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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. ouch! That one even hurts me....
  2. If you ask me, I'd say he was stupid in the first place for thinking something like that wouldn't get leaked. where the fux is that Breetai facepalm pic? now would be a perfect time for it. ah too bad couldnt find that picture ah well, this one works too!
  3. the live action RT movie aint getting made its just another project stuck in development hell
  4. No GIANT tits? NO cleavage? okay...what happened to the real Tommy Yune? either way not really impressed
  5. saw it and definitely liked it =D kinda slow paced at first but it picks up so much better than those god awful AVP films I plan on seeing it again this week.
  6. beats me... I just hope Tommy Baffoon isn't the character designer this time.... his character art is atrocious since this is "supposedly" Macek's idea I am a tad bit curious.. and I hope they can get some REAL artists involved this time.
  7. but I can't help but pity the poor fools....
  8. sad truth aint it?
  9. OMFGGGG NO WAI!!!!!!!
  10. Yune's "achievement" was nothing more than a personal fanwank with a budget and while the turd was still polished and released, it's still a turd.
  11. no we dont need a friggin reboot, Hollywood does though
  12. Tommy yune took a dump in a box? Who cares about that? OH my bad, the lunatic fringe =D
  13. I'd say no since there isn't a big demand for Robotech toys in the first place... mainly because the fanbase isn't as large as some would assume, and Robotech isn't mainstream or well known and popular as Transformers is. but, this is just my two-cents *shrug*
  14. I think you just crushed his dream =P
  15. Sam Neill as Charles Bromley from Daybreakers was a pretty interesting villain so was Kaufman played by Dennis Hopper from Land of the Dead... aw heck Dennis Hopper has always played some great villains, even as king koopa from the god awful live action mario brothers movie lol
  16. I hear Sid had a cameo and was supposed to be the garbage man? Was voiced by the same VA too now I need to see it again lol
  17. saw it today and oh god it was soooo good! Like others are saying it is pretty dark in some parts but other than that, its no secret that the target audience of this film are those who grew up with the other two, lots of nostalgia references I definitely loved it and would even see it again
  18. seeing this today =D sooo excited
  19. yes, although I think those voices of his were sexy
  20. I wouldn't touch it to burn it prelude has always been crap, I'll stick to the older comics thank you very much... and yes -sigh- even the comico ones
  21. From my personal experience let me just say that Robotech was what I was first exposed to back then. I also didn't know the truth about the show till much later, but by then I had already become attached to it. Yes I know there is a lot of silly and retarded things about it, but hell that's why I grew to love it. It is what it is, and there's just no other way to look at it. I would never compare it with the original shows or vice versa because they aren't the same thing and there's just no point in comparing them either. If you like robotech, then you like it, if you prefer the originals? Then that's just the way it is. I know plenty of people hate robotech but I would never condemn them for it, and why? Cause its their personal opinion, and I respect that. Heck I'm an avid RT fan and I STILL laugh at some of the RT bashing that goes on here. Why? Again because I don't take this crap seriously, nor do I get offended if others hate something I like.
  22. yeah I heard about that remake as well, but I forget who was going to be behind it
  23. yeah I agree with you on the trailers, how it appears to look like some slash-fest horror flick. I'm glad to find out that its not and there's more to it, and with that being said I really want to see it for myself.
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