maybe there could be fanfictions or books, if the guy isn't interested to make a show of it.
  2. Hello, I have a simple question. Everywhere online it is mentionned that the MEGAROAD 01 has disappeared around 2016. I have just finished to watch the whole series, oav's and movies and it is nowhere mentionned ... Where do people know that, what is the source of this information? (btw, could be a good start for a new show ... they've been "folded" into the future and reappears sometime after 2060 ...)
  3. Yes, that's what I was going to do Thanks!
  4. I personnaly don't like the idea of none of the series/oav's are in the same "universe" or "reality". This concept can be innovative, well-thought or anything, it breaks something to me .... I am very disappointed .... I loved Macross, the first tv show (jut watched the whole series last week, never watched it before) and for me it's the "real" thing ... I wanted to continue watching it as a sequel but this stuff confuse me ... So far I've only watched the 5 first episodes of Macross 7, and despite the Exsedol problem, I like it. But contrarily to many people, these songs annoy me, I don't like them, ... worst when Basara sing, it looks fake to me, the face and the lips doesn't fit the song. Anyway... Thanks for this article, I now have the answers, ....
  5. Thanks for the link, I'll be reading!
  6. Thank you very much for clearing this up. I guess, Macross 7 isn't really in the same universe than both the movie and the old show ... It's a bit confusing ....
  7. Hello, I just finished to watch the original Macross TV show, then the movie and Macross Plus, now I start to watch Macross 7 and there's something wrong there ... The Zentradi Excedol, in the TV show, is a red hair guy that has become a micron, and in the movie it's a giant green dude with a big brain on the head. I thought Macross 7 was a sequel to the TV SHOW, not to the movie, so why is Excedol designed as the giant from the movie??? What a nonsense!!!? If the movie is supposed to be an internal movie in the saga, why is excedol designed as this big head from the movie??? Shouldn't he be the red hair guy instead of this??? It makes no sense to me ... are they mixing the tv-show and the movie? It's not the same story, this has no sense ...... Thanks in advance for the answer. Excedol from the original TV show: Excedol from the movie: Excedol from Macross 7:
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