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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. The CG from syfy originals puts TSC to shame
  2. The RT live action movie isn't going to happen, there just isn't enough interest and the whole 80s cartoon fad is pretty much over. People are already bored with it as it is. A RT live action movie wouldn't even do that well today either for that matter. People who have never heard of robotech would claim it is just a Transformers rip off which would only end in moar drama. Anyways, there's been nothing recent about the movie not even announced at comic con. So what does that tell us? There isn't going to be a movie but HG doesn't want the fans to know for obvious reasons. Then again the fans should be thankful there isn't going to be a movie, it would just be plain horrible. I've said this before and I'll say it again...... not everything translates well to live action, and if cartoons were meant to be live action they wouldn't have been F******! cartoons in the first place.
  3. It was me that threw the water bottle!
  4. y'all are giving me nightmares with all the talk about fusing uglies together
  5. Pass! I already feel like vomiting........don't want it to actually HAPPEN!
  6. Truth! 8 additional minutes? what are they going to cram that "baleeted" sex scene in it or something?
  7. I don't hate the sentinels, but I agree it wasn't the greatest, but neither was the TV series. I love RT for what it is, cheesy generic scifi. Carl wasn't a creative genius or anything but he could tell a better story than Tommy ever could. However that is just my personal opinion on the matter.
  8. halo legos? holy shiz, my boyfriend will poo bricks when I tell him.......hes such a typical fanboy =P
  9. that's a problem when it comes to Hollywood, the turds always get the green light
  10. I feel the same..WHY oh WHY?
  11. end of the circle lol
  12. okay maybe THIS is worse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK8QNsW9Z5k
  13. LOL makes you wonder huh? also saw "Sharktopus" trailer...my god I couldn't get through the whole thing it was that BAD why can't SYFY donate money to help feed starving people instead of wasting it on these stupid movies? then again, the people would still starve...........the budget for these films is at least 10 bucks =X
  14. Nope, this is the first I've heard of it, gonna check the trailer now
  15. just watched the trailer again, I couldn't tell it was him at first =O
  16. Now that is TOO funny......stop it! You're making me want to see it now XD
  17. You're so right about that!
  18. yep sure is! He might be the movies only redeeming quality
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW5_4gZ0Jn4&feature=fvst This is going to be the worst movie of the summer, anyone else agree? Why did this movie need a remake anyways? The original was just as stupid....
  20. From what I gather that predator was tied up because he isn't worthy of being killed by the others, and to have him tied up and humiliated as such is a worse punishment than death.
  21. ah so it was the same big fat helping of "same poo, different con"?
  22. definitely typecasted
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